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With the season drawing to a close how disappointed are you?


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2 hours ago, 20andOut said:

As a lifelong Jet fan I knew the mountain of preseason hype was a recipe for disaster so expected Rogers to go down early, just not that early. So I was setting the bar low from the beginning. Looking at the standings today the real sad part is ifour 6-9 record was only 2 wins better at 8-7 we would be fighting for last wildcard.

The No Show performances vs the Pats and Chargers killed any real hope for the season. The rest was just gravy on the sh*t sandwich 

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My disappointment peaked on snap four. I just tried to enjoy the rest of the season with zero expectations of anything other than what we have seen. If anything, I'm actually surprised that we even have 6 wins at this point of the season. 

I was expecting this team to compete for the division, a wild card birth and one win in the playoffs. This was as disappointing a season as 1999. 

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5 minutes ago, TheNuuFaaolaExperience said:

My disappointment peaked on snap four. I just tried to enjoy the rest of the season with zero expectations of anything other than what we have seen. If anything, I'm actually surprised that we even have 6 wins at this point of the season. 

I was expecting this team to compete for the division, a wild card birth and one win in the playoffs. This was as disappointing a season as 1999. 

I figured us for 7-8 wins, even with Rodgers. Then again, what do I know? This team has broken me… I’m never optimistic about them anymore. 🤷‍♂️

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Once Rodgers went down I figured we’d still be competitive if Zach took the leap they were selling us on. If he could just be competent and the defense, special teams and run game can carry us and he leans heavily on that while getting the ball to Garrett. Once I seen that it was the same ole Zach that’s when I knew the season was over. 

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Season is an F on every level. Douglas has failed to build a proper offensive line four years in which resulted in our season ending four plays in. Compounding that was the arrogance and ignorance that our QB room beyond Rodgers was sufficient. Disgusting regime; I want everyone nuked. 

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3 hours ago, CSNY said:

For me this season was one of the worst. 
The talent assembled on this team for the season brought a genuine sense that the team would go far in the playoffs 
A season that started out with so much hope and potential to come crashing down within the first dam four offensive plays was just hard to take. 
Being only a mere tyke of 11 years old when Joe guaranteed the win and now 65 I thought for sure the football gods would smile down on us long suffering fans, that this was the year. 
I still think Keep this team intact as best they can , get some reliable talent on the o line along with a really solid #2 WR this team can go far in the 2024 season 

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night 

I never believe this team was just aQB away but I thought at the very least AR could make them fun to watch again.

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This has been one of the most disappointing seasons in the last 55 yrs of being a Jets fan . . . until we won yesterday and now I feel like a winner!

With that important victory yesterday against Washington I can now keep my head held high and know what it means to be a Jet . . . to always win a few meaningless games at the end of every season!

Merry Christmas to all its time for me to go back to drinking my heavily spiked eggnog.



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3 hours ago, CSNY said:

For me this season was one of the worst. 
The talent assembled on this team for the season brought a genuine sense that the team would go far in the playoffs 
A season that started out with so much hope and potential to come crashing down within the first dam four offensive plays was just hard to take. 
Being only a mere tyke of 11 years old when Joe guaranteed the win and now 65 I thought for sure the football gods would smile down on us long suffering fans, that this was the year. 
I still think Keep this team intact as best they can , get some reliable talent on the o line along with a really solid #2 WR this team can go far in the 2024 season 

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night 

I had genuine hope for about, 5 offensive plays.

After that, I knew it was over.  The dissapointment went away back in September 

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47 minutes ago, August said:

Once Rodgers went down I figured we’d still be competitive if Zach took the leap they were selling us on. If he could just be competent and the defense, special teams and run game can carry us and he leans heavily on that while getting the ball to Garrett. Once I seen that it was the same ole Zach that’s when I knew the season was over. 

If you saw him in PS you knew he was no different.... When they stated he was the backup that is when it hit home... esp with a OL and AR... I hoped for the best but farnkly expect the worst to happen and it did... 

The ancillary disappointment was JD in action all year and RS inability to make the change necessary at OC... and next year will be similar.... unless they sepd all their respective resourse on cuts, drafting OT and OL and FA R sigining..  fire the fen OL coach Keith carter, he is the worst. 

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17 minutes ago, AZSOJ said:

If you saw him in PS you knew he was no different.... When they stated he was the backup that is when it hit home... esp with a OL and AR... I hoped for the best but farnkly expect the worst to happen and it did... 

The ancillary disappointment was JD in action all year and RS inability to make the change necessary at OC... and next year will be similar.... unless they sepd all their respective resourse on cuts, drafting OT and OL and FA R sigining..  fire the fen OL coach Keith carter, he is the worst. 

The Jets intentionally hid Wilson in preseason. Honestly one of the most bizarre scenarios that’s ever unfolded with the Jets. 

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After 55 years of this, I’m numb to it all. So sad, as I just watch the games now with very little enjoyment. The Jets are my team and I am too damn old to change now.
I will say I would have preferred Derek Carr over Rogers and this whole show that has come with him. I also believe it would have allowed our not too smart owner to get rid of this lost coaching staff. I swear after all these years and two different owners, it seems the Jets get very few things right .

Sent from my iPhone using JetNation.com mobile app

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36 minutes ago, AZSOJ said:

If you saw him in PS you knew he was no different.... When they stated he was the backup that is when it hit home... esp with a OL and AR... I hoped for the best but farnkly expect the worst to happen and it did... 

The ancillary disappointment was JD in action all year and RS inability to make the change necessary at OC... and next year will be similar.... unless they sepd all their respective resourse on cuts, drafting OT and OL and FA R sigining..  fire the fen OL coach Keith carter, he is the worst. 

He didn’t look that much different but they kept telling us how much improved he was from last year. 

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******* pissed.

We have basically nothing to look forward to.

We won’t draft a quarterback with Rodgers here, and our resources have been tapped to the point that a perfect off-season still wouldn’t result in a legitimate contender next season, not that Douglas could pull that off anyways.

We are treading water until Douglas and Saleh are gone. Rodgers will be the gift that keeps on giving, enormous cap hits in 2025 and 2026. 

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3 hours ago, JoeNamathsFurCoat said:

My biggest disappointment is that the dogsh-t head coach is still here and has been promised safe passage to a 2024 return to the sidelines


I processed my grieving for the season on 9/12/2023. 

What pisses me off now, is the degree of hopelessness and the fact that we have to endure another 12 months of Saleh.  

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5 hours ago, JoeNamathsFurCoat said:

This season was painful but exposed even further some brutal realities for anybody willing to see.

Daboll is a fat slob but at least he knows how to coach up the QB position (Tommy freaking DeVito) and has shown the ability to overachieve and be a talent maximizer (‘23 playoff appearance).

Coach Slogans looks like he could beat up every other head coach (with the exception of Dan Campbell, who would destroy him) but is as useful as a hood ornament when it comes to being able to help his QB at all.

We all know Saleh ain’t the guy, yet “ambassador” Woodrow is choosing to bring the clown back for an encore.

Saleh is not the problem. The offense is the problem or lack of it. Saleh is a defensive minded coach and we have a top 10 D, which with any decent offense to go with it , would probably be top 5.  

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5 hours ago, CSNY said:

For me this season was one of the worst. 
The talent assembled on this team for the season brought a genuine sense that the team would go far in the playoffs 
A season that started out with so much hope and potential to come crashing down within the first dam four offensive plays was just hard to take. 
Being only a mere tyke of 11 years old when Joe guaranteed the win and now 65 I thought for sure the football gods would smile down on us long suffering fans, that this was the year. 
I still think Keep this team intact as best they can , get some reliable talent on the o line along with a really solid #2 WR this team can go far in the 2024 season 

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night 

This is all I can say - Merry Christmas and I look forward to better things in the future. 



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The biggest disappointment is that both Douglas and Saleh are far worse than I thought.  Especially Douglas, just a terrible GM year.

Awful trade, got owned in the trade negotiations.

Awful FA signings.

Absolutely no plan B

Curled up in a ball and did nothing at all to try and save the season when it went off the rails.


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35 minutes ago, Maynard13 said:

Saleh is not the problem. The offense is the problem or lack of it. Saleh is a defensive minded coach and we have a top 10 D, which with any decent offense to go with it , would probably be top 5.  

Saleh is only good at 2 things and that is far short of what is required from a HC:

1. cheerleading

2. finding a very good DC

That is it!

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Disappointed? Not at all. I told you knuckleheads exactly how this was going to go down and nobody would listen or believe me now you see that I have been right this whole time.

when I was 11 I’ll never forget my mother telling me that our entire family is cursed and that I was born with a black cloud over my head and that’s why I picked the Jets because that’s an organization and fans that have black clouds over them just like me and that makes me kind of happy in a way 

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