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Those poor Lions fans

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4 minutes ago, RoadFan said:

My friend and brother-in-law are Lions fans.  Friend had to call me after the game.  Tears of joy in the first half.  Tears of devastation afterwards…

His soul is crushed, but still proud of the team.

Sports are just too cruel.  

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44 minutes ago, jetsruinedmylifeandhealth said:

 On one hand it wouldve been nice to see them finally IN a Super Bowl. They have never played in one...heck they have not played for any kind of NFL title for 67 years

Though if they did I wouldve been jealous that they would get to enjoy a Super Bowl appearance before most Jets fans (who go back to the 70s and 80s) even though there are plenty around who remember 69...the majority of Jets fans I feel do not

Can you imagine, up 17 in the 2nd half of a conference title game. 1998 was bad enough. And those decisions by Campbell

Detroit fans...I mean you gotta feel for them. This was a cruel kick in the balls by the football gods. I hope next time we get "close" this is not what awaits us. You look at what that city itself had gone through...they were destiny's darlings, they had the whole country behind them. 

That's ok. A time traveling friend gave me a glimpse of the 2029 NY Post front page headlines: 'Zach Wilson and the Lions too much for Bill Belichick and the NY Jets. Lions Win first Super Bowl Ever'

🤣 LOL Triple kick in the nuts!

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34 minutes ago, DJF71 said:

I feel like playing to win would be kicking a FG. Going for it every time doesn't mean you aren't playing scared sometimes it just means you are playing stupid. 

That was a moronic decison to go for it on 4th and 3.  The FG was there for the taking. It totally turned the momentum around. 49'ers got extremely lucky on the bomb and then the trurnover.  Campbell didnt defy the odds once but twice. He cost them the game.  This is the playoffs NOT the regualr season when you can try and get away with stuff like that after a loss and win the following week. Dumb and dumber.  The Chargers just fired thier HC for stupid, ill-advised chances just like this.

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28 minutes ago, Maynard13 said:

That was a moronic decison to go for it on 4th and 3.  The FG was there for the taking. It totally turned the momentum around. 49'ers got extremely lucky on the bomb and then the trurnover.  Campbell didnt defy the odds once but twice. He cost them the game.  This is the playoffs NOT the regualr season when you can try and get away with stuff like that after a loss and win the following week. Dumb and dumber.  The Chargers just fired thier HC for stupid, ill-advised chances just like this.

I don't think anyone expected the Lions to make the SB this season coming into the WC weekend. They're a relatively young team with a pretty new HC. I was honestly astonished that they were so far in the lead against the Niners. Campbell will learn from this and hopefully make better decisions next season.

If the GM does it right that team is set up for a few years of success. 

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4 hours ago, slimjasi said:

An all time playoff loss 

just brutal 

as bad as any loss we have, which is saying something 

Jets never lost a playoff game due to the coach ruining the game by skipping 3 very makable field goals. That is a worse devastation than we have ever gone through much moreso that 1998, 2009, or 2010.

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2 hours ago, Hex said:

I don't think anyone expected the Lions to make the SB this season coming into the WC weekend. They're a relatively young team with a pretty new HC. I was honestly astonished that they were so far in the lead against the Niners. Campbell will learn from this and hopefully make better decisions next season.

If the GM does it right that team is set up for a few years of success. 

They're probably going to lose their OC to a head coaching job. Goff has played well this season. Big risk of regression next season.

Going to be a tough division. Packers look to be on the rise behind Love. Bears have 50,000 early round picks and will sucker some other team into taking Fields for an early pick.

Only the Vikings could take a step back next year, especially if Kirk goes and chases a ring.

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3 hours ago, Hex said:

I don't think anyone expected the Lions to make the SB this season coming into the WC weekend. They're a relatively young team with a pretty new HC. I was honestly astonished that they were so far in the lead against the Niners. Campbell will learn from this and hopefully make better decisions next season.

If the GM does it right that team is set up for a few years of success. 

SO its ok he blew the game because they are a young team? Because he's a relatively new coach? Any fair weathered fan who knows beans about football would have kicked teh FG - not once but twice in those same sitautions. Its notlike they were up by 28 points. they were up by 17 and that can chane on a dime just lie it did AND the failed 4th down tries changed the whole momentum not once BUT twice.  Which just makes the 2nd time he did even stupider. 

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7 hours ago, slimjasi said:

An all time playoff loss 

just brutal 

as bad as any loss we have, which is saying something 

Reminded me of the Jets sh*tting away a Super Bowl appearance in the 2nd half vs. Denver.

Also, gotta love the pride in lacking empathy some of you have, lol. 

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I was very dubious about Campbell's decision to go for the 4th down the first time. I said to my cat at the time, I would kick the FG here and go back up by 17.

Going for the second 4th down attempt was equally ill-advised. Gave the Niners the ball back and all the momentum.

I get that Campbell is a gambler and has played that way all year, but you need to play smart in the playoffs. There is no next week if you lose.

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50 minutes ago, bicketybam said:

I think the Lions blew the opportunity of a lifetime. Packers will be better next year. Chicago will have a star rookie QB. Sorry, Lions fans. Coach Meathead blew it. Welcome home.

They still have a very good roster with the league’s best offensive line

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The bottom line is the niners made plays and the lions didn’t in the second half.  The 4th and 3 was a head scratcher.  It’s not so much matching the niners field goal but going back up three scores again.  And even there a number of passes were right on and the receivers dropped the ball.  Well, one team had to win.  Give the niners some credit.

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49ers made some plays, made a miracle catch off a defenders head.

Lions had some rally bad drops, I thought Goff played very well.  

The 1ST time they went for it on 4th, I agreed with. The 2nd time..., I would have kicked a FG.

I'd still rather lose with an aggressive coach trying to win the a passive coach trying not to lose.

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I understand the second time he went for the 4th down... trying to shift momentum that had clearly shifted to the 49rs by then..

He should have taken the points on the first one though.  Kept the game at three scores.  All you had to do was match the points.  The stop is what woke the defense for the 49rs in the second half and completely shifted the momentum.

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11 minutes ago, MysticalJet2 said:

I understand the second time he went for the 4th down... trying to shift momentum that had clearly shifted to the 49rs by then..

He should have taken the points on the first one though.  Kept the game at three scores.  All you had to do was match the points.  The stop is what woke the defense for the 49rs in the second half and completely shifted the momentum.

This is how the lions have played all season and it got them to the NFC championship.  It’s disingenuous to change at the end.   I give campbell a lot of credit for sticking with what he believes in a high stress moment.   

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Perfect example of a very good head coach who knows how to coach football and motivate men but has no idea how to manage a game. If the Detroit organization is smart they will hire a situational consultant to help Campbell with these situations. Having faith in your offense to convert a first down on 4th down is one thing but making that decision in a game altering enviornment where the field goal is definetly the smarter play is another . 

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1 minute ago, LionelRichie said:

This is how the lions have played all season and it got them to the NFC championship.  It’s disingenuous to change at the end.   I give campbell a lot of credit for sticking with what he believes in a high stress moment.   

This is all good in the regular season vs inferior opponents but in a one and done scenario you must make the right call and sometimes your gut is dead wrong when it comes to the percentages. 4th and 3 inside the 20 is much different than 4th and 3 at the 40 or 45 you have much less field to work with and its why a lot of teams bog down inside the 20 in the much more confined space.

I would have agreed with you 100% stick with your convictions as a head coach BUT he cost the Lins the game vs the cowboys doing the exact same thing and sometimes when going up against superior defense the risk is much greater.

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