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Have You Ever Seen An Announcer Make Fun Of A Team/Player?

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Aikman, Scott Van Pelt and possibly Joe Buck were mocking us at the end of the game last night, joking about us mounting a comeback during GT.  Can anyone recall announcers doing something like that?

I'm not disagreeing that our offense has been terrible and I actually kind of like Aikman as an announcer.  I like that he makes criticisms, just like he did as a player:


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9 minutes ago, ChewyandtheJets said:

Thought it was a little harsh considering he was a QB and this was only Zach wilson’s third career start.  I mean if this was year 3 it would be different.   He did point out extensively how decimated our O line was which is much more than I can say for the sun afternoon announcers.  

When a HOF QB laughs at your QBs 8 yard out pass on the games first play you know the die has been cast.  All well deserved imo. 


This type of ire wouldn’t be happening if they felt Wilson was putting in the time. It’s obvious he’s not. 

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I didn’t see it as picking on or laughing at by Aikman. In my opinion it was just an honest evaluation that a former QB was making that not enough announcers have the balls to do. Most don’t want to make the players mad. In fairness, I didn’t see the 4th quarter so he may have made fun of him then. I, unlike Aikman, was able to go to bed after the 3rd quarter and not have to watch the end of that sh*tshow.

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Aikman was actually holding back.  The murder ball to Lazard he mentioned at least 3 times but he wasn’t saying what he wanted to I don’t think.  

The 4th and 10 sack in the giants game and the pitch to Carter I think who had a defender standing behind him when Zach had 20 yards in front of him, any QB that has played in the league would tell you that guy should not be on an NFL roster  

It’s a historically bad offense.  The super frustrating part is the very good defense.  

everyone in the football community knows that Zach is trash  🗑️ 

the only thing that remains is what the jets do about it 

based on their history it’s possible we get the “sticking with the plan “ speech  



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10 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

Aikman, Manning, Romo ripping on Zach the way they do is basically telling you without telling you they have no respect for him as a professional or his preparation to be a professional. Zach, nice kid. Not a professional QB. 

He also made a comment along the lines of yes, the offense would be better with Rodgers, but not sure how much better, there are a ton of really big problems with the offense in gnereal. I have no ties to ZW and at this point would love to see someone else come in if nothing else to prove to all the clueless people just how bad the entire offense is. ZW is not good enough to overcome a complete sh*t offense, nobody is going to argue he is, but to blame everything on him, is as big of a bag of BS in the opposite direction, as usuall, the truth is somewhere in the middle

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8 minutes ago, Barkus said:

They are not a good team. Zack has 5 td the entire season. Stroud is a rookie and he threw 5 in one game on Sunday!!! Levis threw 4 in his first game!!!

In 2.5 seasons, Zach Wilson has never thrown for more than 2 TD in a single game.  It's actually mind boggling in this day and age.

You would think it would have happened even just by pure chance at this point.  A busted coverage, missed tackle, something.  He's simply incapable of scoring points with any consistency.  It doesn't matter whether he is going up against the worst defense or best defense in the league.

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3 minutes ago, DoubleDown said:

In 2.5 seasons, Zach Wilson has never thrown for more than 2 TD in a single game.  It's actually mind boggling in this day and age.

How many passing tds does he have where the ball traveled more than 10 yards in the air? Maybe 5 tops? Lazards against KC was 10 on the nose. 

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I was annoyed when he got on him right away. Game is 0-0 and already with negative stuff. My view was, let the game play out. Announce the game and analyze the game. I get that Zach was likely to flop. But wait for the flop to happen first.

By the end, after Zach sh*t the bed, I thought it was fine. I agree he held back. He looked annoyed to be forced to watch him. He kept calling for Breece to get the ball more. Overall, no issues with how he criticized Zach during the game. I thought he kept it professional.

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3 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

He sailed a layup throw over Uzomah on his first pass. That tells someone like Aikman this kid isn’t putting in the time. That’s when guys don’t hold back. It’s pretty well known around the league how coddled Zach is. Boogers comments last year didn’t come out of thin air.

I get that. I just don’t care to hear constant whining 24/7. Zach will get bashed for the next 5 days for his performance including by me. Start of the game, I’m trying to watch the game. Everyone is different though. Just my preference. I’m not the type to be booing people at the game.

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2 hours ago, TuscanyTile2 said:

Aikman, Scott Van Pelt and possibly Joe Buck were mocking us at the end of the game last night, joking about us mounting a comeback during GT.  Can anyone recall announcers doing something like that?

I dunno, can you recall anyone else running the same schlep out there at QB despite overwhelming empirical evidence that they can't play?

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It’s very refreshing and exactly what the majority of Jets fans are thinking. Well done by Aikman last night. Simply unacceptable we’ve trotted this QB out there to start 30 games. It’s bad for the sport on a nationally televised game and even worse for Jets fans. 

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18 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

He sailed a layup throw over Uzomah on his first pass. That tells someone like Aikman this kid isn’t putting in the time. That’s when guys don’t hold back. It’s pretty well known around the league how coddled Zach is. Boogers comments last year didn’t come out of thin air.

I wonder if they get access to Zach in their production meetings or if the Jets go out of their way to shield him from those interviews

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