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Has a Jets GM had a worse year in the past 30 years or so than Joe Douglas?


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45 minutes ago, bla bla bla said:

I think people need to get over the Lazard, Cobb, Turner, and Cook signings. Those were the cost of locking in Rodgers to NY.

Our issue is we missed on the Zach pick. Full stop. If you remove QB from the equation, I'm not sure there are 5 other rosters you'd prefer to have. I'd gladly take Jets 2023 roster over any Jets roster I've seen since I started watching.

No. This is what happens when you let inmates run the asylum. This was a conscious decision by management and one they did not have to make. If we're not holding Douglas responsible for this, then where should we direct our criticism? 

All he had to do was tell Rodgers no, but Douglas chose not to do that for risk of losing Rodgers. So the question remains, who should we blame, if not for Douglas?

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45 minutes ago, bla bla bla said:

I think people need to get over the Lazard, Cobb, Turner, and Cook signings. Those were the cost of locking in Rodgers to NY.

Our issue is we missed on the Zach pick. Full stop. If you remove QB from the equation, I'm not sure there are 5 other rosters you'd prefer to have. I'd gladly take Jets 2023 roster over any Jets roster I've seen since I started watching.

Uh, cook was signed well after Rodgers. Davis was still going to play when Lazard was signed.  Cobb was probably signed more to help the team understand Rodgers and Hackett.  Turner might’ve an acceptable depth player.  These are not bad signings on the face of it and we’re probably not must haves dictated by Rodgers.

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43 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

Nice to make unproveable statements.

What you said is the issue, there was one strategy and only one.  Sell the whole farm and all the animals for a 40 yer old QB with no backup plan and no thought of saving a season.  All the eggs put in one basket with a team that has lots of talent in other positions.

In the end no one cares about injury excuses in this league, you succeed or you fail.


I find it hard to believe Rodgers wouldn’t be able to muster 20 ppg and do better than 17% on 3rd downs.

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47 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

So this is a good thing that we added to the Rodgers cost of huge draft capital and a huge salary with adding about 5 players and a coach that make the teams substantially worse?

Sorry adding 5 worse pieces to your team to go all in on a player makes that player totally not worth it.

As for Zac Wilson they yanked him in favor or backups last year then replaced him this year with Rodgers.   And Douglas's prudent back up plan to Rodgers getting hurt was......nothing.

Hey overall I like Douglas, he does some things really well but this past years worth of moves has been a greek tragedy.

2 2nd round picks isn't huge although i am starting to believe they did in fact negotiate against themselves.


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59 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

His draft right now has provided less than the infamous Idzik 13 and his draft priorities were terrible.

He gave up massive draft capital for a player the other team was desperate to get rid of and there was no competition for that players services.

As expected the whole year is all about Rodgers, even in his injury all the stories are about rodgers.

(Got 4 snaps out the player you sold the teams soul for)

He 'improved' the team with the following signings:

Alan Lazard 4 years 11 million a year.  A total dog player so far.

Randall Cobb a guy who was done 2 to 3 years ago, got lots of snaps and provided nothing.

Billy Turner, terrible player here from one reason.  He is a buddy.

Tim Boyle, we have the worst Qb in the league backed up by the worst backup in the league.

Signed Dalvin Cook who has been terrible to a fat contract.

Brought in Nat Hackett a guy not one other team in the league would think about hiring as an oc after the Denver debacle.

Gave Quinnen Williams the biggest DT contract in the league for good 'pass rush win rates' and pff pressures.

His plan A was always Duane Brown at LT

He has utterly failed to do anything in season.  Other teams are picking up QBs that are at least competent, Joe sits on his hands. His big move to help the oline is Roger Saffold, he has done not one thing to bolster the weakest Wr group in the league.

His team 'plan' has just fallen apart this year and he is starting to resemble mike mccagnan level of gming

He failed to do anything in season?  How many O line bodies has he brought in?  He signed Saffold and Dennis Kelly both of whom have pretty extensive starting experience.  He picked up Xavier Newman who has started, has experience with these coaches and leapfrogged several to see the field.  Brought Ogbuehi back who had some solid games for us last season.  Brought back Glaser from the Cowboys.  

The offense has not fared well.  I get it.  They are dealing with injuries to their starting LT, RG and C.  Their best backup T is the RG and they also lost their top backup at G and C, and his backup.  That can be tough to navigate.  He did pretty well riding out the loss of 3 of his top 4 CBs while the team was also missing a S that played a lot of slot.  I am firmly convinced that if Rodgers were here this sh*tty offensive line would be fine.  Acting like he is sitting on his hands is silly.  He made a bunch of moves to get Rodgers here.  They worked.  The fact they don't look good without Rodgers should surprise noone. If they another team had signed Saffold or Kelly the board would be ranting about how smart they are.

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21 minutes ago, #27TheDominator said:

He failed to do anything in season?  How many O line bodies has he brought in?  He signed Saffold and Dennis Kelly both of whom have pretty extensive starting experience.  He picked up Xavier Newman who has started, has experience with these coaches and leapfrogged several to see the field.  Brought Ogbuehi back who had some solid games for us last season.  Brought back Glaser from the Cowboys.  

The offense has not fared well.  I get it.  They are dealing with injuries to their starting LT, RG and C.  Their best backup T is the RG and they also lost their top backup at G and C, and his backup.  That can be tough to navigate.  He did pretty well riding out the loss of 3 of his top 4 CBs while the team was also missing a S that played a lot of slot.  I am firmly convinced that if Rodgers were here this sh*tty offensive line would be fine.  Acting like he is sitting on his hands is silly.  He made a bunch of moves to get Rodgers here.  They worked.  The fact they don't look good without Rodgers should surprise noone. If they another team had signed Saffold or Kelly the board would be ranting about how smart they are.

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1 hour ago, Barry McCockinner said:

I don't know why people get so hung up on Robert Turner. The guy is our 4th string T and G. He has a bunch of starting experience. What do people expect 4th string linemen to look like?

A lot of the problems are caused by injuries. We've been pretty unlucky with oline injuries the past 2 years.

I know every team deals with injuries but what can a GM do about losing so many starters on the oline and the starting QB? It's not going to be good.

The handling of the wr situation was malpractice.

Who is Robert Turner?

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3 hours ago, bla bla bla said:

I think people need to get over the Lazard, Cobb, Turner, and Cook signings. Those were the cost of locking in Rodgers to NY.

Our issue is we missed on the Zach pick. Full stop. If you remove QB from the equation, I'm not sure there are 5 other rosters you'd prefer to have. I'd gladly take Jets 2023 roster over any Jets roster I've seen since I started watching.

Dude is 24 -50 but you have jets fan posting nonsense like this, imagine if this was another fanbase typing this about thier loser GM, we would all be LOL’in our a**** off. 

Post like this are sad and makes this franchise seem so desperate and easy to take advantage off.


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3 hours ago, Beerfish said:

I'd would prefer his plan be get the jets to be good.

If his off season was just semi competant he would have easily gotten a long extension with Saleh.

He probably will still get one but he sure as hell does not deserve it off of his work this year.

I have no doubt that JD thought his plan was going to help us be good.

I think he thought his roster was deeper and more durable than it was.

I think he didn't expect Rodgers to get hurt.

I think he didn't expect (or even consider) the Rodgers-boys (Lazard, Cobb, Cook to some degree) to suck this bad without Rodgers.

But I also think he still believes in Zach Wilson too, and it the most likely force keeping Wilson on the field now.

I don't sense he tried to tank, he took specific risks trying to be better, but also knowing if it failed, he could argue to "just run it back with Rodgers" in 2024 and likely still get his extension.

A variation of Hanlon's Razor, "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence."

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10 minutes ago, oatmeal said:

....imagine if this was another fanbase typing this about thier loser GM, we would all be LOL’in our a**** off. 

Nature of the beast.  We have many a poster writing things they would ceaselessly mock other fanbases for writing in the same situation.

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3 hours ago, Hex said:

To be fair, the 49ers could afford to take the Lance hit and move on. They're making the conference champs every season.

Niners actually used a late draft pick on a guy who has tunred out.  The guy Douglas drafted was out of the league in about 2 years.

Niner with lance and purdy went and got sam darnold.   Douglas's in case of fire break glass strategy was zach wilson and tim boyle

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4 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

Niners actually used a late draft pick on a guy who has tunred out.  The guy Douglas drafted was out of the league in about 2 years.

Niner with lance and purdy went and got sam darnold.   Douglas's in case of fire break glass strategy was zach wilson and tim boyle

Purdy has looked like sh*t last 3 weeks 

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14 minutes ago, Warfish said:

I have no doubt that JD thought his plan was going to help us be good.

I think he thought his roster was deeper and more durable than it was.

I think he didn't expect Rodgers to get hurt.

I think he didn't expect (or even consider) the Rodgers-boys (Lazard, Cobb, Cook to some degree) to suck this bad without Rodgers.

But I also think he still believes in Zach Wilson too, and it the most likely force keeping Wilson on the field now.

I don't sense he tried to tank, he took specific risks trying to be better, but also knowing if it failed, he could argue to "just run it back with Rodgers" in 2024 and likely still get his extension.

A variation of Hanlon's Razor, "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence."

Well here is the issue, we like to compare the Rodgers move with moves teams made and won super bowls.

Brady to Tampa Bay and Stafford to the Rams.

When Brady went to the Rams he signed as free agent and worked with the talented team he had and won.

Tampa did not have to bring in Nate Solder or sebastin vollmer, they did not have to hire josh McDaniel, they did not have to bring in julien edleman and talk wes welker out of retirement.  The one QB concession was Gronk.

Stafford cost the rams a lot to obtain but he did not insist on they bringing in jim bob cooter as oc, eric ebron as TE, erich bacchus on the oline, etc.

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Just now, SpartanJet said:

I mean it would have looked different if Rodgers were healthy but the question that has to be asked is would Rodgers have survived this offensive line to this point anyway.  I think JD had one great draft class and the rest of his work was garbage.

Oh for sure the team would look much better offensively with rodgers, zero question about that.  I'm not sure lazard or cook or cobb or turner would be any better at all though.  They all stink becasue they stink.

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I don't want JD fired, he's been better than most of our GM's but he's no Brad Holmes or Ozzie Newsome.  

The only real sustained success and entertainment we've had as fans is when we were rooting for losses. 

The offense is still embarrassing four years later and it's on national TV for all to deservedly ridicule.  

JD was the one that shoved that awful Zippy down our throats and relentlessly continued to shove.

But, he had that one killer draft and this past off season was exciting and he's made some nice trades, so he's better than your average Jets GM. 

But I bet another, better GM, in the same circumstances, would have our team in a much better place than this.

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21 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

Well here is the issue, we like to compare the Rodgers move with moves teams made and won super bowls.

Brady to Tampa Bay and Stafford to the Rams.

When Brady went to the Rams he signed as free agent and worked with the talented team he had and won.

Tampa did not have to bring in Nate Solder or sebastin vollmer, they did not have to hire josh McDaniel, they did not have to bring in julien edleman and talk wes welker out of retirement.  The one QB concession was Gronk.

Stafford cost the rams a lot to obtain but he did not insist on they bringing in jim bob cooter as oc, eric ebron as TE, erich bacchus on the oline, etc.

That is nice, but there are differences.  It's an apples to oranges comparison.  The Jets had to sell Rodgers and that is what Hackett was about.  They also wanted to get guys they knew he could work with and could succeed with.  It is also quite normal to bring in some guys that know the system to show the others.  I am quite sure that Lazard and Cobb were helping the young guys with that hand signal sh*t.  They said as much.  Brady was instrumental in bringing Antonio Brown the the Bucs, so give me a ******* break.  

Parcells brings in Pepper Johnson and he Otis Smith and he is establishing a culture.  The Jets do it and they are bowing the whims of the QB.

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25 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

Niners actually used a late draft pick on a guy who has tunred out.  The guy Douglas drafted was out of the league in about 2 years.

Niner with lance and purdy went and got sam darnold.   Douglas's in case of fire break glass strategy was zach wilson and tim boyle

I posted this in the other thread.  When they show Lynch on TV,  the announcers never mention Lance anymore because the Lance narrative is over. 

JD, by keeping Zach on the team is reminding everyone over and over of the awful blunder he made and that narrative overwhelms the good things he's done.  

He needs to trade Zach to change the topic.

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