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Garrett Wilson unloading on the Jets in his end of season media session

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Don't hate the player, hate the game. Generally when it comes to skill position guys, the cap has made them mercenaries. Want to get rid of the cap or make way for exceptions for a few players? Fixed. Until then though can't fault a guy looking out for his bottom line. Don't see the Jets or any other owner breaking out the abacus to figure out how having a POS QB like Wilson impacted Garrett's stats and ultimately his $. Is he supposed to pretend otherwise? 

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1 minute ago, Jetsfan80 said:

lol bullsh*t.  He's a star and a high end WR1.  He's produced elite numbers with some of the worst QB play I've ever seen.  

Totally. Both seasons 1k yards with the likes of Zach Wilson, Tim Boyle, Mike White, Trevor Siemian, and some other crap QB play. He's played in all 17 games in both of his seasons while on an injury-plagued team. With a real QB he's an All-Pro.

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12 minutes ago, Lupz27 said:

When he speaks the Front Office should be listening.

Not only is it a threat to leave when he can, but it’s a not so veiled message that if they don’t fix the offense - From the starting qb to the backup qb to the OL to the playcalling to the offseason additions and subtractions - that all these guys are going to get fired.  

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12 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

lol bullsh*t.  He's a star and a high end WR1.  He's produced elite numbers with some of the worst QB play I've ever seen.  

He ranked #22 in receiving yards, #15 in receptions, and he's outside the top 75 in TDs.  Perhaps we have different definitions of "elite," but Wilson is far from it.

There are plenty of examples of wide receivers in bad offenses with bad quarterbacks putting up better numbers.  This year and in years past.

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4 minutes ago, DoubleDown said:

He ranked #22 in receiving yards, #15 in receptions, and he's outside the top 75 in TDs.  Perhaps we have different definitions of "elite," but Wilson is far from it.

There are plenty of examples of wide receivers in bad offenses with bad quarterbacks putting up better numbers.  This year and in years past.

Yes, he’s #22 in receiving yards and #15 in receptions with the #32 QB room, OL, and OC.

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Well on the bright side, either next year works out with Rodgers and Co and he puts up big numbers and he's happy, or it goes badly and we clean house and hopefully that's enough to buy us some goodwill with Garrett.  


I just don't see a scenario where Rodgers is healthy and Wilson doesn't have fun next year, even with the same sh*t coaching staff and the same sh*t OL.  Rodgers will still get his numbers(even a career low will be "elite" QB play for us) and in turn Wilson will get his.  The key is keeping Rodgers on the field.  We 100% need to add another weapon though.  Can't be throwing Garrett out there again as the one and only WR threat.

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39 minutes ago, David Harris said:

The trend of once prized players hating the organization is beyond troubling.

Jamal, Mekhi, Zach, and now Garett. Huff wants out, Sauce seems sullen, Lazard benched, Pete Kendall wants an extra million.

The Jets are toxic.

Losing Elijah Moore was a bigger loss than some might realize. Pretty good player that probably felt the same as GW does but was more vocal about it. 

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1 minute ago, slimjasi said:

Yes, he’s #22 in receiving yards and #15 in receptions with the #32 QB room, OL, and OC.

Yeah, and you don't get the label of "elite" and "star" if you are not in the top 10 in any major receiving category.  Regardless of QB or OC.

That's just the way it works.

Like I said, plenty of examples of wide receivers who put up better numbers in bad offenses with bad quarterbacks.

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3 hours ago, usanyj said:

I mean, if this isn't an indictment on Hackett, Saleh, and Douglas,, I dont know what is...This guy is a star and we are lucky we have him on the team and this is what the jets are doing to him.

The whole regime should be gone today, instead, we are running it back and trying to convince ourselves things will be different next year.


A young 23 year old player can see it, lives it and it is destroying him.   I would blame sauce and Wilson if they left immediately or held out.  

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1 hour ago, slimjasi said:

95 catches for 1,042 yards with this QB room is a pretty good year. 

First Jet with back to back 1,000 yard seasons since Keyshawn?

GW is a star. 

Damn right and no other receiving threat at all.......Might have the worst QB....OL and WR and  receiver rooms in the league, a miracle he amassed a 1000 yards when the only other "Weapon" is a TE in Conklin.......

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A passionate player demanding we need to be better rather than a HC selling a load of sh*t at every turn.

Good on you Garrett.  Calling on change in public is sometimes not the preferred script but in this case it’s warranted.

We should all be pissed and use whatever means necessary to demand the same.  Yet many fans will accept what is unacceptable and buy their season tickets, jerseys, $12 foot longs, and trinkets … and then bitch. ‘SOJ’.  You are part of the problem.

I will never give another direct dollar to this franchise until it takes winning seriously.  Heck, the games are unwatchable.  It’s been quite easy to find other things to spend my Sundays on.  

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3 hours ago, More Cowbell said:

I never understand what good it does for a player to speak like this except to maybe get the media into a frenzy. The truth is, Wilson had an up and down year. He dropped a good amount of passes. We already know we are running the same stuff next year so looking like a malcontent does nobody any good. 

95 receptions and over 1000 yards (again) with historically bad QB play. 


He's not the problem in any way. And he's 100% correct.

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30 minutes ago, DoubleDown said:

He ranked #22 in receiving yards, #15 in receptions, and he's outside the top 75 in TDs.  Perhaps we have different definitions of "elite," but Wilson is far from it.

There are plenty of examples of wide receivers in bad offenses with bad quarterbacks putting up better numbers.  This year and in years past.


21 minutes ago, DoubleDown said:

Yeah, and you don't get the label of "elite" and "star" if you are not in the top 10 in any major receiving category.  Regardless of QB or OC.

That's just the way it works.

Like I said, plenty of examples of wide receivers who put up better numbers in bad offenses with bad quarterbacks.

I see you're doubling down on your ignorant opinion. 


Staying on brand.

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Just now, Jet_Engine1 said:

95 receptions and over 1000 yards (again) with historically bad QB play. 


He's not the problem in any way. And he's 100% correct.

And his supporting cast of all other WR on this piss poor roster combined for 654 yards, that is barely passable for a #2 let alone the remaining line up of bums we threw out there and our #2 who we signed for 44 million and put up 311 yards........You think the opposing defenses had anything to worry about except GW......

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6 minutes ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

95 receptions and over 1000 yards (again) with historically bad QB play. 


He's not the problem in any way. And he's 100% correct.

Please show me where I said he was a problem? What I said is making a statement like this seems self serving and doesn't  help anyone except the media

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2 minutes ago, More Cowbell said:

Please show me where I said he was a problem? What I said is making a statement like this seems self serving and doesn't  help anyone except the media

We're on the same page, but I think hearing this from the inside,  from one of the teams top 5 players, arguably top 3 is necessary at this point. 

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28 minutes ago, DoubleDown said:

Yeah, and you don't get the label of "elite" and "star" if you are not in the top 10 in any major receiving category.  Regardless of QB or OC.

That's just the way it works.

Like I said, plenty of examples of wide receivers who put up better numbers in bad offenses with bad quarterbacks.

I don't know if "star" is the right word - what I do know is that he's an elite WR talent and the best all-around WR talent we've drafted since Al Toon. 

I'm good with whatever you want to call him. 

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3 hours ago, SomebodytoAnybody47 said:

I don't see how it's anyone but Hacketts problem. That's HIS job lol. That part is all on him. There was issues with this since early in the season. 

There's the same lack of adjustment on the defense side. There was a lack of adjustment in the offense the prior two years. Hackett isn't responsible for any of that. There's a common element and that's the head coach. Sure, the OC could decide to act differently but you're only going to openly contradict your boss so many times before you're out of a job. 

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13 minutes ago, slimjasi said:

I don't know if "star" is the right word - what I do know is that he's an elite WR talent and the best all-around WR talent we've drafted since Al Toon. 

I'm good with whatever you want to call him. 

He’s the best drafted wr here since toon like you said (sorry laverneous), and the only real shot the offense has with rodgers of saving all those guys’ jobs.  So i think garrett is smart enough to know that his words should (hopefully) lead to changes.  The entire league now knows the jets’ budding star wr hates this offense.  And woody now knows too

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GW is a tremendously talented young player, and we're extremely fortunate to have him in green & white.  That response is EXACTLY the leadership and accountability that this organization needs at all positions and every level but is obviously non-existent with the coaching staff and GM.  Those clowns should've been canned, but this dysfunctional mess of a club has crowned 40 year old Rodgers as emperor so all bets are off on how things go from here.

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Losing Elijah Moore was a bigger loss than some might realize. Pretty good player that probably felt the same as GW does but was more vocal about it. 
Thing about Moore was he made it about him personally. He was upset at not getting targets when the team was winning.

Wilson is upset about the offense as a whole - sure there is likely a personal element underneath that but he's smart enough to keep it about the team and not "me me me".

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1 hour ago, DoubleDown said:

The talent is there.  The production is not.

I keep seeing the word "star" thrown around.  If you are being objective, he hasn't proven to be anything more than a low end #1 at this stage.

Might be the worst take of 2024.

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55 minutes ago, DoubleDown said:

Yeah, and you don't get the label of "elite" and "star" if you are not in the top 10 in any major receiving category.  Regardless of QB or OC.

That's just the way it works.

Like I said, plenty of examples of wide receivers who put up better numbers in bad offenses with bad quarterbacks.

I agree he isn't yet an elite NFL WR.  There are so many elite WR in this league it's hard to be one of the 5 or 10 who really stand out.

I do think GW is an elite talent who clearly was one of the best rookie WR in the league.  He came out of a big time program with good coaching and a goal to win a National Championship every year.   He came to an NFL team with bad coaching and inferior talent around him.  A team that threw in the towel after 4 plays and gave everyone a mulligan on the season.  He has nobody to really look up and learn how to become and elite pro.   You can tell he wants to be an elite player and he's frustrated that he's with a team that hasn't given him any of the tools he needs to really achieve next level greatness.    The kid is literally screaming for help.   I wish we had a few more like him. 

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I was rooting for a Pats victory for the better draft pick,

but more importantly to hasten the removal of  the three dunces, Douglas, Saleh

and Hackett. Having always been against the pipedream of

Rodgers leading us to a championship. The old man never

had the talent of the top young QBs. Particularly Allen, who

the ignorant writers gave his last MVP over. The award should

encompass the entire season, playoffs included. With playoffs

being the most important segment of the season. 2021 playoffs

Rodgers one and done as Allen had the most impressive post season

ever, with a perfect 156.3 rating, 9TDs 0 ints. AR could never make

the passes with the degree of difficulty that Allen does , not to

mention the threat JA  running

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