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Russini and Rosenblatt: 2023 Jets a dysfunctional mess; Saleh paranoid, Hackett lazy, Zach a tittybaby

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1 hour ago, Mogglez said:

I heard absolutely none of this during, or following, this season and I do not like this regime so there’s no agenda for me to build or defend.

This will fly under the radar because people have already made up their minds on what will transpire next season and this just reinforces their confirmation bias, but there are a lot of reasons that Taylor Embree was fired.  He did not “go quietly into that good night” either.  Based on what I know about him, I would bet every dime of my wedding savings that this came from him.

I can tell you with 100% percent certainty that the “taking cell phones” story is complete bullsh*t, as well as the “Wilson had no line to Rodgers” part of the article.  I’ll work on corroborating the rest, but I suspect it will be the same.

Will Parkason is on Asman show right now saying the complete opposite, he said he’s herd a lot of this during the season. 


so idk 

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I think the Jets are very clearly and obviously a complete sh*t show.  But I also didn't need this article to tell me that, and I also don't think this article is particularly well-sourced or well-written (which shouldn't be much of a surprised, given that it's written by (1) a guy who -- like all other Jets beat writers -- gets his "scoops" as quickly as Ian Rapaport can tweet them; and (2) Dianna "the Dolt" Russini).   To be clear, I believe completely that the organization suffers from deep rot starting from the top, and that this regime is a clown show that should've been fired a year ago.  But I don't trust these clown writers ("Staffers were bemused by Saleh’s obsession with the Wilson story and his reaction to it") much more than I trust Bob Saleh.

Maybe that's just me. 

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3 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

That just doesn’t add up. You have an entire locker room with guys whose careers are on the line. This is their livelihood. Just a horrible look for a professional organization to do that. Culture I guess doesn’t matter.

But with the benefit of hindsight that’s what happened.  They used rodgers to market Wilson’s improvement in preseason with the intention of having him never see the field.  They didn’t bring in a good backup before or after rodgers got hurt.  The OC is a shill for rodgers.  They simply had no plan B.  

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1 minute ago, JustInFudge said:

Sorry, but Russini is literally the female version of Jason LaCanfora.  Full of sh*t, makes stuff up out of thin air to stay "relevant", never ever ever gets any scoop or does any of her "breaking news" adds up, it's pure utter speculative garbage.  Anyone could have wrote this "story" w/ just common sense because Woody.

Kinda how I'm feeling.  There's obvious truthiness to all of the themes in the story, but it feels pretty trashy overall.

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3 minutes ago, nj meadowlands said:

I think the Jets are very clearly and obviously a complete sh*t show.  But I also didn't need this article to tell me that, and I also don't think this article is particularly well-sourced or well-written (which shouldn't be much of a surprised, given that it's written by (1) a guy who -- like all other Jets beat writers -- gets his "scoops" as quickly as Ian Rapaport can tweet them; and (2) Dianna "the Dolt" Russini).   To be clear, I believe completely that the organization suffers from deep rot starting from the top, and that this regime is a clown show that should've been fired a year ago.  But I don't trust these clown writers ("Staffers were bemused by Saleh’s obsession with the Wilson story and his reaction to it") much more than I trust Bob Saleh.

Maybe that's just me. 

its not just you - think you are pretty spot on here

Org is not changing and Woody is not selling for the foreseable future. To be a bit fair to Woody, he has changed the org so many times we lose count but simply makes the same mistakes over and over.

For Saleh, I wanted him and thought we finally got the right guy - has not worked out that way. I do think he can be a good coach and lead this team but he needs a full and competent coaching staff to do so. He has not created that and basically built inexperience all around him.

He relies on his coaches 100% on both sides of the ball. If they operate at 20% efficiency, well that is what you get from him.

Since I am a relic, if he had Labeau as his DC and norv turner as his oc - he is a completley differnet coach.. 

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10 minutes ago, oatmeal said:

Will Parkason is on Asman show right now saying the complete opposite, he said he’s herd a lot of this during the season. 


so idk 

This is the link. Can't include the timestamp since it's still live, but you want it at about 18-20 minutes in..

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12 minutes ago, Augustiniak said:

But with the benefit of hindsight that’s what happened.  They used rodgers to market Wilson’s improvement in preseason with the intention of having him never see the field.  They didn’t bring in a good backup before or after rodgers got hurt.  The OC is a shill for rodgers.  They simply had no plan B.  

Why were they invested in Wilson’s improvement to begin with? The way Wilson’s 2022 ended should have been the end of him. Ghosted reporters and vanished. There was zero reason to market any sort of rehab or improvement plan. His teammates didn’t like him, he was terrible, and never fit in. All of this other Hackett noise is pointless without finding out why Wilson was allowed back on the roster to begin with. Who’s to say at this point that he’s not back again? 

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3 minutes ago, Mogglez said:

There are legitimate things that were twisted with completely different reasonings that I addressed in my updates, but I’m not listening to Will right now in order to hear what exactly he’s corroborating.

If it’s some of the more nonsensical things that “came out” like the cell phone story and Woody shoving tweets in people’s faces, I don’t know who Parker speaks to so, for all we know, it’s the same person that gave Rosenblatt and Russini information (my money is on Tyler Embree.)

People are, as always, welcome to believe whoever they would like but, to that, I would say that I have done my part in vetting what I have heard.  I’d like to think y’all trust me at this point and, like I said, this regime pissed me off this year, so there’s zero shilling for them on my end.

You are a great source of info and I, for one, will always trust you. I’ve gotta think that morale at Florham Park right has to be about the worst since that place opened, and that includes after losing the back to back AFC title games.

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If I owned the Jets I would have fired Saleh immediately after Joe Benigno admitted that Saleh texts back and forth with him after games.

  Every other coach is back in the lab breaking down film into late hours. Our guy is texting a meathead radio guy like a paranoid school girl to try and get a narrative out.


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14 hours ago, oatmeal said:

Will Parkason is on Asman show right now saying the complete opposite, he said he’s herd a lot of this during the season. 


so idk 


14 hours ago, jeremy2020 said:

This is the link. Can't include the timestamp since it's still live, but you want it at about 18-20 minutes in..

Thank you very much for the link, as it provides clarity.

Pretty much everything he corroborates is what I discussed in my update posts.  My only adds are these:

1st - Rodgers and Zach weren’t like family, as portrayed on Hard Knocks, but Zach did not lose his lifeline like Russini and Rosenblatt claimed.

2nd - Saleh did lament what could have been if not for the bad luck of losing his HoF starting QB but, no, he didn't sit on his computer researching metrics for other HoF head coaches so he could shout around 1 Jets Drive “See, it’s not just me!” Regardless, Will is right.  Saleh needs to shut up, accept that adversity struck, and just go out and coach the guys to wins.  That will end the nonsense of pissed off reporters making up twisted fairytales based around true things.  Just win games and all of this will go away.

Lastly - Again, Hackett is not lazy but, yes, some of his responsibilities will be moved to a collaborative setting.  This, to me, will be better for any other QB that needs to play next season, should that issue arise.

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23 minutes ago, JustInFudge said:

The following are not hot take, they are in fact, ice cold regurgitated duh sh*t:

- Woody meddles.

- Hackett is here to slob Rodgers nob

- Zach Wilson is the definition of a baby bitch.

- Saleh is a meat head

- JD sits in silence


At least the on-field performance wasn't reflected by any of this.

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7 minutes ago, JetsMan57 said:

If I owned the Jets I would have fired Saleh immediately after Joe Benigno admitted that Saleh texts back and forth with him after games.

  Every other coach is back in the lab breaking down film into late hours. Our guy is texting a meathead radio guy like a paranoid school girl to try and get a narrative out.


The OC literally doesn’t watch film!! He admitted this with that Breece comment -  +1 for Rusini and Rosenblatt 

Saleh leaking team info to the meathead radio guy - +1 for Rusini and Rosenblatt 

Woody listening to the fans and confronting Saleh and JD on these things (I mean this is woody John, do we not believe this??) - +1 for Rusini and Rosenblatt 


Not looking good when you add up the numbers for the “tHeY lyiNg oN tHe jEts” crowd 

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3 hours ago, GreenFish said:

The main issue is pretty obvious…Woody.

The owner being influenced by fans on Twitter and then confronting staff is crazy. How can an organization function like that? That shows a lack of trust. I’d be paranoid as hell if I was Saleh and JD. What a sh*t show.

Is he though? JD and Saleh are still employed. 

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2 minutes ago, Mogglez said:


2nd - Saleh did lament the bad luck of losing his HoF starting QB but, no, he didn't sit on his computer researching metrics for other HoF head coaches.  Will is right.  Saleh needs to shut up, accept that adversity struck, and just go out and coach the guys to wins.  That will end the nonsense of pissed off reporters making up twisted fairytales based around true things.  Just win games and all of this will go away.


Agreed on the wining games . That's all that matters.

But just to push back a little on this one: We know that Saleh was texting Joe Beningo all season and we know that he said on WFAN that Saleh told him he was keeping track of other head coaches records without their starting QBs. This one has a ring of truth to it, at least to me. 

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40 minutes ago, talonmm said:

Agreed.  Woody is probably considered a good NFL owner by his peers.  He hasn't been involved in any NFL scandals, personal scandals.  Unlike the Commanders, no front office horror stores.  Woody has never been suspended or punished for bad or unprofessional behavior.

I bet the other owners also love that Woody never seems to "steal" other teams highly valued front office personal.

Any idea/hope that the NFL will "make Woody sell" is absolutely fantasy.  

Unless he steals millions form the league, sexually harasses his entire female staff and has a press conference where he says a few truly vile racist things, he isn't going anywhere until he (or God) says so.

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47 minutes ago, Augustiniak said:

Nobody is talking.  Likely reason is woody wanted him here and the jets didn’t want to invest a lot in a 3rd qb so they crossed their fingers, gambled and lost.   Saleh just wants a free pass for having to play wilson for 3 years and that’s totally understandable, no coach will succeed with him playing qb.  The whole house of cards was clearly based on rodgers playing and it still is.  Douglas will once again spend significant resources fixing the OL but if rodgers goes down again it’s hard to envision the jets having the balls and foresight to have brought in a qb who can make the offense look respectable.

Understanding that, for whatever random reason, Wilson did play well a few games (Bills1, KC, Philadelphia, Houston) and  started on 5 of the Jets 7 wins, if the Jets improve the rest of the team, QBs such as Siemian, maybe even Rypien, could win a few games against non-playoff opponents.  Signing a better QB2, like Brissett or Minshew would improve that.  My view though is that spending the money on a QB2 is not worth it if you need all of our resources to support AR8.

The Jets are not long on cap space, even though AR8's 2024 cost is pretty reasonable.  That is because JD overspends on certain players.  Unfortunately those need to be reversed if the Jets are to free up resources to support the offense., 

The issue with Zach Wilson I think is his inconsistency and just how incompetent he can look when faced with a DC with half a brain who knows how to play him. When Zach is bad, he looks non-NFL quality, and the Jets get blown out.  He can find lightning in a bottle sometimes.   I think the NFL catches up to him though, at least when "coached" by Hackett, who does no real coaching.   The Jets feel they cannot put Zach Wilson on the field again if there is a potential for "bad Zach," even though good Zach beat several high quality playoff teams.  

It is highly likely that Zach's camp is trying to make the Jets look worse so he looks better. JD should be overruling Saleh-if another team is not going to take at least $3mm of his salary of our hands, I would keep him and make him play if AR8 goes down.   Its actually almost 50/50 odds he wins, which is not bad for a backup.  So what if he gets blown out in losses.  

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13 minutes ago, Mogglez said:


Thank you very much for the link, as it provides clarity.

Pretty much everything he corroborates is what I discussed in my update posts.  My only adds are these:

1st - Rodgers and Zach weren’t like family, as portrayed on Hard Knocks, but Zach did not lose his lifeline like Russini and Rosenblatt claimed.

2nd - Saleh did lament the bad luck of losing his HoF starting QB but, no, he didn't sit on his computer researching metrics for other HoF head coaches.  Will is right.  Saleh needs to shut up, accept that adversity struck, and just go out and coach the guys to wins.  That will end the nonsense of pissed off reporters making up twisted fairytales based around true things.  Just win games and all of this will go away.

Lastly - Again, Hackett is not lazy but, yes, some of his responsibilities will be moved to a collaborative setting.  This, to me, will be better for any other QB that needs to play next season, should that issue arise.

1- doesn’t matter either way

2- you really think a this ding dong HC who is literally leaking info to one of the loudest mouths in jets fandom that happens to be a radio personality, isn’t researching other HCs w/l record so he can have more excuses?

Saleh is a walking excuse I believe he did this and more tbh 

3-Hackett is coming off two of the worst HC/ OC seasons consecutively? You telling me lazy is not apart of this dudes makeup???? 

It’s that or he’s a complete idiot tool, either way a collaboration with an idiot and some other Saleh bobo is not the answer. Too many chefs in the kitchen 


Just my 2 centz 🤷‍♂️

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2 minutes ago, JustInFudge said:

Counter point; drafting Zach Wilson totally destroyed a promising rebuilding team and Rodgers was a desperate corrective measure. 


No, not correct at all.

Wilson was a terrible failed pick.   That is on the GM.

The owner GM and coach then utterly panicked and fell in love with the Rodgers move.

They made the team much much worse just to appease Rodgers and now they actually believe that all their moves were good and they just got unlucky with the injury.

Anyone that pins the bad play of Zach Wilson as the reason this team is badly flawed is letting the three amigos totally off the hook.

They made every single choice to do with QB of this team.

Wilson stinks, he should have been gone before this year as they had decided he stinks then.

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14 hours ago, slimjasi said:


Agreed on the wining games . That's all that matters.

But just to push back a little on this one: We know that Saleh was texting Joe Beningo all season and we know that he said on WFAN that Saleh told him he was keeping track of other head coaches records without their starting QBs. This one has a ring of truth to it, at least to me. 

On a personal level, I wouldn’t trust anything Beningo says if you paid me to do so, but I will admit hearing this claim for a second time makes me pause a bit.  When it comes to this part of the article, it becomes a “I haven’t heard anything thing about that” when discussing it with my guy(s) and I know they’re in the building…so, while I can’t really confirm or deny it, I won’t be getting Saleh’s phone in my hands anytime soon, so I won’t deny that it absolutely could be, at least, partially true.  My main pushback is on the notion that he’s going around the building telling people, players, etc. this.

Furthermore, It wouldn’t shock me if the source for that is Beningo himself since, while I know most of this came from a recently fired coach, Russini and Rosenblatt claim to have spoken to more than one person.

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10 minutes ago, oatmeal said:

1- doesn’t matter either way

2- you really think a this ding dong HC who is literally leaking info to one of the loudest mouths in jets fandom that happens to be a radio personality, isn’t researching other HCs w/l record so he can have more excuses?

Saleh is a walking excuse I believe he did this and more tbh 

3-Hackett is coming off two of the worst HC/ OC seasons consecutively? You telling me lazy is not apart of this dudes makeup???? 

It’s that or he’s a complete idiot tool, either way a collaboration with an idiot and some other Saleh bobo is not the answer. Too many chefs in the kitchen 


Just my 2 centz 🤷‍♂️

1 - Absolutely agree.

2 - See my reply to @slimjasi.

3 - Yes.  He’s not lazy.  His players have, historically, loved the guy every place that he has been.  Lazy coaches don’t get that reputation.  The biggest gripe with him, even in Denver, was always that (besides not being ready to be a HC) he runs a system that is unnecessarily complex.  Hackett, to me, is Brian Schottenheimer 2.0.  However, we saw that this can work out very well with a healthy HoF QB, from GB no less, in 2008.

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Classic Optimistic Jets fan = blame the fans who see through the BS 
You dudes who type like yourself act as if we have the legacy of the Cowboys, 9ers, Steelers !!!

Root for another team, that's what. I think it's nuts to continue to root for a team that brings you nothing but unhappiness.
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