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Aaron Rodgers to the Jets rumor: Merged

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2 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

I seem to remember the LA Rams adding a QB plus OBJ and winning a title.  Granted, we don't have an Aaron Donald.  But we do have Sauce, QW, Garrett Wilson, Breece and AVT.  Not too shabby.

The Rams went 43-21 under McVay before Stafford got there, including three playoff wins and a Super Bowl appearance.

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1 hour ago, BCJet said:

If we trade Ruckert and Moore and replace them with Mercedes Lewis and Randall Cobb then JD better win the Super Bowl because those moves go against every single thing that has been preached about building a roster with high quality guys. On top of that, Rogers "wish list" has done nothing but hurt JD's bargaining position wtih the Packers.

If im Gutenkunst, then why am I not going to force JD into restocking my roster with young guys - what choice does he have at this point?  

2nd in 2023 and a 3rd in 2024, fix my salary cap, give me 2-3 young players to restock my team and get rid of this yearly headache who may not want to even play football anymore - The Packers front office is probably thrilled with the way this is playing out.

And for anyone comparing this to the Bucs - Brady gave them a commitment of multiple years all at a reasonable contract number and had a history of being someone who leads a locker room.  Rogers brings NONE of that here and could easily start to show his age even more and leave us with dead cap room, a depleted roster and no QB.

This is really starting to go in the wrong direction


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3 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Building it the right way = having an established young core and, if you don't have a QB already, attracting one.  Isn't this an example of that?

I seem to remember the LA Rams adding a QB plus OBJ and winning a title.  Granted, we don't have an Aaron Donald.  But we do have Sauce, QW, Garrett Wilson, Breece and AVT.  Not too shabby.

You know, it's funny, if you recall, I created the "if you build it, they will come" thread regarding JD building a roster that would attract Russ or Rodgers and here we are but this all is just stinky right now.   Idk, I didnt envision getting bent over the in the process and JD essentially cowering to his every demand but, beggers cant be choosers.  W/ Lazard reportingly signed, I assume this is happening

JiFa-aron? JiFarod? JiFaronrod? 


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11 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Building it the right way = having an established young core and, if you don't have a QB already, attracting one.  Isn't this an example of that?

I seem to remember the LA Rams adding a QB plus OBJ and winning a title.  Granted, we don't have an Aaron Donald.  But we do have Sauce, QW, Garrett Wilson, Breece and AVT.  Not too shabby.


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5 minutes ago, JiF4Lamar said:

You know, it's funny, if you recall, I created the "if you build it, they will come" thread regarding JD building a roster that would attract Russ or Rodgers and here we are but this all is just stinky right now.   Idk, I didnt envision getting bent over the in the process and JD essentially cowering to his every demand but, beggers cant be choosers.  W/ Lazard reportingly signed, I assume this is happening

JiFa-aron? JiFarod? JiFaronrod? 



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1 hour ago, Embrace the Suck said:

So what you're saying is past your cheap attempt at a one liner they don't have any. GB needs to, and wants to, trade AR which their GM pretty much said this past Friday. Don't get me wrong I like a good Woody joke, but that was more you raising a white flag than anything else.

Look, if after 20 years of watching everything that Woody has had his hands directly on blow up spectacularly, and you feel that this time will be different, then you are a better man than me.

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17 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Building it the right way = having an established young core and, if you don't have a QB already, attracting one.  Isn't this an example of that?

I seem to remember the LA Rams adding a QB plus OBJ and winning a title.  Granted, we don't have an Aaron Donald.  But we do have Sauce, QW, Garrett Wilson, Breece and AVT.  Not too shabby.

How dare you forget about the best #2 CB in the league ... DJ Reed?

I see it the same way ... the Jets have 6 elite players at their positions, without Rodgers.  

Let's just make sure we don't throw away Elijah Moore & Jeremy Ruckert as we balance out which of Rodgers guys to bring in.  

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14 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Building it the right way = having an established young core and, if you don't have a QB already, attracting one.  Isn't this an example of that?

I seem to remember the LA Rams adding a QB plus OBJ and winning a title.  Granted, we don't have an Aaron Donald.  But we do have Sauce, QW, Garrett Wilson, Breece and AVT.  Not too shabby.

Your general point is valid, but OBJ has an ACL injury and is two years older since his time with the Rams.  What exactly does he add to a receiving corps of Wilson, Moore, Lazard?  NFW to OBJ, unless he comes here for a cheap contract and is ok playing a very complementary role.  The Jets have other needs to fill. WR is not a need right now. 

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18 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Building it the right way = having an established young core and, if you don't have a QB already, attracting one.  Isn't this an example of that?

I seem to remember the LA Rams adding a QB plus OBJ and winning a title.  Granted, we don't have an Aaron Donald.  But we do have Sauce, QW, Garrett Wilson, Breece and AVT.  Not too shabby.

QW can be that version of Aaron Donald, or at least come close.

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2 minutes ago, Jets4Life1979 said:


Lol Adam Schefter really trying to put info out there. As if that wasn't obvious already. I think @choon328 was the person that mentioned they heard the Jets couldn't even sign Rodgers until a year after he signed his most recent contract, which was like a year ago today or tomorrow


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3 hours ago, Skeptable said:

If they all come fairly cheap to play with Rodgers... how does it hurt?

Seriously. First I doubt we get all of them. But let's say we get 2 and on inexpensive deals. They are just pieces...we aren't relying on them to be franchise players 

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