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Is it an indictment on Maccagnan that he was willing to give up a 6th overall pick plus three 2nd rounders for Rosen?


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It has been leaked that Macagnan traded up to 3 so he could get either Darnold, Baker or Rosen. If the Giants took Darnold like a lot of people expected if he fell to them Rosen would have gone to the Jets in exchange for three 2nd rounders and the 6th overall pick. Pretty astounding considering Cardinals are struggling to get one 2nd rounder for him a year later.

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I don’t think so. Just because a move doesn’t work out doesn’t make it a bad move at the time. My biggest issue is making the absolute wrong move right out of the gate. Getting in position to draft 1 of those 3 QBs would only have been a bad move if their advanced scouting should have known that he’d be a train wreck.

I don’t think any team knew he’d be a train wreck and it’s still too early anyways to write off Rosen. Pure pocket passers will not function on teams with a terrible OL. 

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1 minute ago, Creepy Lurker said:

I don’t think so. Just because a move doesn’t work out doesn’t make it a bad move at the time. My biggest issue is making the absolute wrong move right out of the gate. Getting in position to draft 1 of those 3 QBs would only have been a bad move if their advanced scouting should have known that he’d be a train wreck.

I don’t think any team knew he’d be a train wreck and it’s still too early anyways to write off Rosen. Pure pocket passers will not function on teams with a terrible OL. 

Is it an indictment on Mac he selected Hack in the 2nd round? 

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Macc wanted either Darnold or Mayfield.  He may have settled for Rosen but I think he was HIGHLY confident the Giants were going with Barkley.  Macc thought the Draft was going Darnold>Barkley>Mayfield.  It turns out he got the #1 guy on his Draft board.  Kudos to him.  You can't hit a pitch you don't swing at.  He swung hard and we're lucky he did.

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3 minutes ago, CurtMart said:

Yeah that was my first thought. 3 second rounders and the 6th overall just for a chance to select the third best QB of the draft? It’s a fact Mac got lucked into Darnold n now he gets to take the accolades. 

Luck would have been getting Darnold at 6.  Moving up and putting the Jets in position at #3 basically meant...


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18 minutes ago, Jetsbb said:

It has been leaked that Macagnan traded up to 3 so he could get either Darnold, Baker or Rosen. If the Giants took Darnold like a lot of people expected if he fell to them Rosen would have gone to the Jets in exchange for three 2nd rounders and the 6th overall pick. Pretty astounding considering Cardinals are struggling to get one 2nd rounder for him a year later.

What makes you think you know he would have taken Rosen?

You can't be seriously referring to random reports. There are reports of the Jets wanting Allen, bosa, Williams, trading down. None of them mean anything.

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33 minutes ago, jetstream23 said:

Macc wanted either Darnold or Mayfield.  He may have settled for Rosen but I think he was HIGHLY confident the Giants were going with Barkley.  Macc thought the Draft was going Darnold>Barkley>Mayfield.  It turns out he got the #1 guy on his Draft board.  Kudos to him.  You can't hit a pitch you don't swing at.  He swung hard and we're lucky he did.

Pretty much how I feel. When you take a risk and it pays off, yes you deserve credit. And I'm a Macc basher.

I also think Geno was a good draft pick at the time, knowing what was known then. A pre-season first overall candidate in the second? A worthwhile risk. Didn't work out and Geno proved to be a legendary dummy, but that's hindsight analysis. I don't kill Idzik for that one.

Hack was bad from the get-go, however.

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25 minutes ago, Beerfish said:

The guy was fantastically lucky to get darnold.

Any team getting Rosen for a 2nd rounder is getting a bargain.  He still has very good potential and is better than any Qb in this draft imo.

I still think Murray would go over Rosen in this draft 

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21 minutes ago, JoJoTownsell1 said:

What makes you think you know he would have taken Rosen?

You can't be seriously referring to random reports. There are reports of the Jets wanting Allen, bosa, Williams, trading down. None of them mean anything.

Well we would gave had to take rosen or josh allen if mayfield and darnold went 1, 2.

Mac was comfortable with either of the top two guys OR Rosen/Josh Allen

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1 minute ago, nico002 said:

They did it for Baker... this was known pre draft

Yes, but let's be a little nuanced here.  The Jets game theory said that the Draft was going 1-Darnold, 2-Barkley....so their trade up was for Baker....but I'm pretty confident he was not the #1 guy on their board.  I think the Jets liked Darnold and Baker as 1A and 1B.

The Jets traded up knowing they'd get one of the Top 2 QBs on their board, they got the first.

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6 minutes ago, jgb said:

Pretty much how I feel. When you take a risk and it pays off, yes you deserve credit. And I'm a Macc basher.

I also think Geno was a good draft pick at the time, knowing what was known then. A pre-season first overall candidate in the second? A worthwhile risk. Didn't work out and Geno proved to be a legendary dummy, but that's hindsight analysis. I don't kill Idzik for that one.

Hack was bad from the get-go, however.

Agree with all of this.  It's risk/reward.  Hack was a horrible pick but the Jets had a HUGE need at QB and taking a swing at a developmental/reclamation project in Hack was a calculated risk that just failed miserably.  Same thing with Geno.  I can 100% fault the GM when the pick is bad and becomes a bust but I can't fault the GM for continually trying to fix the QB riddle using picks in any/all rounds.

Macc has drafted and acquired via FA how many?  6 QBs?  Fitzpatrick, Petty, Hack, McCown, Bridgewater, Darnold in a span of 4 years?  The dude had bad aim most of the time but hopefully hit the bullseye with Darnold.  Flipping Teddy for a 3rd was a nice move as well.

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10 hours ago, Jetsbb said:

It has been leaked that Macagnan traded up to 3 so he could get either Darnold, Baker or Rosen. If the Giants took Darnold like a lot of people expected if he fell to them Rosen would have gone to the Jets in exchange for three 2nd rounders and the 6th overall pick. Pretty astounding considering Cardinals are struggling to get one 2nd rounder for him a year later.

First off you got it wrong, people assumed the Giants would draft Rosen.  They assumed Darnold first, Rosen to the Giants.  Baker would have been a Jet.

Secondly, became apparent long before the draft the Giants were more than likely going with Barkley.

Third, how do you know Macc wouldn't have taken Allen?

Fourth, Rosen has had one year, lousy team, OL and HC.  Stop with the he sucks nonsense.   Goff should have taught you something

And how do you know the Cards are struggling to get anything back in trade?  

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Look Rosen sucks, he will be out of the league in a couple seasons. He doesn't want to play and plenty of people k ew he sucked.

And Macc did the move to get a chance at one of the top two QB's we needed to move up and everyone knew it. I'm glad he gambled and won, but I don't hate him for gambling and losing on hack and everyone else. Because his scouts are telling him those kids had a shot. I'm just ******* happy that I get to see a franchise QB in my life time. I thought Noodle arm was the only one I was going to see with our luck

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2 hours ago, jetstream23 said:

Macc wanted either Darnold or Mayfield.  He may have settled for Rosen but I think he was HIGHLY confident the Giants were going with Barkley.  Macc thought the Draft was going Darnold>Barkley>Mayfield.  It turns out he got the #1 guy on his Draft board.  Kudos to him.  You can't hit a pitch you don't swing at.  He swung hard and we're lucky he did.

I’m surprised the giants didn’t mess with Mac and get him to trade up for 2 after mayfield was picked. I think the giants didn’t want the flamboyant mayfield, as did many, and could have pretended they may take darnold or sell the pick for a truckload. Either would left us with Rosen. Darnold was macs number 1 choice, and not having Mayfield to fall back on he probably would have agreed to hand the giants something for the swap of 2/3

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2 hours ago, jetstream23 said:

Yes, but let's be a little nuanced here.  The Jets game theory said that the Draft was going 1-Darnold, 2-Barkley....so their trade up was for Baker....but I'm pretty confident he was not the #1 guy on their board.  I think the Jets liked Darnold and Baker as 1A and 1B.

The Jets traded up knowing they'd get one of the Top 2 QBs on their board, they got the first.

Mac eventually flat out said that Darnold was the number one player on their board, not just best QB but they expected to get Baker. Rosen was never a consideration. In fact I suspect Allen was third on our board.

If you want some chuckles read the live draft thread it is amazing the amount of people that wanted Rosen, even some after Darnold was picked.

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You have to take this with a grain of salt, as it came out after the event, but the story goes that the Jets never bothered to contact the Giants regarding a trade-up because Maccagnan believed the Giants were going to select Barkley and it would take a king's ransom for the Giants to give up the chance of taking Barkley. Obviously the Browns would never trade out of the first overall pick, so it left the Colts at pick #3 as the first viable trade-up opportunity.

Apparently Maccagnan scouted the QBs extensively because he was ordered to do so by Chris Johnson. He did end up believing that Darnold was the number one on his board, but there wasn't much of a gap back to Mayfield. I have a recollection that the Jets were reported as ranking Allen fourth by a long shot. Jackson was never under consideration.

Maccagnan and Heimerdinger (who negotiated the trade with the Colts) wanted to beat the Bills to the punch because they felt the Bills were keen to trade up if they could get the chance. Turns out they were right (the Bills traded up to take Allen, from memory).

I am not a Maccagnan fan, but thanks to the late season wins from Bowles and co that pushed the Jets' first pick down the ladder, he made the best of the situation to get the Jets up into a position where they could take one of Darnold or Mayfield.

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1 hour ago, johnnysd said:

Mac eventually flat out said that Darnold was the number one player on their board, not just best QB but they expected to get Baker. Rosen was never a consideration. In fact I suspect Allen was third on our board.

If you want some chuckles read the live draft thread it is amazing the amount of people that wanted Rosen, even some after Darnold was picked.

I do remember that.  But we all need to recall the narrative around that time.

Darnold was young, turnover prone and had an okay Junior year after a great Sophomore year.  Rosen was considered a bit of an arrogant prick and could have injury concerns, but he was the most "pro ready" and had a great, accurate arm.

With that said....let's remember the Jets history with recent QB draft picks.  Hack and Petty were both projects.  Neither was pro ready and both had some accuracy concerns.

I'm not surprised that some of our well-intentioned fans were gun-shy about Darnold after a year where some could argue he regressed and he was careless with the football.  They wanted accurate and pro ready.  That was considered Rosen.  So I don't fault the misguided opinions or our fans in that regard. :P



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Enough of this nonsense already.

1]  It was anticipated until a few days before the draft, that the Browns were going to take Darnold.  Speculation that the Browns were high on Mayfield was seen as a smoke screen.

2]  Gettleman said time and again, before the draft, that his intention was to draft Saquon Barkley.  The fact that people did not believe him doesn't change history or his intention.  He did indeed draft Barkley.

3]  It was reported prior to the draft that the Jets target was Mayfield.  I remember distinctly, because I didn't want him and was trying to reconcile the fact that he would most likely be our quarterback.

4]  Maccagnan was essentially forced to trade from the 6th pick, for fear of being left at the alter without any of the "big four" quarterbacks.  What did you expect him to do?  A move to #3 assured the Jets at least a choice of Rosen, Allen or,at worst, Lamar Jackson.

5]  Get a grip....  With everything else in the Jet universe, this is what we are going to revisit?  Pathetic.

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