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Rams hire Lafleur


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2 hours ago, Green Ghost said:

I love the guys here who are trying to convince themselves we’re better off with Hackett than MLF.

News Flash… we didn’t fire LaFleur. He got out of Dodge as soon as he could.

Yea, probably because he didn't like the prospect of having 'senior assistants' to help him out. Plus, it's not like MLF is going to be doing half of what he was here when he's in LA. 

Time will tell whether or not Hackett is worse or better than MLF, but the fact that he has actual OC experience on 3 different teams mean he's going to have the advantage over MLF until he proves otherwise.

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5 minutes ago, Hex said:

Yea, probably because he didn't like the prospect of having 'senior assistants' to help him out. Plus, it's not like MLF is going to be doing half of what he was here when he's in LA. 

Time will tell whether or not Hackett is worse or better than MLF, but the fact that he has actual OC experience on 3 different teams mean he's going to have the advantage over MLF until he proves otherwise.

1. Whether you want to see and/or admit it, going to LA was a smart move by LaFleur

2. The assumption in your second paragraph has absolutely no basis in fact, despite your use of the word.

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1 hour ago, JoeNamathsFurCoat said:

Saleh deserved to be fired more than LaFleur.

Bobby threw his “friend” under the bus to (temporarily) save his own skin and appease his GM.


Look at the attempts 46.5 , that means the Jets were losing and needed to play catch up. When Zach was playing the team was winning close games and running the ball.  

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1 minute ago, Irish Jet said:

Says a lot about how the league seen our offensive struggles that he gets such a great job right away.

They know Wilson was irredeemable.

Did you see the Rams last season? Doesn't look like it's going to get any better anytime soon. Rams are paying the price for going all in for the 2021 season. Looks like they're entering purgatory. They might have to tear it down after next season. 

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28 minutes ago, playtowinthegame said:

Did you see the Rams last season? Doesn't look like it's going to get any better anytime soon. Rams are paying the price for going all in for the 2021 season. Looks like they're entering purgatory. They might have to tear it down after next season. 

They went all in, got the ring.

They have no draft picks, a 30 year old qb with injuries, and an aging team.

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4 hours ago, peekskill68 said:

No one ever argued MLF has a lot of talent when it comes to designing an offense.  He has problems with communication and leadership, which may simply be based on lack of experience.  The Jets either could have kept him and brought in some experience to guide him or let him start fresh elsewhere.  It seems like too many bridges were burned with the players, so going to the Rams under McVay seems like a win-win all around.

Plenty of people argued that

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1 hour ago, Green Ghost said:

1. Whether you want to see and/or admit it, going to LA was a smart move by LaFleur

2. The assumption in your second paragraph has absolutely no basis in fact, despite your use of the word.

1. I agree with that first part. It was a smart move. Doesn't mean he wasn't bad here.

2. What are you talking about? Hackett was the OC for the Buffalo Bills and Jaguars, calling plays there before moving to Green Bay. If you don't believe me, look it up. Hackett has been doing OC stuff since 2013 in the NFL.

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56 minutes ago, playtowinthegame said:

Did you see the Rams last season? Doesn't look like it's going to get any better anytime soon. Rams are paying the price for going all in for the 2021 season. Looks like they're entering purgatory. They might have to tear it down after next season. 

Yeah sort of the thing our fans want us to do with AR. 

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4 hours ago, BCJet said:

Ive been saying the same thing since day 1 and its even more clear.

Option 1 - stay with the jets who have no QB without a contract extension so that every week that the offense doesnt score 20+ your job will be questioned by the media.  

Option 2 - Get released from the last year of your contract with the Jets, be first in line for calls/interviews for jobs one of which is in LA where you can learn from Sean McVay for a year or 2 before moving on.  

Not a hard call here.....good for MLF.

Or get fired for being bad at your job and not being able to develop Zach, which was the single most important job bar none on the entire team. Also, maybe learn how to connect with the players - it will be easier for them to learn that way. Good riddance.

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2 hours ago, Asymmetrical said:

Good for him. For whatever his faults and communication failings were, he was stuck with the worst qb in the league. They couldn't get rid of Wilson so MLF had to go. Kind of dumb and unfair but that's life.

JD can’t admit he screwed up drafting Zach Wilson.  Really one of the most stupid qb evaluations ever and a historic case of groupthink gone wrong

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2 hours ago, Rich Thornburgh said:

Lafleur is a better OC than Hackett.  Give me a break about Aaron Rodgers.  Rodgers calls his own plays and audibles his OC’s since McCarthy left have been figureheads

MLF had about the worst playcalling I have ever seen, it's not really like it could get much worse. The players regressed as the season went on too. I don't know if Hackett was calling plays in Denver either, and he probably wasn't in charge of developing the offense. He was a HC. And there's no way they were paying an OC to just be a 'figurehead'.

Plus, you guys all think the only job of an OC is to call plays. That isn't the case. The OC develops the players, coaches them, and runs the other coordinators in the offense. As far as I'm concerned, Hackett might have not called plays in GB but he helped the offense be dominant with Rodgers. He also called plays on the 2 teams before that, one of which was a top 10 offense with Blake Bortles as QB. 

Say all you want about MLF being a better OC, Hackett has a much longer career as an OC, and MLF's offense didn't break 20 points total across the last 3 games. I went to one of them personally. The playcalling sucked and the players had regressed. He needed to go, either by quitting or getting fired.

Hackett have more success than MLF, possibly because of the additions of better players or just being better. But he's probably not worse.

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6 hours ago, Warfish said:

He upgraded.

We downgraded.

This is absolutely the worst take yet. The Rams are an aging team on the way down with no draft picks and we replaced a one year play caller and terrible offensive mind proven by his ineptness for most of the season and specifically the last 3 games of the season, when we needed a win to make it to the playoffs and we couldn’t score one TD against terrible defenses and we replaced him with an OC that has made it to 3 conference championships including bringing Blake Bortles to a title game. 

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11 hours ago, Beerfish said:

Of course this will be the answer, sort of a preemptive excuse in case the rams offense is better than the jets.

call it that if you want, but it's a fact that the job will be totally different from his responsibilities here.  McVay runs the show. MLF was terrible here and the bridges were burned.  He infuriated the offense. He was put in the wrong job, in the wrong  place, at the wrong time.  He needs much more time as an assistant, which is what he is in LA despite the "OC" title.

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