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Anyone else PO'd the Bowles is still here


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I can't believe that Bowles is still here. Worst HC I have seen.  Guy lost the locker room, speaks like he has a mouthful of peanut butter, can't adjust in game, burns timeouts at the worst times, and even called a time out right after a time out.  He must have graduated the Herm Edwards school of clock management.  

For a guy with a background on the Def side if the ball, he certaintly did not show he had any clue on what to do to stop the other team.   Guys were out of position BEFORE the snap, thats coaching.  Not happy today as other teams start their search for new leadership, i just wish the Jets were one of them.... 

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10 minutes ago, FlagmanL11 said:

I can't believe that Bowles is still here. Worst HC I have seen.  Guy lost the locker room, speaks like he has a mouthful of peanut butter, can't adjust in game, burns timeouts at the worst times, and even called a time out right after a time out.  He must have graduated the Herm Edwards school of clock management.  

For a guy with a background on the Def side if the ball, he certaintly did not show he had any clue on what to do to stop the other team.   Guys were out of position BEFORE the snap, thats coaching.  Not happy today as other teams start their search for new leadership, i just wish the Jets were one of them.... 

No. I'm thrilled. I don't want to win another game till Sam is a Jet!!! Period!!! Not one!! Double digit losses until this kids is in Green and White.  Todd Bowles is the man for the job. 

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I can't believe the press aren't asking more questions about the defense. The offense sucked, but they lost 4 starting lineman, Decker, the QBs suck, Forte was banged up, Marshall had hip & shoulder injuries, they played the youngsters.

WTF is the defenses excuse? Especially considering our coach cut his teeth as a DC. F*ck these guys, they had breakdowns in the secondary so often it was mind boggling. That Monday night Colt game was mind boggling. It looked like Luck & the Colts were playing a high school team. 2 touchdowns, 2 drives, guys literally catching balls wide open with no defenders even in the screen. I'd never seen anything like it. 

I can see keeping coaches because of bad breaks, no QB, but there was zero excuse for the way this defense operated all year. From Green burning Revis with no help, guys playing 10 yards off the LOS, Harris constantly covering RBs out of the backfield 15 yards down the field...trailing always, it was the worst Jets defense I've seen since the 2nd half of the 90s.

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26 minutes ago, Jetster said:

I can't believe the press aren't asking more questions about the defense. The offense sucked, but they lost 4 starting lineman, Decker, the QBs suck, Forte was banged up, Marshall had hip & shoulder injuries, they played the youngsters.

WTF is the defenses excuse? Especially considering our coach cut his teeth as a DC. F*ck these guys, they had breakdowns in the secondary so often it was mind boggling. That Monday night Colt game was mind boggling. It looked like Luck & the Colts were playing a high school team. 2 touchdowns, 2 drives, guys literally catching balls wide open with no defenders even in the screen. I'd never seen anything like it. 

I can see keeping coaches because of bad breaks, no QB, but there was zero excuse for the way this defense operated all year. From Green burning Revis with no help, guys playing 10 yards off the LOS, Harris constantly covering RBs out of the backfield 15 yards down the field...trailing always, it was the worst Jets defense I've seen since the 2nd half of the 90s.

It's almost like this is some sort of dirty little secret the way the media and even the HC gloss of this issue.

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Worst offense in the league..  horrible if not the worst defense in the league..  terrible special teams (was there 1 memorable play?)..  multiple players questioning each others effort..  no leadership to be able to stop the infighting..  players making the same mistakes in week 16 that they were in week 1.

It's a joke.  Good teams fire coaches for 1 of those reasons.

there's not a worse situation in the NFL yet Woody confidently forges ahead with the status quo.  Bowles is attempting to destroy the Jets like Isaiah killed the Knicks for me.  It's been however many years and I still am not anywhere near as big of fan of the Knicks as I used to be.  The Jets are headed down that path.

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1 hour ago, FlagmanL11 said:

I can't believe that Bowles is still here. Worst HC I have seen.  Guy lost the locker room, speaks like he has a mouthful of peanut butter, can't adjust in game, burns timeouts at the worst times, and even called a time out right after a time out.  He must have graduated the Herm Edwards school of clock management.  

For a guy with a background on the Def side if the ball, he certaintly did not show he had any clue on what to do to stop the other team.   Guys were out of position BEFORE the snap, thats coaching.  Not happy today as other teams start their search for new leadership, i just wish the Jets were one of them.... 

I'm with you on this one brother.  Woody Johnson is a moron. 

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Overall no. But yes if it meant costing us a chance at Sean Payton. Unfortunately, I doubt he or any coach worth much would want to take over this team right now.

I say no because if hes as bad as he was this year, we'll be able to draft high in a 2018 class that will have about 5 good QB prospects with franchise potential. Also, if a miracle happens and we somehow made the playoffs, then maybe we actually have a good coach and it was the dead weight players that ruined this year.


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1 hour ago, AFJF said:

At first I was pissed.

Now?  Whatever.  It's what they do.  

Expecting 4-12 in '17 unless they get Glennon.



LOL you have to be kidding with Glennon.

I am not only pissed that Bowltite is still here, I may never watch or participate in another Jets related happening until he is gone. This is an effing disgrace and not only shows they are completely clueless, but could not care less about their suffering fans.

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Though I wasn't pleased, I WAS for keeping Bowles for another year before deciding whether or not to cut him loose. Until yesterday. 

Multiple players stated there was a corrosive atmosphere in the locker room that led to a lack of motivation. It is up to the coach to intervene when this happens. The fact that Bowles could not (or did not) improve this situation, which festered in the locker room since the 3rd game, is inexcusable. That is virtually the whole season. Now he is saying that is no excuse for the poor play of the team. I can only conclude that Bowles DID lose the team and is in denial.

Fire him.

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Maybe 2018 is the year we get a QB. If we play all the youngsters who will be worse than us? Browns have a lot of money & a boatload of picks. Bears play harder than us. I could see the 49ers sucking for Sam though, they are right there witnessing this young phenom. That owner is a total schmuck. I could definitely see him giving the instructions. Like others have said, if your competing with the 49ers, we need to acquire as many picks as we can for 2018. Let's hope @ 6 someone below us covets a stud that drops to us. It's imperative to get as many picks for 2018. Move Sheldon for a 2018 pick. 2017 don't mean sh*t.

Im all for supporting the suck that will be 2017. Start Hackenberg, I'll watch.

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1 hour ago, SayNoToDMC said:

Fire him next year when we draft a QB. There's nothing left here for him to ruin

The pasty faced geek that is Woody Johnson shows once again that he has no clue how to run a football operation. He lets the media decide that Bowles needs another year because they say it will make him look 'panicky'. No it would make him look like an owner who wants results not excuses, which Bowles has a ton of them. Here is a HC who spent - by his own admission - a lot of time with the defense. Well, how did that turn out? One of the worst tackling, missed assignments defenses ever, and yet Woody thinks he needs another year or no good candidates will want to come to NY. They probably won't come because of Woody. A$$ HOLE.

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I am.

I actually like the guy personally, I like his anti-Rex monotone stance and I like the way he is handling the media.  But he lost the locker room and has on-field mistakes that aren't getting corrected. 

At this point, what matters is having a coach that the players respect in the hard times and will play hard for.  I think Hue Jackson has proven more than Bowles has.  Even though Cleveland is a bad team I never saw any quit in them, they seemed to take pride in their efforts and are focused on brighter days in the future.

For Bowles to win me over he has to start by getting rid of malcontents like Darrelle Revis, stop coddling guys like this who refused to play hard, would take plays off, wouldn't tackle.


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6 minutes ago, SAR I said:


For Bowles to win me over he has to start by getting rid of malcontents like Darrelle Revis, stop coddling guys like this who refused to play hard, would take plays off, wouldn't tackle.


Dont hold your breath.  When he released Coples, that was a great sign. Yet..  Ive seen nothing before or after to tell us he is in control of the play on the field.

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8 minutes ago, SAR I said:

I am.

I actually like the guy personally, I like his anti-Rex monotone stance and I like the way he is handling the media.  But he lost the locker room and has on-field mistakes that aren't getting corrected. 

At this point, what matters is having a coach that the players respect in the hard times and will play hard for.  I think Hue Jackson has proven more than Bowles has.  Even though Cleveland is a bad team I never saw any quit in them, they seemed to take pride in their efforts and are focused on brighter days in the future.

For Bowles to win me over he has to start by getting rid of malcontents like Darrelle Revis, stop coddling guys like this who refused to play hard, would take plays off, wouldn't tackle.



monotone stance but message the same-he is all of the bad of rex and none of the good

Fitz gives us the best chance to win....over and over again

the team is playing hard-the effort is there-clearly it is not

the team is united-no it is not

players work hard and dedicated to winning-no missing meetings and quitting shows this


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I'm fine with him staying as coach.

You can't keep turning over the staff every 2 years. 

This year was a disaster but he should at least be given a chance to turn the club around next year... People are fired too quickly. No one has time to institute anything.

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1 minute ago, DMan77 said:

I'm fine with him staying as coach.

You can't keep turning over the staff every 2 years. 

This year was a disaster but he should at least be given a chance to turn the club around next year... People are fired too quickly. No one has time to institute anything.

so if they suck next year and win two games -should he stay?

I would argue the opposite -people are not fired quickly enough-when you see performance is poor and heading in the wrong direction you drain the swamp as they say-the exception to the rule for me would be if the person in question has a proven record of doing the job well and being a winner-our coach does not-players quitting and not showing up to meetings is reason for dismissal -oh and you dont make those players captains after quitting on the team


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2 hours ago, SayNoToDMC said:

Fire him next year when we draft a QB. There's nothing left here for him to ruin

Interesting reason I hadn't considered. Can't say I disagree.

Most HCs come in with low expectations for year 1 (though not always, it's typically why the prior guy was fired). It's a good marriage of time to break in a QB with low expectations for year 1.

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The lack of ****s I give toward this team these days, I really dont care.  They're terrible.  They dont have a QB.  They have another brutal schedule next year.  Todd Bowles is an absolute moron.  Literally one of the worst Head Coaches I've ever seen but this team is so far from being good another year terrible will at least (hopefully) yield them a good Football player via the draft.

At this point in my career as a Jets fan, I think I have more fun assessing the draft and players than I do watching the Jets sh*t the bed week in week out. 

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I heard Marbles Mouth this morning talking about the coaches with loose lips and could not understand his answer as it was inaudible.  Why are the Jets always the butt end of the jokes?  Just can get it right.  At this point I would rather lose and be entertained with Rex, then listen to Marbles try to convey a point.  I could only imagine what it must be like to play for him, his locker room speeches have the opposite effect, puts the team to sleep at halftime.... 

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54 minutes ago, SAR I said:

I am.

I actually like the guy personally, I like his anti-Rex monotone stance and I like the way he is handling the media.  But he lost the locker room and has on-field mistakes that aren't getting corrected. 

At this point, what matters is having a coach that the players respect in the hard times and will play hard for.  I think Hue Jackson has proven more than Bowles has.  Even though Cleveland is a bad team I never saw any quit in them, they seemed to take pride in their efforts and are focused on brighter days in the future.

For Bowles to win me over he has to start by getting rid of malcontents like Darrelle Revis, stop coddling guys like this who refused to play hard, would take plays off, wouldn't tackle.


yep, it seems like he shoulda taken some drastic action to turn the team around by game 5.  maybe he believed the press clippings about the team having no shot to be better than 1-5 after 6 games.  i think the players read the clippings.  the thing is it's pure bs.  this team with all its faults could've easily been 6-4 at the break.  in spite of fitz as qb or revis at cb and so on.  all it took was to make some plays.  maybe they should have put powell in as the feature back earlier.  he seems to be able to use his blocking better than forte.

we can only hope bowles has learned something and won't let things get away again.

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39 minutes ago, kmnj said:

so if they suck next year and win two games -should he stay?

I would argue the opposite -people are not fired quickly enough-when you see performance is poor and heading in the wrong direction you drain the swamp as they say-the exception to the rule for me would be if the person in question has a proven record of doing the job well and being a winner-our coach does not-players quitting and not showing up to meetings is reason for dismissal -oh and you dont make those players captains after quitting on the team


Sure and that's a totally valid viewpoint... All these viewpoints are valid. It's impossible to say who would be right or wrong. Obviously you feel strongly that he should have been fired, but there's absolutly no way to know if the team would be better or worse with him gone. We can all assume and argue about that, but we'll never know.

All I know is that he won 10 games last year. We can discuss the easy schedule, the career years guys had, and the fact that just about everything went right... But we could also discuss how just about everything went wrong this year, and yes that includes his coaching choices.

If he follows up this year with another 2 win season, then you can at least say "hey, he's had 3 seasons and he's gone down hill each one. this isn't working." But to me, and it's just my opinion, you can't boot a guy after one horrendous season where nothing lined up. Let him keep working with guys, try to establish the lockeroom, and learn from another year and see what happens.

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3 hours ago, FlagmanL11 said:

I can't believe that Bowles is still here. Worst HC I have seen.  Guy lost the locker room, speaks like he has a mouthful of peanut butter, can't adjust in game, burns timeouts at the worst times, and even called a time out right after a time out.  He must have graduated the Herm Edwards school of clock management.  

For a guy with a background on the Def side if the ball, he certaintly did not show he had any clue on what to do to stop the other team.   Guys were out of position BEFORE the snap, thats coaching.  Not happy today as other teams start their search for new leadership, i just wish the Jets were one of them.... 

he was terrible but deserves more time.  

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