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cant believe you guys.


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38 minutes ago, doitny said:

i read the paper earlier and saw a pic of the Islanders playing the Rangers. Hockey is back. 

and it brought back a memory i forgot. just not more than 4 months ago it was that Zach and his OL were at those Islander playoff games. we all loved how the new rookie was bonding with his OL. 

then just a month ago we all love the end of our preseason. we went undefeated for the first time ever. optimism was at a high. so many of you were say how you think we finally got it right with Saleh and JD.

and all it took for you guys to break was 3 weeks. actually it was one week. i think we all were happy with Zack in week 1. and in week 2 we all like the team playing better but Zack didn't. but week 3 was a total disaster i seen it too. 

just saying after all that optimism not too long ago, you guys just jumped ship really quick.

i know what your going to say. you want a competitive team. me too. but did you really expect all theses rookies to take off running.

im just surprised after all that good feeling and hope, that you guys went from 60 to 0 in just 3 games with 14 left. 


When your record is 0 and 3 and the only realistic way of getting into the playoffs is by winning the division all hope is lost.  


When you watch the team on Sunday and they don't have an ounce of competitiveness all hope is lost. 

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All hope is lost for the playoffs?  Playoffs were probably a pipe dream anyway.

All hope is lost for improvement as the season goes on?  That's a different thing.

Our preseason illusions are kaput.  We're actually a 2 win team starting out with a new coach and new QB.  Use that as your baseline to measure performance.

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4 hours ago, New York Mick said:

How long have you been a fan?

40 years. i remember that horrible mud bowl like it was yesterday.

yeah i been through hell with this team. i actually bought season tickets one year, that just happen to be the 1-15 Kotite year.

i cant remember this kind of excitement sine 2011 when i thought after 2 years of being the bridesmaid we would finally be the bride.

i mean even when Sam was drafted we still were pretty much done with Bowels and Mac. 

and last year most of us weren't happy with Sam and Gase starting the season. so it wasnt a surprise if you left after 3 games.

but this year i am just surprised will all the excitement and hope just 4 weeks ago and you all jumped ship at once. 

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7 hours ago, doitny said:


then just a month ago we all love the end of our preseason. we went undefeated for the first time ever. optimism was at a high


The Jets went 5-0 in the preseason once. I believe that was Kotites 1st year.

If the Jets win next week, there will be talk of sneaking into the playoffs. That's how it goes around here....

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7 hours ago, doitny said:

i read the paper earlier and saw a pic of the Islanders playing the Rangers. Hockey is back. 

and it brought back a memory i forgot. just not more than 4 months ago it was that Zach and his OL were at those Islander playoff games. we all loved how the new rookie was bonding with his OL. 

then just a month ago we all love the end of our preseason. we went undefeated for the first time ever. optimism was at a high. so many of you were say how you think we finally got it right with Saleh and JD.

and all it took for you guys to break was 3 weeks. actually it was one week. i think we all were happy with Zack in week 1. and in week 2 we all like the team playing better but Zack didn't. but week 3 was a total disaster i seen it too. 

just saying after all that optimism not too long ago, you guys just jumped ship really quick.

i know what your going to say. you want a competitive team. me too. but did you really expect all theses rookies to take off running.

im just surprised after all that good feeling and hope, that you guys went from 60 to 0 in just 3 games with 14 left. 


Yes because objective, measurable realities trump blind hope and optimism even if there were indications that things were going to be good. We stink, and are likely going to stink for a long time unless massive changes are made and ZW is pulled before irreversible damage is done.

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7 hours ago, doitny said:

i read the paper earlier and saw a pic of the Islanders playing the Rangers. Hockey is back. 

and it brought back a memory i forgot. just not more than 4 months ago it was that Zach and his OL were at those Islander playoff games. we all loved how the new rookie was bonding with his OL. 

then just a month ago we all love the end of our preseason. we went undefeated for the first time ever. optimism was at a high. so many of you were say how you think we finally got it right with Saleh and JD.

and all it took for you guys to break was 3 weeks. actually it was one week. i think we all were happy with Zack in week 1. and in week 2 we all like the team playing better but Zack didn't. but week 3 was a total disaster i seen it too. 

just saying after all that optimism not too long ago, you guys just jumped ship really quick.

i know what your going to say. you want a competitive team. me too. but did you really expect all theses rookies to take off running.

im just surprised after all that good feeling and hope, that you guys went from 60 to 0 in just 3 games with 14 left. 





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I love how some people act like the intelligent reasonable response to the Jets sucking for 50 years is being positive and trusting the process.....I heard a lot of this kind of stuff over the summer when JD was treated like a God and you weren't allowed to disagree with any moves made.    The Jets have now been non competitive for over a year and when somebody proves to me they know what they are doing is when I'll get behind this sh*t show. lol

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It's not about the record...it could be 0-17 for that matter..it's about seeing a lack of fundamentals, execution, basics...stuff that a decent high school player knows and accomplishes...when I see a total breakdown of these skills at the NFL level it is infuriating and it should be addressed at the field level...not in midweek meetings...players who commit taunting penalties should be pulled from the field and met at the sideline by a visibly upset coach and made an example of for the team to see...same with a receiver who drops a eminently catchable ball, same with a player who jumps offsides on a 4th and 1... that's what I want at least. 

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Do some people not ever read these forums?

If you did you would see that most of the fans were realistic from day one and knew the team was not going to win a lot of games.

However there is a vast difference between losing but making teams work to beat you and looking like you have some talent and just getting thrashed and looking like half your players are utterly terrible,

We are not losing good, the team looks hopeless.

Look at a team like the Chargers a couple years back, they won 5 games but they were in most games and you could see that a guy like herbert was going to be good.

Offense wins in this league and ours unbelievably is worse than it was in the gase era.


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On 9/28/2021 at 6:53 AM, BP said:

I know the younger guys get defensive about this. But I’ve been dealing with this horsesh*t franchise for 45 years. You become numb after a while. It’s like being in a sh*tty relationship with no option for divorce or death.

I’m right there with you. 45 years and counting. I just give a sh*t anymore and expect the HC, GM, QB and 1st round pick to suck. 

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I'm looking forward to the point this group get over the hump this year.  Last year they were dead from game 1 and still managed to win 2 games.  This year is a mess at this point but there will be a moment the offense clicks with these players and everything comes together.  Will it be bad forever?  No.  Will it get better?  I hope, it can't get worse.  I guess the reason I'm a Jets fan is because I always have that hope that I will be here when they finally do figure it out.  I won't have given up and gone to another team or falling into complete cynicism.  Plus I hate bandwagon fans.

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On 9/28/2021 at 4:05 AM, kelticwizard said:

All hope is lost for the playoffs?  Playoffs were probably a pipe dream anyway.

All hope is lost for improvement as the season goes on?  That's a different thing.

Our preseason illusions are kaput.  We're actually a 2 win team starting out with a new coach and new QB.  Use that as your baseline to measure performance.

Jets never had a realistic shot at the playoffs, with so many rookies on the field as well as the sidelines. We can only HOPE that LeFleur gets better at calling plays. I think Saleh is going to be a good HC and I have confidence in JD as well. The Jets should hire a QB coach RIGHT AWAY and send LeFleur to the coaches box upstairs.

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On 9/28/2021 at 2:55 AM, doitny said:

i read the paper earlier and saw a pic of the Islanders playing the Rangers. Hockey is back. 

and it brought back a memory i forgot. just not more than 4 months ago it was that Zach and his OL were at those Islander playoff games. we all loved how the new rookie was bonding with his OL. 

then just a month ago we all love the end of our preseason. we went undefeated for the first time ever. optimism was at a high. so many of you were say how you think we finally got it right with Saleh and JD.

and all it took for you guys to break was 3 weeks. actually it was one week. i think we all were happy with Zack in week 1. and in week 2 we all like the team playing better but Zack didn't. but week 3 was a total disaster i seen it too. 

just saying after all that optimism not too long ago, you guys just jumped ship really quick.

i know what your going to say. you want a competitive team. me too. but did you really expect all theses rookies to take off running.

im just surprised after all that good feeling and hope, that you guys went from 60 to 0 in just 3 games with 14 left. 


If Zach looks solid in a win over the Titans things will swing 180 degrees. That's just how it works.

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2 minutes ago, UntouchableCrew said:

If Zach looks solid in a win over the Titans things will swing 180 degrees. That's just how it works.

Every week requires a conclusive take, until the next week it changes and the next week it changes and the next week and so on and so on...

This is why I literally dont watch any sports shows, at all.  The weekly overreactions are nauseating.  I get enough of them here.  

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40 minutes ago, UntouchableCrew said:

If Zach looks solid in a win over the Titans things will swing 180 degrees. That's just how it works.


36 minutes ago, JiFapono said:

Every week requires a conclusive take, until the next week it changes and the next week it changes and the next week and so on and so on...

This is why I literally dont watch any sports shows, at all.  The weekly overreactions are nauseating.  I get enough of them here.  

but guys there were some STRONG statements made about JD.

one guy said JD can never draft for us again.

another said he was worst then Mac.

and these guys will just flip back. ? ok i will take your words for it. both of you have a lot more time than me here. you know this board better.


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1 hour ago, doitny said:


but guys there were some STRONG statements made about JD.

one guy said JD can never draft for us again.

another said he was worst then Mac.

and these guys will just flip back. ? ok i will take your words for it. both of you have a lot more time than me here. you know this board better.


Well, there are also superlative laced, agenda driven posters.

But as we all know "fan" is short for "fanatic." If you care enough about this team to post here there's a good chance you're prone to be more emotional about the team than a rational adult should be.

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1 hour ago, doitny said:


but guys there were some STRONG statements made about JD.

one guy said JD can never draft for us again.

another said he was worst then Mac.

and these guys will just flip back. ? ok i will take your words for it. both of you have a lot more time than me here. you know this board better.


Of course they will.  This place is a nut house.  I love it!

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On 9/28/2021 at 10:02 AM, doitny said:

40 years. i remember that horrible mud bowl like it was yesterday.

yeah i been through hell with this team. i actually bought season tickets one year, that just happen to be the 1-15 Kotite year.

i cant remember this kind of excitement sine 2011 when i thought after 2 years of being the bridesmaid we would finally be the bride.

i mean even when Sam was drafted we still were pretty much done with Bowels and Mac. 

and last year most of us weren't happy with Sam and Gase starting the season. so it wasnt a surprise if you left after 3 games.

but this year i am just surprised will all the excitement and hope just 4 weeks ago and you all jumped ship at once. 

Ahhhh sweet memories. Let’s start a thread for the Jets All Time Heart Breaking moments. Seems like a good time to relive them seeing we will be 0-4 by this Sunday afternoon. 

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