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Zach Wilson has ‘all the confidence in the world’ after Jets benching

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2 hours ago, jgb said:

Real confidence comes from achievement. Without that, it’s just a thin veneer deposited by a society that elevates “self-esteem” above preparing people how to tolerate and grow from adversity. 

I know a lot of very high achievers who aren't in the least bit confident.   They are working very hard to keep the wolf at their heels from catching them.  

Real confidence comes from being breast feed as a baby.  Preferably by your moms hot best friend.

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3 minutes ago, More Cowbell said:

Which facts are those? That Zach was carried to a 5-2 record save one game against Pittsburgh? 

Well, I thought we were talking about "the team" - which was 5-2 when Zach was the QB.  Weren't we saying Mike White was great but the rest of "the team" was the problem?

The team is now 1-2 with Mike White and 1-2 with Joe Flacco as the QB.

Those facts are undebatable. 

So, again - while I don't agree with it, I really don't think it would be "crazy" to think somehow "the team" would perform better with Zach Wilson.

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1 hour ago, More Cowbell said:

For fans, that really is how it is, especially  for the ones that buy into him being the best QB in that draft. Even though there is evidence to the contrary,  people think Zach should still be the starter. What people just willfully  ignore is you need to look at production from the QB position. In 3 games, White has one less TD pass and nearly 1000 yards passing to Zachs nearly 1300 in 7. It is pretty obvious that there is a better option to work on. 

I want Mike White to succeed, but it is no where near as obvious as you want to think it is.  Whatever. Zach was horrible in the NE game but the hatred of Zach since before he had ever taken a snap, and now in it's full froth rabid mode robs fans here of any remote level of objectivity. Whatever.

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7 minutes ago, johnnysd said:

I want Mike White to succeed, but it is no where near as obvious as you want to think it is.  Whatever. Zach was horrible in the NE game but the hatred of Zach since before he had ever taken a snap, and now in it's full froth rabid mode robs fans here of any remote level of objectivity. Whatever.

Jets fans believe Wilson sucks and he goes on to suck.

Story at 11.  

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50 minutes ago, FidelioJet said:

No, I don't think that's the case.  I'm just saying I don't think it's crazy if people believe that.   Considering the facts on the ground.

Which facts? 

Never mind, as expected it was a simplistic "wins vs. losses" reply, as if the only variable in winning/losing was Wilson's play vs. White's play, lol.

Clearly the only reason the Jets beat Denver was Zach, and the only reason we lost to the Vikings, totally an equal team to the Broncos, is White.

Got it.  :-k

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Just now, Jetsfan80 said:

Jets fans believe Wilson sucks and he goes on to suck.

Story at 11.  

Whatever. Mike White has not been that much better. I see LaFleur as a much bigger issue personally. White did not really look all that different than Zach has in the first half against Buffalo, played well in 2nd half. We will see how he handles next few games. I want White to succeed but I don't see him as a long term guy. Still think Zach's ceiling towers over White's.

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14 minutes ago, Warfish said:

Which facts? 

Never mind, as expected it was a simplistic "wins vs. losses" reply, as if the only variable in winning/losing was Wilson's play vs. White's play, lol.

Clearly the only reason the Jets beat Denver was Zach, and the only reason we lost to the Vikings, totally an equal team to the Broncos, is White.

Got it.  :-k

I never once said Zach was the reason they won.  There you go again, parsing words.

I was very clear - I even put it in quotation marks "the team" performed better when Zach Wilson was the QB.  That is indisputable.  They were 5-2 vs. 1-2 and 1-2.  (Wins and losses actually represent performance, considering that's why they play the games)

I didn'tt say Zach was better than Mike White or that Zach was the reason they won or Mike White the reason they lost.

But I've also been told the reason the Jets lost was because "the team" lost and Mike White was good.  That wins and losses are a "team" stat.

With that understanding it is factual that "the team" performed better when Zach was the QB. Shouldn't be a controversial statement.  It's the reality.

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3 hours ago, SoFlaJets said:

good post Crush, hey are they (what in our family anyway, call) pizza freetz or zeppoles?


@The Crusher

My grandmother would fry the beetzafreets ? all night on New Years Eve when I was a kid. The regular ones were the kind you see at a feast or in some pizza places were better than I’ve had anywhere. 
The big treats were the batches that were the size of a baseball. They were stuffed with mozzarella, ricotta and chunks of dry sausage. I’ve never seen anyone else make them like that… To this day one of th3 best things I’ve ever eaten. 

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13 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

@The Crusher

My grandmother would fry the beetzafreets ? all night on New Years Eve when I was a kid. The regular ones were the kind you see at a feast or in some pizza places were better than I’ve had anywhere. 
The big treats were the batches that were the size of a baseball. They were stuffed with mozzarella, ricotta and chunks of dry sausage. I’ve never seen anyone else make them like that… To this day one of th3 best things I’ve ever eaten. 

Never saw that, my family did them as simple as possible. Pizza dough, just Tear a piece  and tossed in oil on cast iron pan . Cook golden on both sides, fluffy in middle, tossed on plate with paper towel, slab of butter and a teaspoon of sugar right out of my grandmother sugar jar for coffee. Basic as could be and GAF! 

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Easy for him to say he has all the confidence int he world.  Until he shows it on the field, it is jsut words.  It would be more maningful to me to hear his teammates saying he looks like a different guy.  And even then, it is of limited value until he shows us he is a different guy on the field.

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3 hours ago, Biggs said:

You see it almost every sport.  It goes beyond physical skill, work ethic and smarts.  Some guys have it and some don't.  

You see it a lot in the professional arena, as well.

My career has been defined by work ethic, humility, exceptional soft skills, leadership and savvy… as is juxtaposed by MBAs with book smarts and little common sense or practical experience.

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1 hour ago, FidelioJet said:

Well, I thought we were talking about "the team" - which was 5-2 when Zach was the QB.  Weren't we saying Mike White was great but the rest of "the team" was the problem?

The team is now 1-2 with Mike White and 1-2 with Joe Flacco as the QB.

Those facts are undebatable. 

So, again - while I don't agree with it, I really don't think it would be "crazy" to think somehow "the team" would perform better with Zach Wilson.

Looking at the win loss record without taking into context who MW lost to and the make up of those teams vs the teams Zach lost to as well as won against is a bit superficial. I'm not going to list it because I know you read the board diligently and know what I'm referring to. As far as team, Zach played with Breece Hall, MW played with MC and Bam. Bam has been a nice surprise but Breece was a real difference maker. I am very confident we win the Vikes game and maybe the Bills with Breece. 

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1 hour ago, johnnysd said:

I want Mike White to succeed, but it is no where near as obvious as you want to think it is.  Whatever. Zach was horrible in the NE game but the hatred of Zach since before he had ever taken a snap, and now in it's full froth rabid mode robs fans here of any remote level of objectivity. Whatever.

Except for a small handful of posters, everyone was on the Zach train when he was drafted. I wasn't, I wanted Fields and I felt Zach had a bunch of red flags like competition,  one year wonder, and the leadership grumbling out of BYU so I wanted to be convinced he was the guy. People were even falling all over themselves during his first preseason when he not once played against a 1st team defense. So I really don't  know what all this hatred is since he was draft was, I certainly didn't notice it and pretty much was treated like a pariah here for not blindly falling all over myself for the guy. One guy even told me to become a bears fan. 

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6 hours ago, The Crusher said:

Zach never lacked confidence he showed  up with a ton, some may say too much or more than his ability warranted. He needs to take a step behind and realized he needs to learn how to play the position at this level. Until he does that his confidence is nothing more than hubris. 

I think that is a BIG part of the problem the NFL has.  Out of the big major sports (football, hockey, basketball, baseball), it is the ONLY one that does not have some form of either minor league or other league to go play in where you can grow in skills.

And I would say there the NFL has the BIGGEST jump between college and professional.  Many of the QB's playing in college are just not good enough at the NFL level.  But, because of the important nature of the position, the lack of true talent at the NFL level, and the need to get a high pick on the field immediately, many QB's would COULD be good enough crash and burn and are never heard of again.  

You would think, for the overall benefit of their product, they would run an NFL 'farm-system' in football-popular states which do not have pro teams.  I think there would be a market, and an opportunity for fringe players to hone their skills to become NFL caliber players.  

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7 hours ago, Bronx said:

This is Mike White's team unless he is unavailable.  Zach should continue to be a backup until he masters the basics and wins the job legitimately next offseason. 

Exactly. And this Sunday there's a very good chance he will get knocked out. He's tough as nails and he will be playing hurt. But a couple of hits could very well do it. 

So we might just be seeing Zach sooner than you think. 

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7 hours ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

I like hearing this.  You need thick skin to play QB in the NFL.  We'll see how it plays out but I'm glad he still has a lot of confidence.


Don’t care really. His confidence/ego has never been in question. His vision on the field after the snap is all matters to me. Paralyzed in the headlights. 

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7 minutes ago, Paradis said:

Don’t care really. His confidence/ego has never been in question. His vision on the field after the snap is all matters to me. Paralyzed in the headlights. 

Wonder if there’s some sort of test teams could give guys to answer very quickly, as in sub 3 seconds per question. Simple stuff, but just to distinguish processing speed. I kind of can’t imagine they don’t but I also don’t know how some guys who have gone high and busted over the years would have ticked that box.

A guy can work as hard or be as good on the chalk board as anyone could want but making accurate decisions quickly is a different skill altogether.

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7 hours ago, The Crusher said:

Zach never lacked confidence he showed  up with a ton, some may say too much or more than his ability warranted. He needs to take a step behind and realized he needs to learn how to play the position at this level. Until he does that his confidence is nothing more than hubris. 

Having more confidence than his ability warranted could also be place him in the fantacizer category. I'm hoping that standing around in street clothes for a few weeks on game day brought him back on the planet.

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2 hours ago, johnnysd said:

Whatever. Mike White has not been that much better. 

No, he has actually been much better.  Just as much an indictment of just how bad Wilson is as how competent White has been in just his 4th, 5th and 6th starts in the league.


2 hours ago, johnnysd said:

White did not really look all that different than Zach has in the first half against Buffalo, played well in 2nd half. 

Also false.  Zach made one nice 3rd & 7 throw against Buffalo.  He didn't carry the offense like White did. 


2 hours ago, johnnysd said:

 I want White to succeed but I don't see him as a long term guy. Still think Zach's ceiling towers over White's.

Ah the chase for this mythical "ceiling" that Wilson is supposed to have.  Franchise QB's are more about high floors than high or low ceilings.  And Wilson's ceiling has never been that high.  Just the craving Jets fans have to find the next Mahomes and pigeon-hole Wilson into that box based largely on throws he made in shorts on his pro day.

He's not that guy, and never will be that guy.  It's over.  Whether White is the guy or not, Wilson definitely isn't.  

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2 hours ago, The Crusher said:

Never saw that, my family did them as simple as possible. Pizza dough, just Tear a piece  and tossed in oil on cast iron pan . Cook golden on both sides, fluffy in middle, tossed on plate with paper towel, slab of butter and a teaspoon of sugar right out of my grandmother sugar jar for coffee. Basic as could be and GAF! 

When we were kids it was always butter Sal now in this house it's powdered sugar for most of the half Italians I have spawned

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1 hour ago, CanadaSteve said:

You would think, for the overall benefit of their product, they would run an NFL 'farm-system' in football-popular states which do not have pro teams.  I think there would be a market, and an opportunity for fringe players to hone their skills to become NFL caliber players.  

That used to exist.  It was NFL Europe, and it was a lot of fun.  The Frankfurt Galaxy were my team.  J.T. O'Sullivan, baby!  Killer helmets for that squad too.  @Gastineau Lives

I wish they'd bring that back.  They're trying to grow the game across the pond anyways.  Would have to think it'd work better this time around from a financial sense?

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32 minutes ago, NJ said:

Having more confidence than his ability warranted could also be place him in the fantacizer category. I'm hoping that standing around in street clothes for a few weeks on game day brought him back on the planet.

All I know John, is IF he ever has to step back under center, I hope he has learned how to play the position by then. And that he can help us win a ball game or two

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1 hour ago, Warfish said:

You're not nearly as subtle, or as clever, as you seem to think mate. :roll:



 I  am naturally clever - but there is not subtlety here.   Two clear points. 
1) I believe Mike White gives the team the better chance to win. 

2) I also recognize the fact that the team performed better when Zach Wilson was the QB. 


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7 hours ago, Biggs said:

Agree.  There are plenty of low IQ football players with lots of talent just like Geno who it takes 9 years to figure it out.  It took HOF QB  Steve Young 7 years to figure it out.  Did you know both Geno and Young sat behind real good QB's for a very long time before either of them got another chance.  In Young's case he not only sat behind a HOF QB, he was tought how to play the position by one of the 3 or 4 greatest offensive HC in NFL history.  

Zach will not be on the Jets in 7 to 9 years when he finally figures it out.   He has a 4 year deal.  He may not have the time for his mind to catch up to his physical talent.   

Josh Rosen had as much talent as Zach when he was drafted.  

Good post.  I would only correct it a little. He was coached by the best offensive coach in history. 

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