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6 minutes ago, HighPitch said:

I just sent this dooshy kid out of the room during our moment of silence. He wouldnt stop talking and laughing and i told him  to "shut up" and he told me I couldnt tell him to shut up and I told him "on 911 i can tell jesus to shut up so get out..." and threw him out



Ill probably be in trouble but idgaf

Different generation of kids now.  I am in education as well and I see it daily.  It's easy to see when so many of them are force fed the idea that America is a bad place.  Why would they respect something that happened well before their years even though it effects those around them so much?

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Lost friends and school mates that day.  My mom was across the street taking a class for her job.  It hit us pretty hard.  Another forgotten hero is Mark Bingham.  I met his partner at the memorial in the Castro.  He gave his life that others may live.  https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/sanfrancisco/news/rugby-star-9-11-hero-mark-bingham-leaves-lasting-legacy-20-years-after-united-flight-93-crash/

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21 minutes ago, HighPitch said:

I just sent this dooshy kid out of the room during our moment of silence. He wouldnt stop talking and laughing and i told him  to "shut up" and he told me I couldnt tell him to shut up and I told him "on 911 i can tell jesus to shut up so get out..." and threw him out



Ill probably be in trouble but idgaf

Kids these days need to have their ass beat.  

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29 minutes ago, usanyj said:

Different generation of kids now.  I am in education as well and I see it daily.  It's easy to see when so many of them are force fed the idea that America is a bad place.  Why would they respect something that happened well before their years even though it effects those around them so much?

Yea i even told the other teacher why bother? These kids werent even alive on 911. It just puts me in a position to get heated and in trouble but i dont care the head of the school board is my friend of 30 years lol

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37 minutes ago, usanyj said:

Different generation of kids now.  I am in education as well and I see it daily.  It's easy to see when so many of them are force fed the idea that America is a bad place.  Why would they respect something that happened well before their years even though it effects those around them so much?

he said 1 kid acted out.  HUGE jump from 1 kid to a generation.

One immature kid who wasn't even born during 9/11 - in a state far away from the WTC.  Not surprised.

my 10 and 13 year old said there is never any misbehaving during 9/11 discussions.  But we live in NYC.

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49 minutes ago, usanyj said:

Different generation of kids now.  I am in education as well and I see it daily.  It's easy to see when so many of them are force fed the idea that America is a bad place.  Why would they respect something that happened well before their years even though it effects those around them so much?

Yep. Used to be, prior generations never looked at the kids and said "in my day, things were better". Now, that gets said all the time. Sign of the times, man. Sign of the times.

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35 minutes ago, HighPitch said:

Yea i even told the other teacher why bother? These kids werent even alive on 911. It just puts me in a position to get heated and in trouble but i dont care the head of the school board is my friend of 30 years lol

its like kids in the 60's asked to remember Pearl Harbor.  There's a gap of reality just not there.

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31 minutes ago, batman10023 said:

he said 1 kid acted out.  HUGE jump from 1 kid to a generation.

One immature kid who wasn't even born during 9/11 - in a state far away from the WTC.  Not surprised.

my 10 and 13 year old said there is never any misbehaving during 9/11 discussions.  But we live in NYC.

Well ok but i have to agree with him.

every generation is different 

I cant get more than 20% of the class to stand for the pledge and im over it. I cant change the world and have enough problems and stress 

tha ks for being a good dad and making some other teachers day a bit easier

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39 minutes ago, Wit said:

I remember as a kid going shopping in that area and being amazed at how many stores and the mall underneath the towers. I could not believe that they fell. It’s staggering.

Sent from my iPhone using JetNation.com mobile app

My wife was scheduled to appear for jury duty detail on 9/11 at City Hall at the base of the towers. Came in the day before to ask permission to be excused because we had twin 1 year old boys. She was excused. 

My best friends fiance worked at Cantor Fitzgerald, on I believe floor 104. Had a wedding dress fitting that day instead. Lost 40 friends that were coming to the wedding that following weekend. Wedding canceled… she really was a mental case after that.

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4 minutes ago, 32EBoozer said:

My wife was scheduled to appear for jury duty detail on 9/11 at City Hall at the base of the towers. Came in the day before to ask permission to be excused because we had twin 1 year old boys. She was excused. 

My best friends fiance worked at Cantor Fitzgerald, on I believe floor 104. Had a wedding dress fitting that day instead. Lost 40 friends that were coming to the wedding that following weekend. Wedding canceled… she really was a mental case after that.

My god man. Horrible.

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14 minutes ago, 32EBoozer said:

My wife was scheduled to appear for jury duty detail on 9/11 at City Hall at the base of the towers. Came in the day before to ask permission to be excused because we had twin 1 year old boys. She was excused. 

My best friends fiance worked at Cantor Fitzgerald, on I believe floor 104. Had a wedding dress fitting that day instead. Lost 40 friends that were coming to the wedding that following weekend. Wedding canceled… she really was a mental case after that.

Oof. Terrible 

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11 minutes ago, 32EBoozer said:

My wife was scheduled to appear for jury duty detail on 9/11 at City Hall at the base of the towers. Came in the day before to ask permission to be excused because we had twin 1 year old boys. She was excused. 

My best friends fiance worked at Cantor Fitzgerald, on I believe floor 104. Had a wedding dress fitting that day instead. Lost 40 friends that were coming to the wedding that following weekend. Wedding canceled… she really was a mental case after that.

There are probably a thousand stories like that of people who should have been there but weren't for any number of reasons.  I'm one of them.  Was starting a new job at 110 Broadway that morning.  Planned to meet the CEO at 9am which would have put me in the subway station right around 8:45am.  He texted me (Blackberry at the time) at 7am and said if I hadn't left yet, to meet him at noon instead.  I waited to catch a 10ish train to the city.  Obviously never went.

Those stories really don't matter in comparison to those of the ones who *were* there but it haunted me for a while afterwards.  

I ended up working down there for a year after that.  That also haunted me for a long time.  I worry about the long-term health issues now.  So far, so good.

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I went to work for bcbs about 6 months after , they were in the north tower I believe and had since relocated to midtown.  
The first anniversary I overheard a lot of people talking about it that were in the tower and survived. The things they saw and heard are unimaginable.  The guy who trained me said that he got in early , but stopped for a cigarette with some coworkers. He’s not a smoker. The first jet hit right over his head. He was in the courtyard   He should have been at his desk but he wasn’t The woman I shared office space with decided to work from home that day for the first time in a year.  

never forget 

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34 minutes ago, HighPitch said:

Well ok but i have to agree with him.

every generation is different 

I cant get more than 20% of the class to stand for the pledge and im over it. I cant change the world and have enough problems and stress 

tha ks for being a good dad and making some other teachers day a bit easier

looks like you are doing your best.  that's all parents can ask for.

my son (and sometimes my daughter) can be a handful at times and tough to manage.   now multiple by 25.  lol, can't even imagine.

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1 hour ago, usanyj said:

Different generation of kids now.  I am in education as well and I see it daily.  It's easy to see when so many of them are force fed the idea that America is a bad place.  Why would they respect something that happened well before their years even though it effects those around them so much?

It's not just this generation of kids.  I flew up for the Jets game on that weekend with my son who was a senior in high school at that time.  A couple of days had past and on one of those days my son came home from school and said a lot of the kids in school were saying, "Who cares, it's a New York problem, not here in Florida".  I have my flag at half mast today (I fly it 24/7...all year) and my next door neighbor said to me when I got the mail earlier, "What's with the flag"...so.

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I will never forget a picture I saw of a firefighter going up the stairs in one of the towers while other people were heading down the stairs. I am guessing the person who took the photo survived but the firefighter did not.  Just horrible.  And as much as this event has been a hot button issue, it is essential that the truth come out and should’ve come out long ago.  I think too many missteps were made after this event and people behind it, except for the hijackers and obl, have not been prosecuted.  Just my opinion.

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29 minutes ago, southparkcpa said:

its like kids in the 60's asked to remember Pearl Harbor.  There's a gap of reality just not there.

Grew up in the 60’S in school we were taught history. Starting with Western civilization not everything negative started with American History. So much of the things condemned in our culture are centuries old. Wars were fought centuries ago condemning atrocities as they are today. The old saying if we ignore the past we are condemned to repeat it. Is as relevant today as it ever was. Is American society today perfect No but bye respecting the past with an open heart we can make things better. Remember the past and you can create a future to be proud of.

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I was down there. It was surreal. 

Missed seeing the first plane hit by a few minutes. Saw the beginning of the fire. All this silvery confetti looking stuff in the air.

Heard about the second plane while stuck in the Battery Tunnel for an hour. Came out and leaned out of the truck to see this giant black hole in the nearest building. 

Went down the FDR and away. Stopped on the FDR a few minutes later. Got out and looked at the buildings. Got back in the truck and a minute later heard that one had collapsed. Got back out and looked to see it gone again in a giant cloud.

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I know it's a show for Geezers but i recommend folks watching the 60 minutes episode from last night.

Was about the firefighters and their actions on 9/11.  But what was the amazing thing to me

was the 60 or so current firefighters whose firefighter parents passed away on 9/11 and yet these kids still decided to become FDNY.

I have so much admiration and respect for them.

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2 hours ago, HighPitch said:

I just sent this dooshy kid out of the room during our moment of silence. He wouldnt stop talking and laughing and i told him  to "shut up" and he told me I couldnt tell him to shut up and I told him "on 911 i can tell jesus to shut up so get out..." and threw him out



Ill probably be in trouble but idgaf

I'll chip on for your gofundme page if it comes to that!

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