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With the season drawing to a close how disappointed are you?


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5 hours ago, Saul Goodman said:

******* pissed.

We have basically nothing to look forward to.

We won’t draft a quarterback with Rodgers here, and our resources have been tapped to the point that a perfect off-season still wouldn’t result in a legitimate contender next season, not that Douglas could pull that off anyways.

We are treading water until Douglas and Saleh are gone. Rodgers will be the gift that keeps on giving, enormous cap hits in 2025 and 2026. 

Treading water till Woody dies or sells the team, more accurately.

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10 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Treading water till Woody dies or sells the team, more accurately.

Seems that way after all these years.

The one common factor in the Jets failures since he bought the team with his inheritance money is woody Johnson. 

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2 hours ago, Barry McCockinner said:


When Rodgers went down on the 4th offensive play of the season the group text for our FF league blew up with people laughing at it. My response was pretty aggressive and violent (admittedly unreasonably) which resulted in me not only being booted from the league I've been in for the last 25 years but losing a couple of long time good friends. 

The next week there was an incident at the sports bar I watch a lot of the games at. A debate over Rodgers' legacy led to a heated argument, and before I knew it, I was part of an all-out brawl. End result? I'm now permanently banned from my favorite spot and so I watched the rest of the season from my couch.

Amidst all this, I was pretty depressed and tried to find some humor in my misfortune, so I started a blog. It was therapeutic until it wasn't - my employer didn't find it as funny. Yep, you guessed it. I got fired for airing my grievances a little too publicly. 

And just when I thought things couldn't get worse, my story became the highlight of a local comedian's stand-up routine. This probably sounds like a joke right now and I wish it was, but it is not. Now, I'm not just the talk of my social circle but also a viral joke on social media. Fame really isn't all it's cracked up to be, huh?

So, how disappointed am I? Let's just say if disappointment was an Olympic sport, I'd be bringing home the gold. Here's to hoping the next season is kinder to all of us, both on and off the field.

^^^ @T0mShane your 2024 Captain.  Easy choice.

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How disappointed am I? Haha. As the years of ineptitude rack up, I find myself watching less and less football. I didn't have high hopes for the year. After signing AR, I did hope for some quasi entertaining games at the beginning of the season.  That hope died 4 plays in.

The Jets have been garbage for some time. They're as entertaining to watch as a train wreck. Since 2010, (maybe 2015) they have been so lackluster, it's comical.

I'll watch the season opener next year, and depending upon if they look like an actual NFL team, I may watch more games. Who knows?

The Jets used to be a huge part of my life. Now, I bypass watching most games, and read about the suck afterwards instead. Its a better use of my time. I have better things to do with my time than invest 4 hours every weekend on such a crap product.

Woody Johnson has slowly and methodically killed the joy the Jets once added to my life.

So, am I disappointed? Not really. One needs to have expectations in order to be disappointed. I have none. These are Woody Johnson's Jets. I suspect that we will never see a superbowl for as long as he owns them.

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Only disappointment came during the games when the team played horribly, Pats and Phins games. I wasn’t sure what to expect from AR so I had no expectations beginning season. I live out of market so his presence changed the NFL schedule enough to enable me to watch more games live. This team is loads better than 2-3 years ago but now mgmt has to improve the offense 🤷‍♂️

Sent from my iPhone using JetNation.com mobile app

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On 12/25/2023 at 10:40 AM, CSNY said:

For me this season was one of the worst. 
The talent assembled on this team for the season brought a genuine sense that the team would go far in the playoffs 
A season that started out with so much hope and potential to come crashing down within the first dam four offensive plays was just hard to take. 
Being only a mere tyke of 11 years old when Joe guaranteed the win and now 65 I thought for sure the football gods would smile down on us long suffering fans, that this was the year. 
I still think Keep this team intact as best they can , get some reliable talent on the o line along with a really solid #2 WR this team can go far in the 2024 season 

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night 

Oh, I don't know. On a scale from 1 to 10, I would say ABOUT 3,999,999.

Even more sad that I am this disappointed when I completely expected it the second people started talking Superbowl. The last time that happened, Testaverde blew his AH

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Disappointed and pissed. NGL I was pretty pumped Sept 11th prior to the game and then Rodgers became Vinny Testaverde 2.0 with Vinny there to watch things unfold. Can't make this sh*t up. Injuries, incompetence, bad decisions, no decisions, were all compounded this year. Joe Douglas, Saleh, Hackett, OLine coach are all horrible. I haven't watched 3-4 games this year because I'm disgusted and that is the first time in nearly 5 decades of watching this awful product that I can say that. How long do we have to be subjected to horrible QB and Oline play? It's the same thing every year. Zero expectations moving forward. I have no faith whatsoever that next year will be any better. It is who they are and if there is a chance they will make **** things up well then they will just **** things up. 

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On 12/25/2023 at 8:41 PM, Dcat said:

I'm almost to the point of believing that there must be some type of insidious Jet Blue-like, @bitonti motive behind letting the team forfeit its season with Zach Wilson as the backup. 

Look even if we take Jet blue out of it (for arguments sake)

woody is a very particular type of person with strong beliefs and I won't disrespect Max's by naming those beliefs specifically 

But as the owner who likes to surround himself with people who believe similar ideas about the world as himself 

The qb is the face of the franchise 

Zach, Aaron Rodgers are both similar in mindset of woody so was Favre and Tebow to be honest 

JD recommends players that woody likes. It's job preservation tactic 

It's not necessarily the best football philosophy in terms of winning games but jd manages to keep this job longer than Mac and idzik despite having a worse w-l record than both 


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On 12/25/2023 at 10:40 AM, CSNY said:

For me this season was one of the worst. 
The talent assembled on this team for the season brought a genuine sense that the team would go far in the playoffs 
A season that started out with so much hope and potential to come crashing down within the first dam four offensive plays was just hard to take. 
Being only a mere tyke of 11 years old when Joe guaranteed the win and now 65 I thought for sure the football gods would smile down on us long suffering fans, that this was the year. 
I still think Keep this team intact as best they can , get some reliable talent on the o line along with a really solid #2 WR this team can go far in the 2024 season 

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night 

Yeah this is all time disappointing. I think I was more disappointed in 1999 because that team was stacked and I really felt the Super Bowl was there.

This team had question marks, all of which have been exposed. But it would have been nice to see how much Rodgers could have changed things. A bad Rodgers year would have put this team into the playoffs and beyond.

So probably the 2nd most disappointing season for me.

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9 hours ago, SR24 said:

The thing I'm disappointed in most is running it back with this regime. Douglas is going to be in desperation mode to save his job and that scares me 

just like this fan base. we are all desperate to end the 13 yr playoff drought. 

whats a new GM going to do, make moves for our future? sorry but once you got Rodgers the future is now. when you got a 40 yr old QB who has to win now, you should have a GM and HC the same way. 

it would be almost as bad as keeping Rex and getting Idzik. new GM with a HC fighting for his job.

you bring in a new GM making moves for the future and we might be missing the playoffs for a 14th and 15th year. and if he messes that up god knows how long our next playoff game will be. 

nah keep everyone on the same page. we made this Rodgers bed and now we have no choice but to sleep in it.

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If nothing else, this season was supposed to be entertaining. Exciting. Spicy.

In true Jets fashion, the fans were robbed of it essentially from the onset.

Where do we go from here? Joe Douglas and Robert Saleh have already failed. Now we wait until Woody does the inevitable and cleans house.

Next season is going to be a long, disappointing season. Two lame ducks and a 40 year old coming off a major injury. Things are going to get worse before they get better. Round and round we go.

Such is the life of a Jets fan.

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The Favre season was the most disappointing to me.  We were 8-3 and had just crushed the Titans.  Then we jetted it up.

Vinny's season was very disappointing too.  We were loaded.  Fuc*ing Rick M***r but at least we finished strong to have hope for the next year.

So many others where we faded at the end to miss the playoffs.  Too many to list.

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37 minutes ago, doitny said:

just like this fan base. we are all desperate to end the 13 yr playoff drought. 

whats a new GM going to do, make moves for our future? sorry but once you got Rodgers the future is now. when you got a 40 yr old QB who has to win now, you should have a GM and HC the same way. 

it would be almost as bad as keeping Rex and getting Idzik. new GM with a HC fighting for his job.

you bring in a new GM making moves for the future and we might be missing the playoffs for a 14th and 15th year. and if he messes that up god knows how long our next playoff game will be. 

nah keep everyone on the same page. we made this Rodgers bed and now we have no choice but to sleep in it.

I hate these losers.  One good thing is they are tied at the hip and they will both expire together.

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I expected Rodgers to get injured. Every time we think we have a QB it always happens - I was amazed he got through the pre-season Giants game. Vonny, Chad, Favre. Hell, even Mike White.

I never expected anything from this season as a result. But I couldn't believe we didn't have a back up for when the inevitable injury occurred. If Zach had to play for any length of time, it was obviousq our offense would tank and everyone would get fired.

So I've ended up very disappointed and disillusioned. I didn't expect our coach and GM to give up 4 snaps into the season. It was unfair on the fans, and on the other players on the team. 

And it was unfair to Rodgers, who busted his ass to get fit only to find that JD and Saleh had been on holiday since he got injured and the team was dead. 

Hell, if we'd just been BAD offensively we'd still have had a shot when Rodgers got back. 

JD proved himself an utter idiot. Saleh is a used car salesman, willing to say anything and throw anyone under the bus to keep his job. 

This team doesn't care about winning. They haven't for a decade now. If Saleh and JD do ever manage a 9 or 10 win season, they'll treat it as if they've won the Superbowl. 

For me, I've given up. I've got up at 1 or 2am for years to watch this team. I go to work on a Monday on a couple of hours of sleep, usually disappointed after another no-show from the Jets. But I gave up this year, and I've felt better for it. They're just not worth it. 

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2 hours ago, Maxman said:

Yeah this is all time disappointing. I think I was more disappointed in 1999 because that team was stacked and I really felt the Super Bowl was there.

This team had question marks, all of which have been exposed. But it would have been nice to see how much Rodgers could have changed things. A bad Rodgers year would have put this team into the playoffs and beyond.

So probably the 2nd most disappointing season for me.

both 1999 and 2023 were impacted the same way, in the same place and at the same time of season.  Superbowl aspirations, 1st game at home, 1st offensive series, just a few plays in. QB out for season as fans are still coming in. Eerily similar. 

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10 minutes ago, Dcat said:

both 1999 and 2023 were impacted the same way, in the same place and at the same time of season.  Superbowl aspirations, 1st game at home, 1st offensive series, just a few plays in. QB out for season as fans are still coming in. Eerily similar. 

Very true. Which is why having Testaverde on the field before kickoff was a terrible decision. I am not into bad luck and all that. But man I was scared before a snap even took place. It isn't like Vinny comes back all the time.

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5 hours ago, Larz said:

I’m gen X jets fan going back to the mud bowl 

This is just another jets year. 

So let’s just do a quick recap here.

Despicable Leon Hess era

The Jets from 1978-1982 had a good run. 8-8 in 1978 and 1979. Then fell to 4-12 in 1980. Then back to back winning playoff seasons in the strike shortened 1981 season and the mud bowl after 1982.

1983 and 1984 they stunk.

Then in 1985 and 1986 made the playoffs again and almost made it to the championship game in 86 with an injury riddled team.

In 1987 and 1988 they were still competitive until bud carson left and Walton hired legendary defensive coordinator Ralph Hawkins :rl: 

Then Coslet/carroll era made the playoffs in 1991 I think (can’t remember) 

Two years of hell with kotite that everyone wants to forget

Then revival and respectability returns from 1997-1999 with afc championship game in 1998

Now woodys reign who everybody loves

Herm era from 2001-2005 where the jets won despite herm because of pure talent. Three playoff appearances 

Mancini era 2006-2008. One playoff appearance and misery and embarrassment 

Wrecks era 2009-2014 BACK TO BACK AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME LOSSES! Then nothing but embarrassment 

Bowels 2015-2019 one good season then embarrassment 

Gase 2019-2021 only embarrassment 

Bobby salad 2021-2023 only embarrassment 

My question is, how can you even compare the jets of the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s to this? This is hands down the worst stretch of history for the Jets and is non comparable to anything remotely in the past.

Please stick to Thor and Godzilla, because your football takes are awful.

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9 minutes ago, BP said:

So let’s just do a quick recap here.

Despicable Leon Hess era

The Jets from 1978-1982 had a good run. 8-8 in 1978 and 1979. Then fell to 4-12 in 1980. Then back to back winning playoff seasons in the strike shortened 1981 season and the mud bowl after 1982.

1983 and 1984 they stunk.

Then in 1985 and 1986 made the playoffs again and almost made it to the championship game in 86 with an injury riddled team.

In 1987 and 1988 they were still competitive until bud carson left and Walton hired legendary defensive coordinator Ralph Hawkins :rl: 

Then Coslet/carroll era made the playoffs in 1991 I think (can’t remember) 

Two years of hell with kotite that everyone wants to forget

Then revival and respectability returns from 1997-1999 with afc championship game in 1998

Now woodys reign who everybody loves

Herm era from 2001-2005 where the jets won despite herm because of pure talent. Two playoff appearances 

Mancini era 2006-2008. One playoff appearance and misery and embarrassment 

Wrecks era 2009-2014 BACK TO BACK AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME LOSSES! Then nothing but embarrassment 

Bowels 2015-2019 one good season then embarrassment 

Gase 2019-2021 only embarrassment 

Bobby salad 2021-2023 only embarrassment 

My question is, how can you even compare the jets of the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s to this? This is hands down the worst stretch of history for the Jets and is non comparable to anything remotely in the past.

Please stick to Thor and Godzilla, because your football takes are awful.

Let me just add, I’m disappointed in the Jets fans and ownership who are in denial that there’s anything wrong here. And that somehow one 41 year old in the twilight of his career is going to turn this around. 


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3 hours ago, BP said:

Let me just add, I’m disappointed in the Jets fans and ownership who are in denial that there’s anything wrong here. And that somehow one 41 year old in the twilight of his career is going to turn this around. 


Well if one isn’t enough, how many such 41 year old players do you think it’s going to take to turn things around?

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If you would have told me at the start of the year this is how it turns out.  I'd be extremely disappointed and frankly pissed off.

But... it's been a slow low flow spinning toilet flush that we've had plenty of time to realize there's some dirty water on the floor.

Time to break out the mop and win another offseason championship.  

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4 hours ago, BP said:

Let me just add, I’m disappointed in the Jets fans and ownership who are in denial that there’s anything wrong here. And that somehow one 41 year old in the twilight of his career is going to turn this around. 


all we really need are some pieces on the OL. its not like we need a whole team. it can be done this offseason.

now the question is can JD bring in the right players to fix it.

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