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The NFL Draft just doesn't matter


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I hate to rain on the parade.  And, I'm a huge fan of the parade and will be watching intently at 8PM tomorrow (5PM for us here on the "left coast"), but the NFL Annual Player Selection Meeting really doesn't matter.  While we split hairs between Allen and Bosa, and debate Oliver vs. Williams, I've been watching the Patriots go to every AFC Championship Game and win seemingly every other Super Bowl in recent memory.  All this while taking their FIRST PLAYER in recent drafts at 23, 83, 60, 32, 29, 52, etc.

So tell me that the draft matters.  Tell me that our fate isn't already determined based on two things, our QB and our Head Coach.  Perhaps, to a lesser degree, our defensive coordinator factors into the equation because of how bifurcated the Jets will be between O and D coaching (e.g. defense is completely outsourced to Gregg Williams).  But my thesis is still the same.  New England will go as far as Belichick and Brady take them.  The Chiefs, as far as Andy Reid and Mahomes take them, the same with the Rams and McVay and Goff.

Whether we take Allen, Williams, Bosa, Oliver or trade down to get a mix of OT, Edge and Center.....I don't think it will significantly move the needle.

Maybe New England is just that really strange anomaly in all of sports.  But, whether they draft Nate Solder, Jarod Mayo or Malcolm Brown with their first pick.....they're still winning and it's because of two people, the HC and the QB.  In fact, their most recent letdown (Super Bowl vs. the Eagles) wasn't due to an army of players the Eagles traded down to draft.  It was because Doug Pederson (HC) put his foot to the floor on the accelerator and Nick Foles (QB) played unconsciously and threw for over 500 yards in the greatest offensive display I've ever seen in a Super Bowl.  Still, it took defending a Hail Mary pass at the end of the game to ensure the Eagles victory.

Again, I'm as into the Draft as anyone and maybe this is simply a cautionary tale to say that nobody should overreact (yeah right!) when the Jets goof this up tomorrow, but our course is set.  Our next several years are already predetermined.  The decisions that will impact about 90% of the Jets success over the foreseeable future were all made in the past 12 months....drafting Darnold, hiring Gase.  Drafting Allen vs. Bosa or Williams vs. Oliver maybe moves the dial between a 7 win season and an 8 win season, or a 12 and a 13, but whether the Jets are winning 6 games or 12 in the coming years depends on Sam and Adam.

Bring on the down votes. :D 


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It’s true. We spend every offseason arguing over who’s the next what when the odds say 99/100 of them won’t ever be those things. Then we watch this stupid ceremony that literally serves no purpose. They could just print the list of guys after they’re all selected and it would be the same thing.

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34 minutes ago, jetstream23 said:

I hate to rain on the parade.  And, I'm a huge fan of the parade and will be watching intently at 8PM tomorrow (5PM for us here on the "left coast"), but the NFL Annual Player Selection Meeting really doesn't matter.  While we split hairs between Allen and Bosa, and debate Oliver vs. Williams, I've been watching the Patriots go to every AFC Championship Game and win seemingly every other Super Bowl in recent memory.  All this while taking their FIRST PLAYER in recent drafts at 23, 83, 60, 32, 29, 52, etc.

So tell me that the draft matters.  Tell me that our fate isn't already determined based on two things, our QB and our Head Coach.  Perhaps, to a lesser degree, our defensive coordinator factors into the equation because of how bifurcated the Jets will be between O and D coaching (e.g. defense is completely outsourced to Gregg Williams).  But my thesis is still the same.  New England will go as far as Belichick and Brady take them.  The Chiefs, as far as Andy Reid and Mahomes take them, the same with the Rams and McVay and Goff.

Whether we take Allen, Williams, Bosa, Oliver or trade down to get a mix of OT, Edge and Center.....I don't think it will significantly move the needle.

Maybe New England is just that really strange anomaly in all of sports.  But, whether they draft Nate Solder, Jarod Mayo or Malcolm Brown with their first pick.....they're still winning and it's because of two people, the HC and the QB.  In fact, their most recent letdown (Super Bowl vs. the Eagles) wasn't due to an army of players the Eagles traded down to draft.  It was because Doug Pederson (HC) put his foot to the floor on the accelerator and Nick Foles (QB) played unconsciously and threw for over 500 yards in the greatest offensive display I've ever seen in a Super Bowl.  Still, it took defending a Hail Mary pass at the end of the game to ensure the Eagles victory.

Again, I'm as into the Draft as anyone and maybe this is simply a cautionary tale to say that nobody should overreact (yeah right!) when the Jets goof this up tomorrow, but our course is set.  Our next several years are already predetermined.  The decisions that will impact about 90% of the Jets success over the foreseeable future were all made in the past 12 months....drafting Darnold, hiring Gase.  Drafting Allen vs. Bosa or Williams vs. Oliver maybe moves the dial between a 7 win season and an 8 win season, or a 12 and a 13, but whether the Jets are winning 6 games or 12 in the coming years depends on Sam and Adam.

Bring on the down votes. :D 




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Ever notice how whenever anyone says "I hate to rain on the parade."  They actually take great joy in actually raining on the parade.

This guy....this guy would not give Oliver Twist any more gruel.  He would not return Cindy Lou Whos' Christmas.  Annah and Elsa would have died in an avalanche if were up to him.  He's the guy that calls gravy 'sauce' and sauce 'gravy'.

The draft gives us something mister and that little thing is called 'hope'  It's like that last life preserver on the titanic you have wrested away from and old irish woman.  Hope, hope for a new day and a new year.


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11 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

Ever notice how whenever anyone says "I hate to rain on the parade."  They actually take great joy in actually raining on the parade.

This guy....this guy would not give Oliver Twist any more gruel.  He would not return Cindy Lou Whos' Christmas.  Annah and Elsa would have died in an avalanche if were up to him.  He's the guy that calls gravy 'sauce' and sauce 'gravy'.

The draft gives us something mister and that little thing is called 'hope'  It's like that last life preserver on the titanic you have wrested away from and old irish woman.  Hope, hope for a new day and a new year.


You're right.  If we **** this up tomorrow we're all doomed.

What the Jets do at #3 tomorrow will make or break our collective happiness for the next 12 months.  :P


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3 minutes ago, jetstream23 said:

You're right.  If we **** this up tomorrow we're all doomed.

What the Jets do at #3 tomorrow will make or break our collective happiness for the next 12 months.  :P


It's hard to get good in the NFL.

It's hard to make the playoffs.

It's hard to be a winning team for a long time.

The Pats are a total outlier.

Over a period of a number of years you must draft well (or get fabulously lucky like the pats did) to ever get a shot.

Our last two Gm's have by all metrics drafted very poorly.

When you miss the playoffs for like 6 years or so in a row the draft becomes a big deal.  Justifiably so.

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18 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

Ever notice how whenever anyone says "I hate to rain on the parade."  They actually take great joy in actually raining on the parade.

This guy....this guy would not give Oliver Twist any more gruel.  He would not return Cindy Lou Whos' Christmas.  Annah and Elsa would have died in an avalanche if were up to him.  He's the guy that calls gravy 'sauce' and sauce 'gravy'.

The draft gives us something mister and that little thing is called 'hope'  It's like that last life preserver on the titanic you have wrested away from and old irish woman.  Hope, hope for a new day and a new year.


My mother/in-law used to say “now this may be none of my business” and I’d say “stop right there c*nt because it’s not!”

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So many points that can be argued here. Good drafting may not get you to the super bowl, but you probably won’t get to the playoffs with poor drafting. Poor drafting has certainly hurt the Jets- short on player contracts to resign and having to fill a roster in free agency and hoping not to hit the cap in doing so  

Since it’s all about the QB, good drafting certainly makes a difference there. Once you have your QB, you have a lot more leeway to screw up the draft, which is what may account for the outlier Cheats, for example.  

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I work at a college as a janitor even though I feel like I'm smarter than most of the people who go there. Sometimes I see an equation written on a blackboard like half an equation and I just figure it out.  Yeah, anyway, my best friend is Ben Affleck and he says the draft matters.

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2 hours ago, jetstream23 said:

I hate to rain on the parade.  And, I'm a huge fan of the parade and will be watching intently at 8PM tomorrow (5PM for us here on the "left coast"), but the NFL Annual Player Selection Meeting really doesn't matter. 

you'd be amazed how much the draft matters when the GM doesn't suck at it. 

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3 hours ago, jetstream23 said:

I hate to rain on the parade.  And, I'm a huge fan of the parade and will be watching intently at 8PM tomorrow (5PM for us here on the "left coast"), but the NFL Annual Player Selection Meeting really doesn't matter.  While we split hairs between Allen and Bosa, and debate Oliver vs. Williams, I've been watching the Patriots go to every AFC Championship Game and win seemingly every other Super Bowl in recent memory.  All this while taking their FIRST PLAYER in recent drafts at 23, 83, 60, 32, 29, 52, etc.

So tell me that the draft matters.  Tell me that our fate isn't already determined based on two things, our QB and our Head Coach.  Perhaps, to a lesser degree, our defensive coordinator factors into the equation because of how bifurcated the Jets will be between O and D coaching (e.g. defense is completely outsourced to Gregg Williams).  But my thesis is still the same.  New England will go as far as Belichick and Brady take them.  The Chiefs, as far as Andy Reid and Mahomes take them, the same with the Rams and McVay and Goff.

Whether we take Allen, Williams, Bosa, Oliver or trade down to get a mix of OT, Edge and Center.....I don't think it will significantly move the needle.

Maybe New England is just that really strange anomaly in all of sports.  But, whether they draft Nate Solder, Jarod Mayo or Malcolm Brown with their first pick.....they're still winning and it's because of two people, the HC and the QB.  In fact, their most recent letdown (Super Bowl vs. the Eagles) wasn't due to an army of players the Eagles traded down to draft.  It was because Doug Pederson (HC) put his foot to the floor on the accelerator and Nick Foles (QB) played unconsciously and threw for over 500 yards in the greatest offensive display I've ever seen in a Super Bowl.  Still, it took defending a Hail Mary pass at the end of the game to ensure the Eagles victory.

Again, I'm as into the Draft as anyone and maybe this is simply a cautionary tale to say that nobody should overreact (yeah right!) when the Jets goof this up tomorrow, but our course is set.  Our next several years are already predetermined.  The decisions that will impact about 90% of the Jets success over the foreseeable future were all made in the past 12 months....drafting Darnold, hiring Gase.  Drafting Allen vs. Bosa or Williams vs. Oliver maybe moves the dial between a 7 win season and an 8 win season, or a 12 and a 13, but whether the Jets are winning 6 games or 12 in the coming years depends on Sam and Adam.

Bring on the down votes. :D 


you're getting warmer..

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6 hours ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

I agree with your post except we do have to acknowledge that the Chiefs drafted Mahomes so a home-run is possible. 

 But Mahomes is a quarterback and that is my main point. The draft is not all that significant if you already have the coach and the quarterback. Those two guys will determine where a team goes. Whether the Jets get an average offensive lineman in the 3rd round or an above average offensive lineman in the 3rd round, that will not move the needle for this team. 

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Pats have a very different mindset than say, Jets Fans.

They're not worries about so-called "elite" top 3 EDGE! prospects.

They play a different game than we do, generally the "get as many picks as possible" game, and then they pick players that suit their system/mindset/Coach-QB.

And they dump guys before having to pay them big contracts, rather than give $15 million a year to say, guys like Leo Williams.  They know a Leo Williams can be replaced with a 3rd rounder, and if they have three 3rd rounders, all the more likely.

They're way is not flashy or hype-ridden, and they clearly draft as many busts as anyone else, but since they get alot more chances most years in those middle-rounds 2-4, they can miss on more and still do well.

It's a good way to think about talent, the draft is a crapshoot, and the more cards you have in hand, the more chances you'll grab an ace or two.  Sadly, I don't believe in our GM to effectively use more picks, because his record of picks is (IMO) generally poor outside the blazingly obvious top-of-first picks he's made.  


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17 minutes ago, jetstream23 said:

 But Mahomes is a quarterback and that is my main point. The draft is not all that significant if you already have the coach and the quarterback. Those two guys will determine where a team goes. Whether the Jets get an average offensive lineman in the 3rd round or an above average offensive lineman in the 3rd round, that will not move the needle for this team. 

Ah I see what you’re saying.  We’re already locked in with HC and QB so this draft probably won’t move the needle all that much. I guess I do agree with that.  However, it probably is important to at least protect Darnold. 

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5 minutes ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

Ah I see what you’re saying.  We’re already locked in with HC and QB so this draft probably won’t move the needle all that much. I guess I do agree with that.  However, it probably is important to at least protect Darnold. 

Agreed. We certainly have to improve the roster. My point is simply that there really isn’t anything crazy that can be done in this draft that will change whether the Jets win 7 games or 10 games this season.  The draft mostly matters to.... @Paradis  ?

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1 hour ago, jetstream23 said:

Agreed. We certainly have to improve the roster. My point is simply that there really isn’t anything crazy that can be done in this draft that will change whether the Jets win 7 games or 10 games this season.  The draft mostly matters to.... @Paradis  ?

 This is my Super Bowl motherfckers!

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