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With the season drawing to a close how disappointed are you?


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As a lifelong Jet fan I knew the mountain of preseason hype was a recipe for disaster so expected Rogers to go down early, just not that early. So I was setting the bar low from the beginning. Looking at the standings today the real sad part is ifour 6-9 record was only 2 wins better at 8-7 we would be fighting for last wildcard.

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There were quite a few head scratchers made by saleh as the season wore on.  I think he was overwhelmed by the injuries and just didn’t know that simply plugging in oline players doesn’t work.  He should’ve just set the line up with and not try to have a revolving door.  I get that the injuries meant putting players in positions they didn’t know but then he also kept Tomlinson and becton on the left side and they were bad.  And then even thinking Boyle could start was stupid.  They had siemian and only brought him in when Boyle got launched.

 Unfortunately he’s going to be coach on a very hot seat next season.  I suspect the players know he’s going to be out and I can see a few go through the motions instead of buying into his peace and love bs.

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It’s more frustrating that the Jets continue to miss the mark on timing of when to fire a HC and draft position for a QB. 
Ben Johnson will be legit IMO and we’ll hold off on that race because of a mulligan. 
Next years crop will prob be failed HCs. 

Jayden Daniels will be right there for us and no, we’ll pass on him because we gotta go all in. 

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The Jets are 6-9.  They could easily be 9-6 if they handled the QB position correctly-having a backup other than Zach Wilson, playing Siemian sooner.  

I don’t if that gets us to the playoffs anyway, or wins a game.  Maybe we are better off as is with the better draft pick.  But there is absolutely no question that this team significantly underachieved this season, even given its issues on the OL.  There was enough elite talent to counterbalance the extreme deficiencies.  I think that tells you something about how to build a team in the NFL.

Assuming my theory that Woody wanted Wilson as QB2, this season, and the empty seats, fewer parking tickets and beers sold, is mostly on Woody.   

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1 hour ago, CSNY said:

For me this season was one of the worst. 
The talent assembled on this team for the season brought a genuine sense that the team would go far in the playoffs 
A season that started out with so much hope and potential to come crashing down within the first dam four offensive plays was just hard to take. 
Being only a mere tyke of 11 years old when Joe guaranteed the win and now 65 I thought for sure the football gods would smile down on us long suffering fans, that this was the year. 
I still think Keep this team intact as best they can , get some reliable talent on the o line along with a really solid #2 WR this team can go far in the 2024 season 

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night 

Feels worse everytime 

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As a Mets fan, remembering the preseason hype about them and their rotation led by Scherzer and Verlander, my expectations were tempered when thinking about a season with a 40yo QB.

I took under 9 1/2 wins before the season began, but not in my wildest dreams did I think Rodgers wouldn’t last one offensive series. 4 plays was a cruel reminder that like with the Mets, things just never work out for this team. Most of that is self inflicted, but a lot of it seems predestined.

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18 minutes ago, Biggs said:

I've learned to enjoy and embrace the suck.  

In all seriousness, this is where I’m at now also. I enjoy the rare wins, but now I’m able to laugh at the bad losses and ineptitude.

After 50+ years, I turn a deaf ear to “winning the offseason”propaganda. I realize this organization will probably never get it right.
The AFC is loaded with really good young QBs, and until we get one, we’re never going to compete. Going all in with a QB in his 40’s was a fool’s errand. This was half a team, we were never one player away.

C’est La vie.

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Definitely a bummer.

I do think the offense, in theory, wasn't terribly set up before the season started. Losing Davis as the number 2 hurt. I still feel the O line is talented enough not to suck this bad and I think it falls squarely on scheme and coaching. 

Anyway, before this turns into a rambling diatribe of the same stuff that gets repeated ad nauseam on here, yes, I was pretty disappointed and had high hopes for the season but as much as I love football it ranks pretty low on the scale of importance in my life. I'd much rather have that peace and love BS.

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The Jets are 6-9.  They could easily be 9-6 if they handled the QB position correctly-having a backup other than Zach Wilson, playing Siemian sooner.  
I don’t if that gets us to the playoffs anyway, or wins a game.  Maybe we are better off as is with the better draft pick.  But there is absolutely no question that this team significantly underachieved this season, even given its issues on the OL.  There was enough elite talent to counterbalance the extreme deficiencies.  I think that tells you something about how to build a team in the NFL.
Assuming my theory that Woody wanted Wilson as QB2, this season, and the empty seats, fewer parking tickets and beers sold, is mostly on Woody.   
I'm not so sure ... Siemian did ok yesterday while Washington was giving up so many early Xmas presents, then Trevor returned the favour and let them back into it. He got lucky that Washington decided to play so soft on D on that last drive or we're talking today about an epic collapse.

Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk

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