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Should the Jets get some new players?


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I also think we should not overspend for free agents, or draft players that aren't worth it with high picks.

Are you sure? There are a lot of guys out there who aren't worth the free agent money or worth trading up for. Do you really want to exclude them? That's really gonna put a crimp in the Jets' ability to improve this offseason.

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There's got to be a third way.


Can we just drop the bad players and not pick any up, we can increase the overall average quality of the roster immensely. Just spitballing here.

You are on the right track- 22 best players play both offense and defense

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I forgot to add I would prefer that they be good players.



I also think we should not overspend for free agents, or draft players that aren't worth it with high picks.


Cheap > Good, but only from what I think I want you to think that I think Idzik thinks. What do you think Idzik thinks? 

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I think we should ... I put my 2014 Jets wall calendar up in my office a couple weeks ago.

As I was looking through the players that were highlighted every month I decided I didn't want to look at any of those dickheads for 5 seconds let alone 30 days,

so I took it down. 

First 3 months were Sanchez, Cornholio, and Cro ... I'll re-look it for Q2

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Why wasn't the question phrased as "Should the Jets keep their old players?" ?

That's a good question too. Here's my take: I think the Jets should try to keep the current players that are good. And the ones that aren't good should be substituted by players who are good.

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I think the OP presents a very intriguing question.  On the one hand, new players are players that haven't played for us, which makes them new.  But on the other hand, you have players that HAVE played for us, which makes them not-new.   I'm torn because the not-new players were supposed to not do very well, but they ended up doing okay...and we (technically) haven't played with the new players which makes them "unknown" in our system; so we could theoretically do not-okay, which would make getting new players a bad idea.  It's the whole chicken-egg-straw-man scenario, where you can't take the red pill and the blue pill at the same time, and the purple pill doesn't exist yet.  Something about Schrodinger's cat. 


So I say maybe. 

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