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Rodgers to the Jets - Support it, or Oppose it?

Do you support the Jets Possible/Pending Acquisition of Aaron Rodgers?  

260 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you support the Jets Possible/Pending Acquisition of Aaron Rodgers?

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@Sperm Edwards any idea what the Jets’ cap hit will be if Rodgers plays in 2023 and then retires?  Seems like $24.4 million (his remaining prorated bonus which gets accelerated), but not sure.

The more I look at his thorny ass contract, the more it feels like the Packers might be willing to wait until after June 1 to trade him.  If he’s traded pre 6/1, the cap hit eaten by Green Bay is about $40 million.  If they wait until after 6/1, it’s $15 million.  Maybe they yank additional trade comp out of the Jets in order to do it sooner, or maybe Rodgers really becomes a pain in the ass to them, but otherwise I don’t see why they make the deal pre 6/1.

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1 hour ago, Alworth said:

       I turned 73 in November--Jet fan from '60 and first saw them live in '64 (at Shea).  I welcome the opportunity that Tom Shane has given me to own my position with some visibility. I actually like Rodgers; he's almost as narcissistic as I am. So my opposition is based on strictly a football calculus. Barring a major surprise about what we give up in draft comp and spent cap space, those costs will only be balanced out if we get to the SB this year or next. An AFCG or two isn't going to cut it and will amount to a detour on the road to perennial year to year enjoyment. Yes, I know that I might not be around after the 2024 season but so be it. 

May you be pleasantly surprised by both how little we gave and how far we go!

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38 minutes ago, nj meadowlands said:

@Sperm Edwards any idea what the Jets’ cap hit will be if Rodgers plays in 2023 and then retires?  Seems like $24.4 million (his remaining prorated bonus which gets accelerated), but not sure.

The more I look at his thorny ass contract, the more it feels like the Packers might be willing to wait until after June 1 to trade him.  If he’s traded pre 6/1, the cap hit eaten by Green Bay is about $40 million.  If they wait until after 6/1, it’s $15 million.  Maybe they yank additional trade comp out of the Jets in order to do it sooner, or maybe Rodgers really becomes a pain in the ass to them, but otherwise I don’t see why they make the deal pre 6/1.

he is reworking the contract. we will find out if that is a good or bad thing. hoping it is good.

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40 minutes ago, nj meadowlands said:

@Sperm Edwards any idea what the Jets’ cap hit will be if Rodgers plays in 2023 and then retires?  Seems like $24.4 million (his remaining prorated bonus which gets accelerated), but not sure.

The more I look at his thorny ass contract, the more it feels like the Packers might be willing to wait until after June 1 to trade him.  If he’s traded pre 6/1, the cap hit eaten by Green Bay is about $40 million.  If they wait until after 6/1, it’s $15 million.  Maybe they yank additional trade comp out of the Jets in order to do it sooner, or maybe Rodgers really becomes a pain in the ass to them, but otherwise I don’t see why they make the deal pre 6/1.

The only way would be restructuring the contract which is what they are currently trying to negotiate, from the latest report, fwiw. 

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172-13 at the moment. What other poll on a substantial Jets move, has ever been so overwhelming. There will always be those that will never be happy but I think this proves that the fanbase is onboard. Why wouldn’t they be? We don’t see winning often and with the young talent that will eventually want to get paid, our window is not open for long.  In the meantime, maybe we draft a QB in the 3rd or 4th round and they battle it out with Zach to learn from one of the greatest. This is a good day. 

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When talking about compensation… AR did mention his agent is involved. So I’d imagine he’s willing to be flexible to get a deal done rather than waiting. It’s not a simple draft pick for player move. Seems there has to be some money moved around. And whoever is taking on more. Should be taken less compensation wise obviously. Where that “middle” ground is, I don’t know.

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Acquiring our 6th elite player in the past 2 years for possibly less than a 1st round pick unless we make a Super Bowl is completely unacceptable!!

I’m sick of seeing us add the type of talent we haven’t had in well over a decade!

Guess what … enjoy paying $10 for a hot dog at the game.  Someone has to pay for having a good team and it’s not going to be me!!!!!!!!!!!!


threes company mr furley GIF

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2 hours ago, Beerfish said:

Did you get this from the Denver Broncos forum after getting russell wilson?  Or maybe the browns forum after they got watson?

At this point the jets are playoff contenders with a boat load of great teams between us and the afc prize.


You don’t have to be the adult in the room, loosen up, enjoy the moment

Aaron Rodgers is a ******* jet baby!  Today may end up being the best and most pivotal day in the past 50 years of New York Jets football.  It could blow up, but it’s all entertainment, today I have a smile on my face and am stoked


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35 minutes ago, David Harris said:


You don’t have to be the adult in the room, loosen up, enjoy the moment

Aaron Rodgers is a ******* jet baby!  Today may end up being the best and most pivotal day in the past 50 years of New York Jets football.  It could blow up, but it’s all entertainment, today I have a smile on my face and am stoked


Ah yes the famous Aaron Rodgers relax comment, he won a super bowl once.....12 years ago.

Also, Aaron Rodgers is not a Jet at this point in time.

I'll relax and be happy going into next training camp when I see what the totality of the team looks like.

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Sure I’ll support it for what it is. Two years of better Jets football and maybe, just maybe a deep run in the playoffs. This franchise has FUBAR’ed the QB position since Joe F’ing Namath. Sure a couple of glimpses with Kenny and Vinny in the 80’s and late 90’s but otherwise….GTFOH.. This is Brady and the Bucs all over again. The minute Rodgers retires we are right back in the dumpster. There is no plan…sorry Zach Skippy Doo is not going to miraculously turn into Steve Young. Let’s enjoy the next couple of years, but realize that the Jets are F&*ed after that. Oh and by the way, they have yet to actually trade for him yet so……….

Sent from my iPad using JetNation.com mobile app

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8 hours ago, peebag said:

Zach bombing really did a number on this team.  The Jets won't recover for another 5 to 6 years, if ever.

Don’t agree. If the rookie salary’s were how they used to be then sure you’d be on to something. Now teams can move on fairly quickly (see the jets now) 

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9 hours ago, Warfish said:

Doesn't matter what your reason is, do you support Rodgers to the Jets, or do you oppose Rodgers to the Jets.

Feel free to expand in the comments, but the poll is a direct, simple "Yes or No" only.

Wanted Carr for stability but today?  Absolutely.  

Could change when we find out compenstaion.

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13 hours ago, Warfish said:

I hope we're in for 1-2 years of fun, pass-heavy, effective offense, playoff football.  That's all I'm asking for right now.  If it's meant to be, the rest will come.

I am hoping for a 55% pass - 45% run split like GB had in AR last 2 MVP seasons. He is so good off play action. With a focused Becton, a healthy AVT, Brown and Hall we should be able to have a good running game.

600 pass attempts should keep all our key receivers happy.

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10 hours ago, nj meadowlands said:

@Sperm Edwards any idea what the Jets’ cap hit will be if Rodgers plays in 2023 and then retires?  Seems like $24.4 million (his remaining prorated bonus which gets accelerated), but not sure.

The more I look at his thorny ass contract, the more it feels like the Packers might be willing to wait until after June 1 to trade him.  If he’s traded pre 6/1, the cap hit eaten by Green Bay is about $40 million.  If they wait until after 6/1, it’s $15 million.  Maybe they yank additional trade comp out of the Jets in order to do it sooner, or maybe Rodgers really becomes a pain in the ass to them, but otherwise I don’t see why they make the deal pre 6/1.

Too early because there’s also a good chance his contract gets altered in some way, whether in timed allocations or perhaps in absolute amounts (by GB eating some or AR taking an outright cut a la Brady to fit others he’d like the Jets to add).

For GB sure it’s possible but unlikely they’ll wait until 6/1 for cap reasons since they’ve already restructured 4-5 players iirc in anticipation of this transaction. It adds a very absorbable ~$9MM this year but then he’s off their books forever. If they wait then sue the hit is less this year but then there’s a significant, larger hit next year when their newly-restructured contracts will also be hitting higher.

In the end it’s the same cumulative hit, and too much is made of dead hits this vs next year for teams that have the ability to counterbalance higher hits today (dead or not) by moving others’ current hits to next year instead. Six in one, half dozen in the other.

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Wholeheartedly support the Rodgers move.  I am tired of watching bums play QB for the Jets and rooting for draft position in the middle of every season.  I'm just sick of losing, and if Rodgers can give me a year or two of meaningful games and do some damage in the playoffs, I'm all in. If we can interrupt the cycle of drafting sh*tty QB's for a year or two, sign me up.

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I’m against it on principle if it involves any unconditional first-round picks.  Sorry, I know Rodgers would be great to have, but I just think the Packers are completely overreaching by asking for first-rounders given that Rodgers will likely retire after next year (hearing him say yesterday he was 90% leaning towards retirement would give me serious pause if I’m Douglas).  And I generally think you give the middle finger to anyone who thinks they have you over a barrell (like the Packers seem to think here).

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198 to 17, we don't often see that level of near-universal support for a move the Jets make/might make.

In fairness to the brave 17, there are several reasons to be cynical/skeptical of the deal, possible cost (still TBD), effectiveness, cost (in terms of future development/"building it right"), personal dislike (for some folks) to the personality of Rodgers, etc.

But it is sorta nice to see the majority supportive of something to this degree, because honestly, it's pretty rare in my experience.

Thanks all for participating.

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This is gonna cost us big time now. Running his mouth yesterday only helps the Packers and their leverage. They will definitely wait til after June 1 now and we are gonna have to give up some sh*t now. He’s talented no doubt but he is SO arrogant in his own weird way that he almost makes me say NO but we did need to make a splash- I just hope we can Swim and now drown??

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Listened to the entire Macafee interview and liked the way Rogers spoke after previously thinking that he was not the best teammate. Loved how he stood up for himself to the media and the way Green Bay treated him. He was articulate and professional. Loved how he cleared up his (lack of) demands for “his” players. Most impressive how he defendended Hackett for those that thought the only reason the Jets hired him was to land Rogers. His words were (paraphrasing) “It does a total injustice to Hackett’s coaching ability thinking that he was hired to land me.” Love how he defended him and his respect for Lazard (who is obviously significantly younger than him.  Liked Rogers much more after the interview 

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