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This myth that we have a top defense


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The Jets have the best September-October defense in the history of the league. Then they call apart once Thanksgiving rolls around. 

Last year: Minnesota, Seattle, Detroit, even the Jacksonville game they let them go on that excruciating 20 play 93 yard scoring drive or whatever it was

This year: @ Buffalo,Miami (twice), Washington, last night

I get it some of it is due to wear and tear of being on the field all season behind an inept offense, and having nothing to play for the final few games of the year. BUt if they want to pound their chests about being the baddest defense on the block you have to overcome that stuff

Even when we think we have SOMETHING to hang our hat on that gets stripped away from us

Just shoot this franchise the jupiter or pluto. Whichever is further out.

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The D has holes that need to be filled.  Mainly DT2 and upgrading the LB position.  Potentially safety as well but I'm less concerned about that spot.  Mosley is just washed.  He can still rack up tackles, but he can't attack the LOS like he used to and it's been a major reason why teams run all over us.  We badly miss Rankins as well.  I highly doubt JD and Co will just trust that they can fill that spot by going scrap-heap hunting yet again.  Sign a reasonably expensive run-stuffing DT and draft a LB in the 3rd or 4th with a ******* motor.  Bump Quincy into Mosley's spot and let the kid compete for LB2 with Surratt, another dude who should be getting looks on D.  


Still, the defense as a whole is still a good unit.  They've had a few bad weeks here after being overworked and forced to carry this team the entire season.  I'm not going to bury them for that.  The hope would be that next year with a competent offense, the defense can stay relatively fresh for the duration of the season.  But yeah, some areas need to be upgraded.  I know the offense will get 99.9999% of the attention in the offseason, but I just hope we don't completely ignore these spots on the other side of the ball.

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3 minutes ago, sourceworx said:

At this point they've checked out. They were carrying the team all year.

this is the truth there's only so many 3rd downs the offense doesn't convert before the defense gives up 

there's only so many times you can ask the defense to prevent points in a league that's all about points 

especially on a short week on the road that unit is going to start the game half-gassed 

not that the defense can't get better but fans who complain about the defense are putting their head in the sand about having the league's worst offense, maybe in league history 


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As I've said many a time.  The defense is pretty good but MASSIVELY overrated and is not close to elite.

There are certain players being carried by the good parts of this D and when counted on they continually get exposed.   The prime example is Mosley.   He makes lots of tackles 5 yards down the field or further.  He is slow and nonathletic and VASTLY over paid.

He should be dumped this off season but he won't be because something something something leadership.

John Frankiln Myers, the most overrated, underrated player ever, easily replaced.

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17 minutes ago, UntouchableCrew said:

They’re what, 2nd in the NFL in EPA per play? They sucked last night but the defense is very good if not great. Stefanski is a really good offensive coach, has our number. Not gonna lose sleep over it.

Fixing the offense remains priority 1, 2, and 3.

I agree with this.  90% of the focus should be on fixing the offense.  If the offense plays much better, the defense on a complementary basis will be better.  The defense at this point is overworked and checked out. 

The question will be whether the defense can get by without its overpaid veterans.  We will now need to overpay QB2, OL and WR. 

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They’re what, 2nd in the NFL in EPA per play? They sucked last night but the defense is very good if not great. Stefanski is a really good offensive coach, has our number. Not gonna lose sleep over it.
Fixing the offense remains priority 1, 2, and 3.
They got a great mismatch of Njoku on Mosely and we were too slow to adjust.

Worth remembering that the top passing team in the league these past four weeks has been Cleveland.

Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk

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48 minutes ago, Rich Thornburgh said:

Hard to be an elite defense when the offense can’t get a first down the entire year

In 2011 the Jets had the fifth best defense but the third worst offense. The roster that year was comparable to 2023. The coaching staff fairly comparable, too. The AFC was maybe more difficult that year but the Jets made it to .500. 

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1 hour ago, varjet said:

I agree with this.  90% of the focus should be on fixing the offense.  If the offense plays much better, the defense on a complementary basis will be better.  The defense at this point is overworked and checked out. 

The question will be whether the defense can get by without its overpaid veterans.  We will now need to overpay QB2, OL and WR. 

Agree 100%.

On defense it's basically a question of when we lose the overpaid vets can we supplement with young guys without losing much. We're going to have to pay Sauce in a few years but CJ Mosley should be gone and guys like JFM, DJ Reed, the safeties, etc. will likely need to be replaced within the next two years or so.

Quincy, Quinnen, JJ, Sauce, MC2 are the current core.

Need more developmental guys. McDonald needs to get his ass in the gym and bulk up.

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1 hour ago, jamesr said:

They got a great mismatch of Njoku on Mosely and we were too slow to adjust.

Agree. They basically won the game on the first two possessions where Njoku smoked us then put it away with the Simien pick six. This offense can't overcome a big lead.

1 hour ago, jamesr said:

Worth remembering that the top passing team in the league these past four weeks has been Cleveland.

Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk

Right. If you want to lambast the Jets for how this game went it's honestly more of a "Stefanski has Flacco looking like it's 2012 while he looked like a washed up corpse with us the last few years." Or, we shouldn't given up on Moore so quickly because he's clearly better than every WR we have other than GW.

"The defense isn't actually good" is just a silly take from fans who are frustrated. They continue to be very good while dealing with one of the worst offenses in the history of the National Football League.

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It is very easy to play D when the opposing team comes in with the view that all they need to do is play conservative on O, punt the ball away, and wait for the opposing O to implode. It is harder to play D, when the opposing O takes risks and tries to make plays against you. Whenever, the Jets D faced the latter, they didn't look so hot.

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4 hours ago, WowOhWow said:

We don't. Yards don't matter...points do. We're mediocre and over the last three games 3rd worst in the league. Yet for some reason the media and others seem to be pushing this very false narrative.

In every measure this coaching staff/GM combo are utter failures. There isn't a single place to look for anything redeeming. 

I've watched this team my whole, long life and find nothing worth watching anymore. I used to never miss a play. Now I find myself completely disinterested because of all the excuses made for this regime. I can't stomach it anymore.

The hyperbole that we're any good at anything is just completely wrong. We aren't. 

And the notion that these morons are coming back again has me so turned off it's hard to stomach. 

Giving these failures another round when it's never been more obvious that a team can find a way to compete and survive despite injuries is as insulting as anything I can remember.

Fire these guys. We can absolutely fail in everything without them. 

What a disgrace.

Lets see ANY defense hold up playing practically 38 minutes a game. Just throwing a number out there but we have to have one of the worst time of possession ratio in the NFL.  3 and out. OK defense you up. 3 and out. ok defense you up. 3 and out of defense you up - defense 'FU!!!!' And of course we are constantly playing from behind and with little to no aspirations going into ANY game that we would win with the NFl's WORST offense.  But let's keep things black and white shall we.  It's the way of the world.

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Imagine how good this defense would be if they were actually being coached. Saleh and Co. run junior varsity concepts and rely on great athletes to execute. They're not tricking anyone, which at least partially explains why they're allergic to turnovers.

Any coach in the league can get this to be a top 10 defense. Only the absence of a great coach is preventing them from being a top 3 unit.

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