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OBJ on what went down with Jets

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2 minutes ago, bla bla bla said:

I don't really care that we lost out on Odell but I think his comments on the negotiations are a little concerning. Carter already not helping us in recruitment.


Saw this 

This offseason will be interesting for sure 

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22 minutes ago, Jetpain said:

Had Joe Douglas signed this drama queen, it would have only made this train wreck of a season worse.  

I think that is correct and obvious, but JD wanted him for the right deal.  He never should have wanted him at all. 

JD wanted him because AR8 wanted him.  That was his scouting criteria.

And he basically just did it again rostering Nick Bawden.  At least we get Alexis.  

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4 hours ago, bla bla bla said:

I don't really care that we lost out on Odell but I think his comments on the negotiations are a little concerning. Carter already not helping us in recruitment.


Sounds like the Jets had a case of buyers remorse … kiboshed the deal before finalizing … ZERO problem w/ that … I did not want obj. 

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4 hours ago, HawkeyeJet said:

How so?  He took the team that offered him the most money.  Funny how he doesn’t say that part though.  

I would also venture 7/10 NFL vets wouldn’t be praising a team(The Ravens) saying if you visit elsewhere, our offer is gone. Most people consider that bush league.  

The final comment "go where you are wanted, not tolerated" - thought that was a tough line to hear. I think it could be misconstrued with "we want players who want to be here"

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The Jets’ problems are so systemic and deep-rooted that OBJ’s decision to sign or not sign is like a freaking chandelier on the Titanic.

It’s basically irrelevant.

Regardless of the merits or flaws of signing any particular player, the idiotic part is allowing your starting QB to dictate who the GM must sign.

The dysfunction and disease starts at the top.


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