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booing Zach


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2 minutes ago, Mogglez said:

If Zach didn’t want to deal with getting booed, maybe he should have decided to take the checkdown instead of throwing 4 terrible interceptions that, quite literally, cost us the game.

i know, but its his 2nd game. hopefully he learns

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Just now, Beerfish said:

Who said they were booing Zac?

I see this type of thing often pick out one player usually the high profile guy and say the fans were booing 'him'.

They were booing the Jets stinking for the 100th year in a row.  Fans are fed up with suckage.

Want to avoid booing?  Git gud. or L2P

it was after the 4th INT. it was for Zach.

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2 minutes ago, dbatesman said:

No lower form of life than the guy who watches this prolapsed anus of a franchise embarrass itself yet again then bleats about how #actually the fans are the problem

When the ******* scumbag owners start listening to the fanbase... It kinda is partially their fault

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15 minutes ago, Mogglez said:

If Zach didn’t want to deal with getting booed, maybe he should have decided to take the check down throws instead of throwing 4 terrible interceptions that, quite literally, cost us the game.

C’mon man you’re better and smarter than this. 

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Just now, Mogglez said:

You can hope he learns and still boo him.  If he can’t handle booing, he’ll be out of the NFL as fast as he entered it.

well maybe if he had a chance to get his feet wet he can handle it. 

we all talked how this team damaged Sam. you don't think the booing damages a kid in his 2nd game. bad enough he has a horrible performance on his mind he also has to think about that too.

we all talked about how we didn't do enough to help Sam succeed. you think booing him in his 2nd game help him to succeed?

you want to give birth to a full grown man. it doesn't work like that. 

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