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Anyone been to Buffalo vs Jets game?


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40 minutes ago, hawk said:

Thinking about a spontaneous trip out with the wife.

Friendly or are they like Jets fans?

Some of the nicest fans I have been around. Of course, there will be a few hecklers and drunks, but really good people, for the most part. I was alone up there and walking through the parking lot and I was invited to multiple tailgates and shared our mutual hatred for the Pats and Dolphins. Real fans. 

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42 minutes ago, hawk said:

Thinking about a spontaneous trip out with the wife.

Friendly or are they like Jets fans?

They were terrible. Didn't feel unsafe but I went with my gf at the time and we had a great time but if you don't like weed you will smell it on her way in and out.

The fans were rude all game talking smack. Nothing too bad to me but there was a guy with his kid and they were cussing while talking smack and got drunker as the game went on so it was pretty bad. 

Jets pulled a comeback win so all the bills fan left before the game ended and it was a great feeling seeing them do the walk of shame and start talking smack about their own team

 I would not bring kid that is for sure. Not very family friendly. But adult you are good.

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29 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

Used to live up that way and went to the Jets game every year. Fans were pretty nice. The only time I ever saw anything boil over was when some drunken Jets bros tried doing the Fireman Ed thing where one dude got up on another dude’s shoulders and started doing the J-E-T-S chant. Before the bros got to the “E,” someone had launched a tall boy of Bud heavy from twenty rows back and knocked the upper dude off the lower dude like it was duckpin bowling. Pretty good shot, I must say. 

Those Tonawanda girls can really throw.

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13 hours ago, GKnight83 said:


Fans there are great. There will be Jet fans there. If you have the chance get a reservation at the Mulberry Cafe in Lakawanna. The lasagna has been voted the best in NY a couple times. It’s a small place but by far the best restaurant in the Buffalo area.

Sent from my iPhone using JetNation.com mobile app


Hello friend and thank you. 

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I went to the chargers/bills game in 2006 in Buffalo.


Drunk lunatics everywhere. Lots of embarrassing behavior. Nothing traumatic or anything like that and we definitely had fun, but it was also far from my favorite stadium experience. 

I think the biggest factor is if you happen to be surrounded by drunk people or not. 

It’s always been hilarious to me that they thought alcohol was the one drug that should be legal, as opposed to weed 

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Lived in buffalo for a month during football season some years back. Town is pretty bills obsessed and their fans quite annoying and usually drunk off their asses 24-7. I mean if I had to live in buffalo year around I def be sauced as well. Never been in the stadium. It looks like a high school stadium from the outside. Not a whole lot going on around either 

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‘ 86 opener. Jim Kellys first game I think. I was a student at RIT and everyone I knew was from Buffalo. 

I went with a dozen bills fans. Didn’t wear any jets stuff. 

Kenny O hit one eye for 80 and I couldn’t help it i I stood up and cheered. 

profanity and objects inbound! 

the stadium is in like a suburban neighborhood.  So strange coming from Long Island to see it 

there have been lots of videos coming out of vicious  fights every nfl weekend. 

Just don’t ask for it and you should be fine. 

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I went last year which was also after we beat them earlier in the season. No problems at all and if you do hear an occasional smack talk just smile and laugh it off and that usually ends it. You will also see a scattering of Jets fans wherever you go so you won't feel alone.

I went with my brother in-law who is a Dallas fan and also from Long Island and a big group of his wife's family from Rochester who are all Buffalo fans. Tailgating was great but not like in NJ as it was in a small private parking lot . I watched a couple of Jets fans walking by get the J-E-T-S Suck, Suck, Suck chant from a nearby group of Buffalo fans but they laughed it off. The weather was miserable,  freezing rain and snow showers late but the second half started great and Mike White did his karate kid comeback which made it close and watchable. The weather tomorrow looks good, no rain or snow, and mid to low 30's so dress warm and you should have a great time. Also, living in Rochester I can tell you the Buffalo fan base is dejected and scared of our D which last year they were only a little nervous about but that passed and they got loud and felt relieved and vindicated after  beating us. It should be interesting to see their reaction should they lose....   Please give us an insiders report if you should go! GO JETS!!!!

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3 hours ago, Lith said:

Went to Buffalo for a game during the Rex/Sanchez era.  Was there with my son, and as we took our seats in the upper deck, wearing our Jets jerseys, a security guard walks over to us and tells me, not to worry, he will make sure we are safe.  Which is both reassuring and troubling at the same time.

A group of 4 Bills fans sits down in front of us and starts giving us sh*t.  Mostly good natured.  Beer vendor comes by and I bought them a round -- as a peace offering.  Rest of the afternoon, anyone started in with us, these 4 guys let everyone know we were okay.  We had a blast.  We also won the game which was an added bonus.

Well played!

And security guard comment was probably intentionally dubious.  But yeah... 

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now live upstate 3 hrs from Buffalo and i’ve gone to Jets Bills the  last 14 years straight 

it’s become  a yearly get together for my family

we typically Dress in full Jets geer and most Bills fans throw  just verbal insults 

Tailgates are great and inclusive of Jets fans 

Many Jets  nation tribe are present 

I’ve even brought Jets cornhole into the tailgates 

Traffic after game is brutal -Takes an hour to leave the stadium with only 1 main exit road  

never felt unsafe though like in philadelphia or NE

can see field well from any seat 

dress warm in layers -it’s Buffalo and wind chill adds extra cold 


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I went last year ... The Buffalo fans were fine .. I saw very little difference from the Jets fans. They pity Jets fans .. all appreciated Mike White till he got turned into a folding chair.

I sat next to M Carter's mom... She knew the kid was struggling.

It wasn't as cold as I expected and it was raining and snowing.

Long ride back for me in a snowstorm ...after a crushing loss.

Was a good road trip.

Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk

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On 11/17/2023 at 10:40 PM, hawk said:

Thinking about a spontaneous trip out with the wife.

Friendly or are they like Jets fans?

I’ve never been to a buffalo game in buffalo but I hangout with the fans down here and go to the buffalo vs fin games sometimes and they’re some of the best fans I’ve been around. They eat good, drink good and party their asses off. 
Fin fans unless you know them are assholes. 

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Went back when I was a kid.. probably the ‘98 or ‘99 season. Don’t really remember the game much, but I do remember us winning and this was when “Flutie Flakes” was a thing.. basically cornflakes but with Doug fluties ugly mug on the front of the cereal box. 
We beat them and I remember crushing boxes and throwing Flutie Flakes at pissed of Bills fans.. I was probably 10 years old.. 

After the game we all met the players out by where they were leaving the stadium and I remember Kyle Brady handing out cookies, Keyshawn Johnson, Marvin Jones, Mo Lewis, and Wayne Chrebet stopping to say hello, take pictures, and sign my Jets starter jacket! 
Greats memories, they were class acts! 

Jets 23 Bills 10 today. You heard it here first!



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2 minutes ago, DieHard34 said:

Went back when I was a kid.. probably the ‘98 or ‘99 season. Don’t really remember the game much, but I do remember us winning and this was when “Flutie Flakes” was a thing.. basically cornflakes but with Doug fluties ugly mug on the front of the cereal box. 
We beat them and I remember crushing boxes and throwing Flutie Flakes at pissed of Bills fans.. I was probably 10 years old.. 

After the game we all met the players out by where they were leaving the stadium and I remember Kyle Brady handing out cookies, Keyshawn Johnson, Marvin Jones, Mo Lewis, and Wayne Chrebet stopping to say hello, take pictures, and sign my Jets starter jacket! 
Greats memories, they were class acts! 

Jets 23 Bills 10 today. You heard it here first!



i remember Flutie Flakes. lol

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Been a few times, it’s the worst. Will never go again.  Saw people in jets gear getting stuff thrown on them.  People in Jets gear getting jumped in bathrooms.  Security had to escort my wife to our car. Was not safe at all. 

I live 1 1/2 hour away and all my friends that are not Bills fans won’t go see there teams there. 

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38 minutes ago, Joe Jets fan said:

Been a few times, it’s the worst. Will never go again.  Saw people in jets gear getting stuff thrown on them.  People in Jets gear getting jumped in bathrooms.  Security had to escort my wife to our car. Was not safe at all. 

I live 1 1/2 hour away and all my friends that are not Bills fans won’t go see there teams there. 

Not even saying this is specific to you -- but I don't really understand why folks wear road team's gear when going to games.

Go, quietly root for your team in normal clothes and be free of drunks, hecklers, and scumbags.

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