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Russini and Rosenblatt: 2023 Jets a dysfunctional mess; Saleh paranoid, Hackett lazy, Zach a tittybaby

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3 hours ago, rex-n-effect said:

Benigno went on Tiki's show and said he got a text from Saleh mid-year listing all those coaches and then named several out of the text. It's one thing to think Benigno was making up texts from Saleh but another to think Benigno spent time researching a made up text. I don't think Saleh ever denied sending those texts.

I think I have mentioned this before, but I am not 100% certain. I have seen text messages from Robert Saleh that he wrote and if they were posted, it would blow up beyond belief. We don't do click-bait stuff here, and none of what I saw was X and O's related so I just kind of shook my head. Silly stuff, commenting on the team's chances of winning an upcoming game.

The stuff I saw was from non football people, which honestly makes it worse. Football people have access to stuff and depending on how things are going there will always be an axe to grind.

When your own friend group is doing it, that is bad. Really bad.

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2 hours ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

The reason I think ZW will have trade value is that multiple teams will want him and will end up bidding against each other.  While people on here think ZW stinks, I'm sure NFL GMs and talent evaluators still see the things that got him drafted #2 overall.  Plus they all know that the Jets are a sh-t organization with a terrible OL, only 1 NFL caliber WR and an embarrassingly bad HC/OC.

Your since-midseason relentless agenda to prove Zach Wilson is salvageable and bears zero responsibility for his own failings (it’s everybody else’s fault) is borderline quixotic. 🙃😳

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6 hours ago, Hex said:

He almost certainly posts here. If I had to put my money on somebody, probably @Joe W. Namath. The amount of times he referenced "Best owner in the league" was a little fishy if you ask me.

If he does post here please point him to my Patrick Mahomes thread and tell him I feel very similar about Jayden Daniels though I will not create another thread the way I did Mahomes (will just be a waste of time).

Also tell him to DM me for my Venmo and where he can send my consulting fee.

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1 hour ago, Maxman said:

I think I have mentioned this before, but I am not 100% certain. I have seen text messages from Robert Saleh that he wrote and if they were posted, it would blow up beyond belief. We don't do click-bait stuff here, and none of what I saw was X and O's related so I just kind of shook my head. Silly stuff, commenting on the team's chances of winning an upcoming game.

The stuff I saw was from non football people, which honestly makes it worse. Football people have access to stuff and depending on how things are going there will always be an axe to grind.

When your own friend group is doing it, that is bad. Really bad.

Salads looks badly exposed here.

His blather about “keeping the main thing the main thing” and “PVO” rings completely hollow at this point.

Saleh comes off as a paranoid schizophrenic chiefly concerned with his job security over than anything else.

It’s like ok you lost your starting QB, so your response is to basically give up, and instead of game planning or trying to fix your pathetic freaking offense, you spend your time researching excuses to roll out for your pressers? 

J-O-K-E joke joke joke 

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8 hours ago, doitny said:

ok lets see what we have here...

The Athletic spoke to 30 sources in and around the organization, some of whom were granted anonymity to speak freely about the inner workings of the team without reprisal

who gave them permission to talk to the Athletic without getting in trouble?




This is an odd and confusing statement from the Athletic. I think they mean that they(the publication) granted the promise of anonymity to those sources although I think you’ve read it as someone in the organisation did? 

I mean of course they did, that’s how they are ‘sources’ ….that’s how an off-the-record expose like this works.
I’ve not read the article fully but they have named about a dozen people and attributed quotes to them but every single one is an in-season quote that’s been in the public domain for weeks. There are no ‘fresh’ attributed quotes that I can see. Rodgers on the Pat McAfee show, Garrett after a tough mid-season loss. Sauce too…..etc etc

So I suspect they are including those in their 30 sources, which is somewhat disingenuous to say the least, but then that, sadly, is how a lot of journalism works, oversell to grab headlines, sex it up…..naughty, but not at all surprising, it’s 90% of what passes for journalism today.

Some of those sources might have answered their phone, passed the time of day, exchanged some pleasantries and then said that on balance they have no comment to make or worse/better “actually, I thought we had a really tight group this year and things aren’t as bad as you are making out” …that counts as one of the 30 sources you spoke to, but hey, just leave that bit out because to paraphrase the old saying “don’t let that awkward fact get in the way of our good story”

believe me this happens, 

I’m not suggesting that this is all made up and entirely false. Far from it. In fact I’d say there’s enough plausibility in here that at the very least there are some embers, if not a wee bit of fire, to go with all that smoke but equally I wouldn’t get hung up on the ‘30 sources’ part of this as you can easily inflate those numbers with a bit of smoke and mirrors.

What’s clear is that after yet another failed season, a no longer favourable cap situation, and no haul of high draft picks to fall back on as in previous years (it’s a lot harder to sell off all your own family silver if you are Joe Douglas, it was so much easer when it was Mike Maccagnans fault!) that all is far from well at 1JD….not surprising, there’s probably similar dysfunction up and down the league, particularly, but not exclusively, where losing seasons and playoff droughts have taken hold.

Anyway, apologies for the long winded explanation that I think we may be misreading that as someone (Woody, Douglas) in the organisation has personally cleared people to speak with anonymity other than the reporters doing so, which is standard operation and stating the bleedin’ obvious.

Having said all that. Joe Douglas comes off as curiously unscathed in all if this…..hmmmm 

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20 hours ago, JetPotato said:

By the way, every single one of you should join in the parade of people that encourage Woody to sell on his Twitter feed every single time he posts until he breaks. Might not ever happen, but you now know without a shadow of a doubt that it bothers him. Which he deserves. 

Every. Single. One. Do it. It feels nice.

I nominate @BP to coordinate this effort.

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20 hours ago, Rob Moore said:

Reporters post negative stuff about Jets—they’re doing their job.

Reporters post something positive—it’s a fluff article, Jets propaganda.

She’s the only reporter that’s been running with this story for weeks.

This attitude of enjoyment that so many of you get when the team gets bashed is weird.  I know it’s a means to an end for many of you that want every single person fired.  But I’m sorry, it’s weird.

Plus it’ll only be a matter of time that everyone turns on the new regime. 

Maybe I just need to try to stay out of negative threads and let the diseased fans enjoy the team bashing, which is the pinnacle of their fandom. 

Enjoy your fantasy land bubble where everything is gonna be fine.  

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19 hours ago, Matt39 said:

For a team who was ready to win this season, and the fans were told as such, finding out why Zach Wilson was allowed to sabotage the season is something worth finding out. Every single person (besides Woody apparently) knew he could not play. The 2023 season was a complete waste of time. Multiple other organizations pivoted once their starting QB went down. The Jets did not. The Jets now have cap issues, will likely lose Bryce Huff and are guaranteed nothing with a year older Rodgers coming off a major injury next season. 

Precisely.  This roster had the capability of winning a division title with a Gardner Minshew caliber QB under center, yet the org did nothing to prevent Zach Wilson from being the unquestioned QB2 and then QB1 despite endless opportunities to do otherwise, and which many of us were calling for since June.

It was a disgusting waste of a year that didn’t have to be.  Chasing the first home playoff game since 2002 and 3rd since 1987 would have been nice.  But….Jets.

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22 hours ago, T0mShane said:

Newsy autopsy of the 2023 season. A lot of these storylines were predictable and transparent, but it’s good to see them confirmed. Some highlights:


—Hackett was lazy as sh*t, didn’t watch a lot of film, didn’t communicate with his offensive staff, and only took advice from Aaron Rodgers on in-game adjustments.

—Rodgers abandoned Zach halfway through the season. Zach thought he’d have a “direct line” to Rodgers, but it ended up not being the case. Zach and Rodgers weren’t talking toward the end when the whole “reluctant to play again” thing came down. 

—Zach was embittered by Hackett and Saleh constantly slurping Rodgers’ nuts and treating Zach like a side chick until Rodgers was supposedly going to return. 

—Woody was being influenced by fan and media criticism of the team he read on Twitter and would confront Saleh with it. (lolololol)

—Saleh is portrayed as a true bitch in this article—blamed Zach for everything going wrong, saying that getting to 8 wins with Zach would “be a miracle.” Was obsessively paranoid about being fired and wanted Rodgers and Johnson to endorse him for the 2024 season. Most hilariously, Saleh confronted his offensive coaches about the “reluctant to play” Zach leak, and was apparently laughed out of the room:



More inspiration for woody going into 2024. Woody was inspired about how this great 2023 team came together during training camp. Things can get lower! The Jets have the leadership in place to completely bottom out.


lol at woody confronting people “I used to go to the bank with my mommy when I was 25” :rl: 


Season ticket holders are inspired by the huge price hike.

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16 hours ago, football guy said:

Creepy and disturbing? You have a grateful dead/pink floyd avatar and a fish in your bio. You also don't have a life lol. Move along gramps 

I concede that he may have "started" with the internet insider jab, but is it necessary for you to go to Defcon 4 every single time you feel slighted?

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16 hours ago, football guy said:

All it does is validate my beliefs that you sit in your mother's basement, waiting at the opportunity to start arguments over the internet no less lol. Mind your business, go for a run, touch some grass. Maybe get a job (p.s. I can afford to be on here; I own my own company. What do you do?) 

I also own my own company and sometimes listen to Pink Floyd at the office. 

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21 hours ago, Mogglez said:

I heard absolutely none of this during, or following, this season and I do not like this regime so there’s no agenda for me to build or defend.

This will fly under the radar because people have already made up their minds on what will transpire next season and this just reinforces their confirmation bias, but there are a lot of reasons that Taylor Embree was fired.  He did not “go quietly into that good night” either.  Based on what I know about him, I would bet every dime of my wedding savings that this came from him.

I can tell you with 100% percent certainty that the “taking cell phones” story is complete bullsh*t, as well as the “Wilson had no line to Rodgers” part of the article.  I’ll work on corroborating the rest, but I suspect it will be the same.


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4 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

Mogglez, I love you so much. More than any two men have loved another. My issue with you on this one is that Rosenblatt/Russini put together this extensively (anonymously!) sourced report and you’re like “My anonymous source says everything in this reporting is a lie.” Can you be more specific about the things that are presumably lies? Because the two things you offered—“Hackett isn’t lazy, per se, it’s just that the org is going to bring in more guys to do his job,” and “While Woody is obsessed with social media, he’s not influenced by it and he doesn’t share those opinions around the building.” Both of which seem more like an interpretation issue and not so much a truth issue. 

Wut? @JustInFudge jealousy is a wasted emotion T0m! 

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Here's my thoughts with 0 credibility to them. Just my opinions.


I think when a team is losing things get off the rails. And when you don't have a PROVEN vet coach to keep things tight, leaks will happen. We've been a losing team for over a decade now. So things start snowballing year after year of losing and coaches, players, and pretty much anyone in the organizations patience starts running thin. We've seen this with Moore last year as a clear example. Wilson not owning up for playing bad against NE that got him benched. Carter got cut which IMO had something to do with his attitude (remember he was backing Moore a bunch during his way out). These things really don't happen on well coached teams that are winning. We right now have neither of those 2. So these things are bound to happen.


Now about leaks. This for me ties into the above. When your losing and frustrated emotions go and people do stupid things. Boyle appeared to be a leak to info which inevitably got him cut. We've fired Hogan and a few other coaches in the last few days. I imagine that wasn't just bc we wanted to move on. That they were running there mouths as well. Once again when your not winning and don't have a coach that has earned respect with his resume... these things will happen


Now to Russini. For me she is just garbage. She wants clicks and makes stuff up. Rodgers hurt her feelings last year when he said she has no clue what's she's doing pretty much. So it's clear as day that she has an agenda to make him and this organization look bad. And will exaggerate things and even make things up to do that. There's really nothing we can do about that. JD and Saleh can have a press conference calling her out and say she's lying, but that wont happen. So I'd just take anything she says with knowing her agenda is to make Rodgers and the Jets look bad.


Lastly not to play the I told you so game... but the root of all this is Wilson. And besides his awful response after the NE game last year. It's not him as a person. It's more that he's just not good. We should have never drafted him. I was a HUGE person saying I didn't like him as a player. I wanted Fields bc I thought his floor was higher. How a QB plays pretty much defines how good you are in the NFL these days. We have an elite defense and we've seen that with an elite defense and awful QB play that the ceiling for a team built that way is about 7 wins. We swung big and added Rodgers. Still a great move IMO. The mess up was not getting a backup QB that's proven. And this is all in hindsight. Go look at Rodgers playing career and see how many games he's missed. He wasn't exactly this injury prone player that we better have insurance for. So when Rodgers freakishly got injured and we went to Wilson. It gets players frustrated. Because they see how bad he is. But we have to remember that he was never supposed to touch the ball this year. So a guy like Garrett Wilson venting is ok. Bc he seemed to have the smarts when venting to know with a healthy Rodgers this team is good. But that doesn't make his 1st 2 years not suck bc he had awful QB play.

This awful QB play affects coaches. They have high expectations with a HOF MVP QB and see us go to an awful QB and everything changes. So there confidence plummets. So the play calling gets worse. Which makes the players pissed off. Which then the media will prowl on. It's a cycle and we're in the middle of it.


Sadly the only thing to get out of this is winning. So we hopefully have a healthy Rodgers next season, upgrade the OL and get another weapon or 2. And the wins should start coming in if we can stay healthy.

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So I’m listening to Kay and let me get this correct:

-Rodgers goes on his show and tells pat that they need to find the rat in the building

-Saleh then calls a meeting and tells the staff: “who’s ever leaking tell me now and you won’t be in trouble, and I’m also taking phones”

Wow I didn’t realize this was in the article yesterday because I was focused on the other bits

but DAMN

WTF do we have going on here ???


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This tells me all I ever needed to know about Woody, and it's not like I didn't have this revelation before.... Woody doesn't get it and never will. If he allows this kind of stuff to keep festering in the media then if I were him (that would mean he needed to be competent), I'd fire everyone even though I told them they were safe. There is no reason to continue to allow your franchise to be the laughing stock of the NFL. If you can't make a decision based on who should lead this franchise going forward, then look at the most successful teams and make a phone call to ask them for help. I get that's a bit of a red flag, but what would it take for him to reach out to the Chiefs organization and say, help me find a good POFO. Then after that I'd say you have 3 years to make this team winnable, and sit back and say nothing. It's not like Woody doesn't have the money to relax.

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On 1/31/2024 at 7:17 AM, The Crusher said:

Nice recap. But, none of it is a surprise like at all. The real awful part is it’s not over yet and next year it’s all just going to get worse. They say winning cures all ills but this team is well past that in my opinion. Nothing but old fashion bleach, taking the trash to the curb and starting over is going to fix this reactionary mess of total and complete  incompetence.  

We don't  need a total rebuild. I don't  even know if we need to do anything aside from getting a competent OL that isn't  suffering  injury after injury. Having an OL like KC's would fix a lot of things. I didn't  read the article, just what was written here but JD has failed this team way more than anyone Tom pointed out. It is year 4 and the OL is still one of the worst in the NFL. Becton is gone, AVT we hope will stay on the field,  And Tippman looks like the only guy that can be relied on. This team needs OL talent like nobodies business. Zach was also a problem. I don't know how anyone can be critical of Saleh for thinking winning with Zach is near impossible. 

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57 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

Mogglez, I love you so much. More than any two men have loved another. My issue with you on this one is that Rosenblatt/Russini put together this extensively (anonymously!) sourced report and you’re like “My anonymous source says everything in this reporting is a lie.” Can you be more specific about the things that are presumably lies? Because the two things you offered—“Hackett isn’t lazy, per se, it’s just that the org is going to bring in more guys to do his job,” and “While Woody is obsessed with social media, he’s not influenced by it and he doesn’t share those opinions around the building.” Both of which seem more like an interpretation issue and not so much a truth issue. 

Any word on Zach Wilson

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32 minutes ago, Bobby816 said:

Here's my thoughts with 0 credibility to them. Just my opinions.


I think when a team is losing things get off the rails. And when you don't have a PROVEN vet coach to keep things tight, leaks will happen. We've been a losing team for over a decade now. So things start snowballing year after year of losing and coaches, players, and pretty much anyone in the organizations patience starts running thin. We've seen this with Moore last year as a clear example. Wilson not owning up for playing bad against NE that got him benched. Carter got cut which IMO had something to do with his attitude (remember he was backing Moore a bunch during his way out). These things really don't happen on well coached teams that are winning. We right now have neither of those 2. So these things are bound to happen.


Now about leaks. This for me ties into the above. When your losing and frustrated emotions go and people do stupid things. Boyle appeared to be a leak to info which inevitably got him cut. We've fired Hogan and a few other coaches in the last few days. I imagine that wasn't just bc we wanted to move on. That they were running there mouths as well. Once again when your not winning and don't have a coach that has earned respect with his resume... these things will happen


Now to Russini. For me she is just garbage. She wants clicks and makes stuff up. Rodgers hurt her feelings last year when he said she has no clue what's she's doing pretty much. So it's clear as day that she has an agenda to make him and this organization look bad. And will exaggerate things and even make things up to do that. There's really nothing we can do about that. JD and Saleh can have a press conference calling her out and say she's lying, but that wont happen. So I'd just take anything she says with knowing her agenda is to make Rodgers and the Jets look bad.


Lastly not to play the I told you so game... but the root of all this is Wilson. And besides his awful response after the NE game last year. It's not him as a person. It's more that he's just not good. We should have never drafted him. I was a HUGE person saying I didn't like him as a player. I wanted Fields bc I thought his floor was higher. How a QB plays pretty much defines how good you are in the NFL these days. We have an elite defense and we've seen that with an elite defense and awful QB play that the ceiling for a team built that way is about 7 wins. We swung big and added Rodgers. Still a great move IMO. The mess up was not getting a backup QB that's proven. And this is all in hindsight. Go look at Rodgers playing career and see how many games he's missed. He wasn't exactly this injury prone player that we better have insurance for. So when Rodgers freakishly got injured and we went to Wilson. It gets players frustrated. Because they see how bad he is. But we have to remember that he was never supposed to touch the ball this year. So a guy like Garrett Wilson venting is ok. Bc he seemed to have the smarts when venting to know with a healthy Rodgers this team is good. But that doesn't make his 1st 2 years not suck bc he had awful QB play.

This awful QB play affects coaches. They have high expectations with a HOF MVP QB and see us go to an awful QB and everything changes. So there confidence plummets. So the play calling gets worse. Which makes the players pissed off. Which then the media will prowl on. It's a cycle and we're in the middle of it.


Sadly the only thing to get out of this is winning. So we hopefully have a healthy Rodgers next season, upgrade the OL and get another weapon or 2. And the wins should start coming in if we can stay healthy.

Going after Zach like Moore and Boyle did was an immediate ticket off the team. Woodys relationship with Wilson has undermined everything in the organization. Everything else is noise.

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29 minutes ago, Bobby816 said:

Here's my thoughts with 0 credibility to them. Just my opinions.


I think when a team is losing things get off the rails. And when you don't have a PROVEN vet coach to keep things tight, leaks will happen. We've been a losing team for over a decade now. So things start snowballing year after year of losing and coaches, players, and pretty much anyone in the organizations patience starts running thin. We've seen this with Moore last year as a clear example. Wilson not owning up for playing bad against NE that got him benched. Carter got cut which IMO had something to do with his attitude (remember he was backing Moore a bunch during his way out). These things really don't happen on well coached teams that are winning. We right now have neither of those 2. So these things are bound to happen.


Now about leaks. This for me ties into the above. When your losing and frustrated emotions go and people do stupid things. Boyle appeared to be a leak to info which inevitably got him cut. We've fired Hogan and a few other coaches in the last few days. I imagine that wasn't just bc we wanted to move on. That they were running there mouths as well. Once again when your not winning and don't have a coach that has earned respect with his resume... these things will happen


Now to Russini. For me she is just garbage. She wants clicks and makes stuff up. Rodgers hurt her feelings last year when he said she has no clue what's she's doing pretty much. So it's clear as day that she has an agenda to make him and this organization look bad. And will exaggerate things and even make things up to do that. There's really nothing we can do about that. JD and Saleh can have a press conference calling her out and say she's lying, but that wont happen. So I'd just take anything she says with knowing her agenda is to make Rodgers and the Jets look bad.


Lastly not to play the I told you so game... but the root of all this is Wilson. And besides his awful response after the NE game last year. It's not him as a person. It's more that he's just not good. We should have never drafted him. I was a HUGE person saying I didn't like him as a player. I wanted Fields bc I thought his floor was higher. How a QB plays pretty much defines how good you are in the NFL these days. We have an elite defense and we've seen that with an elite defense and awful QB play that the ceiling for a team built that way is about 7 wins. We swung big and added Rodgers. Still a great move IMO. The mess up was not getting a backup QB that's proven. And this is all in hindsight. Go look at Rodgers playing career and see how many games he's missed. He wasn't exactly this injury prone player that we better have insurance for. So when Rodgers freakishly got injured and we went to Wilson. It gets players frustrated. Because they see how bad he is. But we have to remember that he was never supposed to touch the ball this year. So a guy like Garrett Wilson venting is ok. Bc he seemed to have the smarts when venting to know with a healthy Rodgers this team is good. But that doesn't make his 1st 2 years not suck bc he had awful QB play.

This awful QB play affects coaches. They have high expectations with a HOF MVP QB and see us go to an awful QB and everything changes. So there confidence plummets. So the play calling gets worse. Which makes the players pissed off. Which then the media will prowl on. It's a cycle and we're in the middle of it.


Sadly the only thing to get out of this is winning. So we hopefully have a healthy Rodgers next season, upgrade the OL and get another weapon or 2. And the wins should start coming in if we can stay healthy.

It's the easiest thing in the world to just blame ZW.  Even though I'm one of the few who still thinks he might be good, I'll play along with your premise that, essentially, "it's all ZW's fault".   

Well, how is it not also JD's fault for not having (or bringing in) a better backup QB?   Joe Flacco was available and we saw what he did for Cleveland, right?  (I know we had him on our team previously and he stunk for us, btw.  Which, to me, yet again points to the problem being the Jets, but I digress)

How is it not Robert Saleh's fault for not benching ZW and putting in a better replacement sooner?  Or if he wasn't allowed to bench him (e.g. due to Woody and/or JD), how about doing a better job (both he and Hackett) coaching him up or scheming around him?  For example, how about some designed runs?  How about more rollouts?  How about at least mixing in Brownlee for some of ZW's starts (it felt like he was inactive every time ZW started) to see if there was any chemistry?  Saleh/Hackett's whole approach felt incredibly defeatist.  We saw in both the KC and Texans' games that there was absolutely something there to work with.

It's not like the entire team should've been paralyzed.  Mike Tomlin and Kevin Stefanski both did outstanding jobs with their backup QBs in there.  I've said it before but if Tomlin ever is available, Woody needs to offer him whatever it takes to get him here.

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