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Is it too Early to Compare Sauce Gardner to Darrelle Revis?

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While scrolling through Jets twitter earlier today, an interesting post came up from the folks at PFF about Jets cornerbacks past and present in Darrelle Revis and Sauce Gardner.

While the post didn’t mention Revis by name, it did point out a litany of stats to highlight Gardner’s dominance while referring to him as “Sauce Island”.  This of course a tip of the cap to Revis, the Hall of Famer who was famously known as “Revis Island”.

So this begs the question; is it too early for Gardner to Revis comparisons?  In a practical sense, no it isn’t.  There are no limits on who, what, when, where or how you compare any two things.  But of course if a comparison “feels wrong” to an audience, it will be tossed aside before a word is spoken.

While it may seem premature to suggest after just two NFL seasons that Gardner is worthy of a Revis comparison, the facts may say otherwise.

In eleven NFL seasons, Revis was an All-Pro four times.  Gardner?  He has done it twice in two years whereas Revis needed until his third NFL season to earn his first nod.  Revis has the clear edge in interceptions with 8 through two seasons to Gardner’s two picks in as many years.  Gardner has also been tested less than Revis was as he has had 55 fewer targets with 124 to Revis’ 179.

Even with the disparity in targets, Sauce Gardner trails Revis in passes broken up by just 2 at 31 and 33 respectively.

What can Sauce Garder do to “equal” or even surpass Revis as the Jets top corner ever?  More picks, fewer holdouts and win a championship.





The post Is it too Early to Compare Sauce Gardner to Darrelle Revis? appeared first on JetNation.com - New York Jets Blog & Forum.

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Like others have said, he has to follow the best receiver and play both sides of the field, including the slot.

Otherwise, this debate is a nonstarter IMO.

Also, Revis was an elite tackler until he had a concussion. Sauce went to the Deion school of tackling (which is fine by me. we dont need him getting multiple concussions and retiring at age 26).


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If he starts to regularly travel and shutdown the other teams #1 WR we can start the

comparison.  Until then its apples vs. oranges even though Gardner has been impressive

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Pump the brakes. He's a really good player, a number 1 CB. But he's not even in James Hasty or Glenn territory yet. 

He had some bad moments last year but I'm giving the defense a pass in the second half of the season because the QB play was the worst I've ever seen ever 

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Hard to compare them because their defensive assignments are so different.  I think revis played about as well as any cb in nfl history for about five seasons.  Sauce is really good but really needs to cover the no 1 receivers more.

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Sauce had a better rookie year. Revis' peak was debatably the most dominant CB peak in NFL history. Many miles to go before a full comp. I'd speculate Sauce doesn't reach Revis absolute shut-down peak and is just a notch below but makes more game changing big plays during his career.

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Not yet. He needs to be put on the other teams' #1 WR, not just assigned a side. Revis came up big most of the time when he was in the playoffs - SG hasn't sniffed that kind of situation yet, with pressure and an upper tier playoff opponent.

He also deserves to be on a team where he has an offense behind him that actually puts points on the board, in order to dictate to the offense he is playing against a certain situation to defend - i.e., we are behind, we have to pass to play catch up, we have to pass more to preserve time on the clock. So far, opposing offenses are either biding their time in a close game with the score very close, waiting for a turnover, or protecting a lead and running out the clock. 

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2009 Revis is GOAT CB season by caliber of receivers, as well as QB/WF combos, covered and shut down.

Sauce got nut-tapped by goober Mac Jones and didn’t do ****.

If that punk ass bitch slapped Revis in the nuts, Revis would have ****ing body slammed him.

Revis has a ring.

Sauce will obviously never have one.


or kids.

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18 minutes ago, WickedAwesome said:

2009 Revis is GOAT CB season by caliber of receivers, as well as QB/WF combos, covered and shut down.

Sauce got nut-tapped by goober Mac Jones and didn’t do ****.

If that punk ass bitch slapped Revis in the nuts, Revis would have ****ing body slammed him.

Revis has a ring.

Sauce will obviously never have one.


or kids.

Sftu, we don’t need your stank here. 

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10 hours ago, WickedAwesome said:

2009 Revis is GOAT CB season by caliber of receivers, as well as QB/WF combos, covered and shut down.

Sauce got nut-tapped by goober Mac Jones and didn’t do ****.

If that punk ass bitch slapped Revis in the nuts, Revis would have ****ing body slammed him.

Revis has a ring.

Sauce will obviously never have one.


or kids.

Jealousy is a wasted emotion, I’m sure Mac Jones would tap your nuts as well if you had any, 

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The 2 play(ed) in completely different defenses. While Sause is certainly the more likeable person, Revis was the better corner all around so far. I didn't like the way Sause played the first year, because I thought he was going to start getting a lot of PI calls, however that didn't happen because of his name recognition. Since Saleh doesn't deploy a lot of man to man, I think the comparison is a bit premature. Sause will be one of the best, but as much as I can't stand Revis, he's not in the same argument YET... 

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Revis with a slight edge, right now... 

Safe to say, barring injury, Sauce will be considered a top 3 CB for at least the next 5 years. What I love is he seems very grounded and doesn't strike me as a player who will get complacent after getting paid so I expect consistent shut down play and this comparison to go on for his entire NY Jets career.

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SO far, 2 years into his career Sauce is a lock down corner on whoever the Offense chooses to line up on "his" side of the field. 



Revis was a lockdown corner and essentially an eraser on the Offenses #1 pass catching Option. 





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25 minutes ago, Jet_Engine1 said:

SO far, 2 years into his career Sauce is a lock down corner on whoever the Offense chooses to line up on "his" side of the field. 

Revis was a lockdown corner and essentially an eraser on the Offenses #1 pass catching Option. 

And isn't this supposed to change this year?  per R Saleh? Or was I dreaming when I thought I read that here?   It's really almost shameful to complain about his defense, but I'd sure like to see Saleh stir the Sauce towards the opponent's #1 WR wherever it's lined up.

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Sauce could potentially have an overall better career than Revis. After his injury he was never the same player. But in the initial years of his career he was one of the best of all time at his position. 

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He's had the better start to his career, for sure, but he has a long way to go before entering Revis territory.  


Also you gotta love Jets fans.  We finally get a good thing, the best young corner in the league, and the first thing I read is "he needs to humble himself"......**** outta here.  This is football my guy.  

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