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This Offensive Line stinks


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15 minutes ago, FidelioJet said:


Need to build a new OL and have proper backs up at their normal positions.  

This - play the 5 best - is actually my guess as to why we are getting so many injuries.  Pick a position and leave him there.

I’ve never seen a team use guards and tackles interchangeably like the Jets have been doing. Aside from center/guard and vice versa, offensive linemen shouldn’t be moved around like that. 

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I think the Jets need to be a bit more practical with this O-line group for the Rodgers 2024 comeback.

Tippman and AVT are keepers.  

With Tomlinson's contract, it makes more sense to restructure him than to cut him and take on the dead $.

Becton hasn't been stellar this season but at least he held up physically. I know the Jets didn't pick up his option and he seems to have one foot out the door but if I'm the Jets I'm not so quick to usher him out. After all, Brown is pretty much done while neither Mitchell nor Warren have shown they can be trusted as starters. Turner isn't even good enough to be a backup. 

Go hard after Jonah Williams in FA and continue building the o-line through the draft. 


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Just now, shuler82 said:

And yet all those fun posts about JD ignoring the OL

2 years in a row that the OL has been decimated.  And we are going to have to rebuild it again next season.  We can build around Tippmann and AVT -- if AVT can stay healthy.  

I would think they would look into conditioning, training methods, medical staff, etc.  And as others have said, guys moving around positions.  Have we just had two consecutive years of really bad luck, or is it something we are doing that is contributing to the mess over the last two years.

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2 hours ago, doitny said:

i seen everyone wants 4 new guys but gives Tippman a pass. i guess because he hasnt been here for long he hasnt got the hate of the fans.

today is the 1st win with him at Center. he is struggling too with everybody else.

What tape are you watching? Dude is allowing no pressure. You wanna go back to McGovern getting pushed 5 yards into the backfield every snap?

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There should be a caveat on if you want someone gone you have to provide an example of who you replace them with. 

Theres usually no more than 1 quality LT every FA if even that. I think best bet is to sign Mekhi and brown for next year, draft best available OT in Rd 1 (depending where we draft) play them at RT with Mitchell and Carter Warren as serviceable backups. We should also use another Draft pick on IOL. 

Sign Mike Evans at WR. Drop all of Rodgers’ buddies

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Zach proved an elite QB with a quick release and mobility doesn’t need a good OL.  15 pressures and 4 sacks yesterday and still puts up 30 in a half.   All accomplished by the QB telling the coaching staff he didn’t want to play for them anymore and taking complete control of the O.

Imagine a good OL another good WR and a brilliant coaching staff…. Yet we poured money down the drain for a QB who should be visited national parks in Utah and tripping his way to a meaningful retirenment.

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1 hour ago, Biggs said:

Zach proved an elite QB with a quick release and mobility doesn’t need a good OL.  15 pressures and 4 sacks yesterday and still puts up 30 in a half.   All accomplished by the QB telling the coaching staff he didn’t want to play for them anymore and taking complete control of the O.

Imagine a good OL another good WR and a brilliant coaching staff…. Yet we poured money down the drain for a QB who should be visited national parks in Utah and tripping his way to a meaningful retirenment.

Giving the offense any credit for the 3 FGs is some serious misdirection.  Not one of those “drives” netted a single yard, and two of the three they outright went backwards after taking over on downs.

21? Yes. 30? Only on paper.

If the defense wasn’t suffocating Houston this game - on offense - would’ve looked a lot different.

The only drive where he’d have been feeling pressure to perform was after his fumble, with Houston scoring a quick TD after it. The next drive after that he (like all of us watching) had the right to feel like oh crap here it comes, it’s happening again where he finds a new way to humiliate himself. Instead, for a nice change, he went on another TD drive that included converting a pair of 3rd downs and recovering from a 9 yard sack to convert another first down.

The thing is, for most starting QBs, they call these events “Sundays” — it doesn’t stand out so much.

Was great to watch, and good for him, but I’d want to see it 3 more times (including against Miami) before heading into the offseason with any ideas about even entertaining the thought of keeping him on the roster again for y4, and that still wouldn’t be enough for guaranteeing a $20MM+ 5th year option. It’d be more of an ideal scenario for trading him after his value temporarily inflates, tbh. Regardless, we’re nowhere near there yet as it involves a lot of ifs he’s never done before, very likely won’t anyway, and probably that regression will be next week anyway.

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Tippman and AVT are keepers.  I think Mekhi is ok when he plays his natural position and has stability at guard next to him.   CmG has been underrated by Jets fans for the past few seasons, and he routinely scores above average on most metrics.  However he was having a dog of a season this year (center is very vulnerable to continuity changes) and Tippman will likely push him out..  Laken has been atrocious every year he's been here and unfortunately we are stuck with him.

Brown has been injured all year so the jury remains out on him.

Basically, we desperately need a bonafide/reliable high end starting tackle and depth in the interior of the line.

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1 hour ago, Sperm Edwards said:

Giving the offense any credit for the 3 FGs is some serious misdirection.  Not one of those “drives” netted a single yard, and two of the three they outright went backwards after taking over on downs.

21? Yes. 30? Only on paper.

If the defense wasn’t suffocating Houston this game - on offense - would’ve looked a lot different.

The only drive where he’d have been feeling pressure to perform was after his fumble, with Houston scoring a quick TD after it. The next drive after that he (like all of us watching) had the right to feel like oh crap here it comes, it’s happening again where he finds a new way to humiliate himself. Instead, for a nice change, he went on another TD drive that included converting a pair of 3rd downs and recovering from a 9 yard sack to convert another first down.

The thing is, for most starting QBs, they call these events “Sundays” — it doesn’t stand out so much.

Was great to watch, and good for him, but I’d want to see it 3 more times (including against Miami) before heading into the offseason with any ideas about even entertaining the thought of keeping him on the roster again for y4, and that still wouldn’t be enough for guaranteeing a $20MM+ 5th year option. It’d be more of an ideal scenario for trading him after his value temporarily inflates, tbh. Regardless, we’re nowhere near there yet as it involves a lot of ifs he’s never done before, very likely won’t anyway, and probably that regression will be next week anyway.

The Texans were down 21 to 6 well into the 4th quarter.  The Texans were forced to play 1 dimensional football and went 4 and out 3 times by forcing the ball.   The D didn't turn them over.  The O and punting game put them in position where we got the ball back in FG range 3 straight times.  It was the score that dictated the field position and the 1 dimensional aspect of the Houston O.  They also had a rookie QB missing his weapons playing in very tough weather conditions. .

I keep hearing the D isn't responsible for anything because the O doesn't play complimentary football.   The O put Houston in position to have to play 1 dimensional on O with a rookie QB in bad weather.   

The D did their job.  The O did their job.  The special teams did their jobs.  The pressure on the Houston O was dictated by the fact that Zach in the same conditions right after Houston scored to put the game in reach, missed an extra point.  Zach lead the Jets on a 10 play 75 yard drive to completely take Houston out of their game plan.  Stroudt was forced to pass in bad conditions on every down.  They went for it on 4th down every series.  The Jets got the ball back in FG range each time.  The Jets TD drive when it was 14-6 was very responsible for those 3 FG.   

Zach is leaving.  He basically told Saleh he didn't want to play for him.  Apparently the Jets have agreed to trade him or release him.  He will be starting somewhere else next year and Siemian will be our QB when Rodgers goes down again.

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They're not good, especially without AVT, but yesterday is an example of how good QB play can cover up your OL shortcomings.  Put up 30 points on a good defense while fielding a "bad" OL.


Don't get me wrong, I still try to draft Alt if I can, but there won't be some massive overhaul to this line.  I'd bring back Becton and stick him at RT, draft Alt at LT.  Tomlinson will probably stay if I had to guess.  Maybe you can cut him and find a solid replacement for like $10M but who knows.  I'd be content going into next year with Alt-Tomlinson-Tippmann-AVT-Becton


Hopefully they prioritize the depth as well.  Guys will get hurt, it always happens.  We need to be prepared for when they do.  

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