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My theory on why Jamal wants out: It's not just the contract, it's Gase

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I honestly think Jamal has been rubbed the wrong way by Gase since day 1.  Let's look at all this from Jamal's perspective: Mike Maccagnan drafted him, so Jamal had a degree of loyalty there.  When Gase came in and immediately forced Macc out (however much he did deserve to get fired) Jamal probably wasn't thrilled, because now he has to negotiate his next contract with a guy who didn't draft him, and also a guy who clashed with his buddy Jarvis Landry from LSU and traded him away from Miami.

So going into camp, Jamal was probably wary of him.  And once the season began, things probably only accelerated.  It's been made clear through backchannels that players on the defense didn't appreciate the way Gase never even looked their way during practice.  If you're a defensive player, that's gotta rub you the wrong way just a little.  Those guys respect the hell out of Gregg Williams but they view Gase as disrespectful at best, and as a joke at worst.

Then there's the New England game and Jamal getting benched because Gase basically thought he'd lost focus.  That, and the media backlash of it, was something Jamal wasn't prepared to deal with.

Towards the end of the season, Ed Reed posted a video on instagram from the Jets practice facility and talked about how guys get jobs based on who they worked with before, without being prepared to handle the job.  I'm willing to bet money that this was Jamal talking to Ed, referring to how Gase has rode Peyton Manning's coattails to 2 head coaching jobs now.

It's clear that Jamal doesn't respect Gase as a head coach, and has no faith that Gase is serious about retaining him long term.  And remember, we still don't know how much power Joe Douglas really has vs. Gase in deciding who to sign.  If Jamal had a better working relationship with the front office I think this would have a much better chance of working out, but the relationship seems sort of doomed at this point, unless Gase and Douglas wake up and realize this is a game-changing player here and they don't grow on trees.  It makes sense to do nothing now, but if it boils over in the coming months they should extend him.

EDIT: A lot of people are incorrectly interpreting this post as me blaming Gase for Jamal wanting to be traded.  Let me make clear that I am not personally blaming Gase for this situation.  I'm just explaining to you a viewpoint that I think Jamal genuinely has, even though I don't agree with it.

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It’s pretty obvious what happened. Jamal wants to play for a winner and is not a “franchise leader” who will turn around a locker room. he just wants off the team after two losing seasons. 

Who do you think leaked all that stuff about the cowboy’s interest? Sure, it’s pretty clear he got butthurt over it, but the whole thing got blown out of proportion because his ego is the size of the titanic. The only thing missing is he’s not referring to himself in the third person. 

It’s also about the money since eddie jackson got paid, but its more about wanting out of here because he doesn’t want to keep losing. 


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8 minutes ago, FidelioJet said:

It’s actually part of the job to keep narcissists happy.  Some can do and some can’t.  

Gase clearly can’t. 

I heard a rumor that Jamal Adams made All Pro last year so maybe Gase handled the narcissist just fine

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4 hours ago, jetscrazey said:

I honestly think Jamal has been rubbed the wrong way by Gase since day 1.  Let's look at all this from Jamal's perspective: Mike Maccagnan drafted him, so Jamal had a degree of loyalty there.  When Gase came in and immediately forced Macc out (however much he did deserve to get fired) Jamal probably wasn't thrilled, because now he has to negotiate his next contract with a guy who didn't draft him, and also a guy who clashed with his buddy Jarvis Landry from LSU and traded him away from Miami.

So going into camp, Jamal was probably wary of him.  And once the season began, things probably only accelerated.  It's been made clear through backchannels that players on the defense didn't appreciate the way Gase never even looked their way during practice.  If you're a defensive player, that's gotta rub you the wrong way just a little.  Those guys respect the hell out of Gregg Williams but they view Gase as disrespectful at best, and as a joke at worst.

Then there's the New England game and Jamal getting benched because Gase basically thought he'd lost focus.  That, and the media backlash of it, was something Jamal wasn't prepared to deal with.

Towards the end of the season, Ed Reed posted a video on instagram from the Jets practice facility and talked about how guys get jobs based on who they worked with before, without being prepared to handle the job.  I'm willing to bet money that this was Jamal talking to Ed, referring to how Gase has rode Peyton Manning's coattails to 2 head coaching jobs now.

It's clear that Jamal doesn't respect Gase as a head coach, and has no faith that Gase is serious about retaining him long term.  And remember, we still don't know how much power Joe Douglas really has vs. Gase in deciding who to sign.  If Jamal had a better working relationship with the front office I think this would have a much better chance of working out, but the relationship seems sort of doomed at this point, unless Gase and Douglas wake up and realize this is a game-changing player here and they don't grow on trees.  It makes sense to do nothing now, but if it boils over in the coming months they should extend him.

That's the worst excuse for Gase haters to attack him I've read on this board. Blaming Jamals nonsense on Gase is absolute BS.

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No.  I think he listened to a bunch of fawning dipsh*ts that told him everything he wanted to hear about his future.  And then he basically got the best strategy from his agent on how to be an online nuisance.  If you want to imagine what it it's like... just picture those sycophantic former jock "comedians" that Joe Rogan has on every few weeks.  Then change all that incessant "bro speak" into contact talk.

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Wasn't there a bunch of video from Gase's first training camp saying how much he liked the guy... Since I'm old and not that savvy on how to find those things I'm sure I saw one or two. Maybe even in One Jets Drive segments....  Make no mistake this is all Adams, and his childish behavior. I like the player even though he doesn't produce the greatest numbers, but like Serby said today he's handled this all wrong. If he were a man, he would have walked into JD's office and had a man to man with him, and not got his panties in a wad when he heard that JD picked up a phone call.

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I have to give Tom Shane credit here, he’s been an Adams basher after his 1st few tweets. 
Leader my ass. 
With our group of LBs we don’t need Adams. Trade him for a #1 & Gallup, Dallas just drafted Ceedee Lamb, keep Avery Williamson, Mosely does everything Adams can do, Davis is probably already better than Eric Smith or Jim Leonard who Rex got by with & went to 2 AFCCGs. Plus they added that speedy undersized LB from the Ravens who will excel in nickel & dime situations. 
We all know this team is another draft away from really competing for a Super Bowl. 
But with Gallup, Mims, Crowder & Perriman, the return of Herndon, we could really have the most explosive offense in the AFC East for sure. 

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2 hours ago, Jets Voice of Reason said:

It’s pretty obvious what happened. Jamal wants to play for a winner and is not a “franchise leader” who will turn around a locker room. he just wants off the team after two losing seasons. 

Who do you think leaked all that stuff about the cowboy’s interest? Sure, it’s pretty clear he got butthurt over it, but the whole thing got blown out of proportion because his ego is the size of the titanic. The only thing missing is he’s not referring to himself in the third person. 

It’s also about the money since eddie jackson got paid, but its more about wanting out of here because he doesn’t want to keep losing. 


Any player or worker or manager or employee that thinks the way to be a winner and be with winners is to look past their current team instead of working harder to contribute is a loser

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I just don't buy that Gase was the cause.  There would have been more smoke from a locker room disconnect that big.  And there just wasn't.  Not forgetting the fact that Gase gets maybe the worst press of any NFL head coach going right now.  So anything that big would have been picked up very quickly.

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I doubt he cares too much about Gase one way or another. As a defensive player he's barely involved with him.

It does seem clear he's sick of losing and that's playing a role here -- the list of teams he wants to go to are obviously comprised mostly of winning teams... Which really says a lot about his supposed leadership.

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Adams ****ed himself real good as New York is not the place you want fans hating you.

Look how much you guys all hate Adam Gase and all he did was look funny at his press conference lol!?

 Jamal pulled a total b**** move at the worst possible time and place. I actually tried to warm up to the guy but he proved my initial impression of him to be correct. He's a total me guy mugging for the camera and acting like a superstar and doing interviews before he even had a good season.

 He will be traded. We'll never see him in a Jets uniform again... and I predict he disappears.

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5 hours ago, jetscrazey said:

I honestly think Jamal has been rubbed the wrong way by Gase since day 1.  Let's look at all this from Jamal's perspective: Mike Maccagnan drafted him, so Jamal had a degree of loyalty there.  When Gase came in and immediately forced Macc out (however much he did deserve to get fired) Jamal probably wasn't thrilled, because now he has to negotiate his next contract with a guy who didn't draft him, and also a guy who clashed with his buddy Jarvis Landry from LSU and traded him away from Miami.

So going into camp, Jamal was probably wary of him.  And once the season began, things probably only accelerated.  It's been made clear through backchannels that players on the defense didn't appreciate the way Gase never even looked their way during practice.  If you're a defensive player, that's gotta rub you the wrong way just a little.  Those guys respect the hell out of Gregg Williams but they view Gase as disrespectful at best, and as a joke at worst.

Then there's the New England game and Jamal getting benched because Gase basically thought he'd lost focus.  That, and the media backlash of it, was something Jamal wasn't prepared to deal with.

Towards the end of the season, Ed Reed posted a video on instagram from the Jets practice facility and talked about how guys get jobs based on who they worked with before, without being prepared to handle the job.  I'm willing to bet money that this was Jamal talking to Ed, referring to how Gase has rode Peyton Manning's coattails to 2 head coaching jobs now.

It's clear that Jamal doesn't respect Gase as a head coach, and has no faith that Gase is serious about retaining him long term.  And remember, we still don't know how much power Joe Douglas really has vs. Gase in deciding who to sign.  If Jamal had a better working relationship with the front office I think this would have a much better chance of working out, but the relationship seems sort of doomed at this point, unless Gase and Douglas wake up and realize this is a game-changing player here and they don't grow on trees.  It makes sense to do nothing now, but if it boils over in the coming months they should extend him.

I hate Gase. I’ve hated his underachieving phony ass since before he came to my team. The guy is an imposter. His career to date says everything you need to know about him - if only you maroons would look.

Still, even to me, this is a stretch.

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6 hours ago, jetscrazey said:

I honestly think Jamal has been rubbed the wrong way by Gase since day 1.  Let's look at all this from Jamal's perspective: Mike Maccagnan drafted him, so Jamal had a degree of loyalty there.  When Gase came in and immediately forced Macc out (however much he did deserve to get fired) Jamal probably wasn't thrilled, because now he has to negotiate his next contract with a guy who didn't draft him, and also a guy who clashed with his buddy Jarvis Landry from LSU and traded him away from Miami.

So going into camp, Jamal was probably wary of him.  And once the season began, things probably only accelerated.  It's been made clear through backchannels that players on the defense didn't appreciate the way Gase never even looked their way during practice.  If you're a defensive player, that's gotta rub you the wrong way just a little.  Those guys respect the hell out of Gregg Williams but they view Gase as disrespectful at best, and as a joke at worst.

Then there's the New England game and Jamal getting benched because Gase basically thought he'd lost focus.  That, and the media backlash of it, was something Jamal wasn't prepared to deal with.

Towards the end of the season, Ed Reed posted a video on instagram from the Jets practice facility and talked about how guys get jobs based on who they worked with before, without being prepared to handle the job.  I'm willing to bet money that this was Jamal talking to Ed, referring to how Gase has rode Peyton Manning's coattails to 2 head coaching jobs now.

It's clear that Jamal doesn't respect Gase as a head coach, and has no faith that Gase is serious about retaining him long term.  And remember, we still don't know how much power Joe Douglas really has vs. Gase in deciding who to sign.  If Jamal had a better working relationship with the front office I think this would have a much better chance of working out, but the relationship seems sort of doomed at this point, unless Gase and Douglas wake up and realize this is a game-changing player here and they don't grow on trees.  It makes sense to do nothing now, but if it boils over in the coming months they should extend him.

Frank Gore says hello

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38 minutes ago, Daddy Wang Doodle said:

Adams can be a great player (which he is), while also being a me first diva. They aren't mutually exclusive.

He has every right to request a trade, but he has no leverage and will look awfully dumb come the start of the season if the Jets refuse to deal him

Didn't the Seahawks do this dance with Kam Chancellor more than once? I seem to recall Chancellor even threatened a holdout after playing only 1 season of a new 4 year contract. Perhaps, the extra-curricular garbage comes with the territory when a player is as emotional as Jamal. You know, one of those life lessons when you realize someone's greatest strength is also the source of their greatest weakness.

By the way, as I understand it, Kevin Connor is Jamal's agent and he seems pretty damned level headed. I don't think this stuff is coming from the Agent.



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27 minutes ago, jetlaw said:

There is not one bit of evidence this hasn’t anything to do with Gase. In fact Gase said nice things about Adams every chance he got. This is likely 90 percent about the money and 10 percent about all the losing.

Sent from my iPhone using JetNation.com mobile app

Yes and half the dolphins roster didn’t want to escape Gase they wanted to get away from that horrible South Florida weather

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