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Allbright: Jets job trending towards Matt Rhule

Patriot Killa

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1 minute ago, CTM said:

I am.

Pairing that boob Mac with a newbie coach w/no network is a recipe for disaster. It's like giving a toddler a fork and letting him run around a room with multiple exposed outlets.

I also 100 % agree this is Mac steering CJ away from the SB pedigree to protect his own ass, which is additionally infuriating.

hate this team.

Agree.  Get ready for another 10 years with no playoffs 

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Just now, shuler82 said:

Incarcerated Bob getting in in the action:


Source: Jets GM Mike Maccagnan is pushing hard for Matt Rhule to be named next Jets HC over McCarthy or Gase (Owner did prefer one of those two guys) #JETS #Baylor

Mike Maccagnan.  Barf.

And so many of you people wwanted him to stay.  

I thought he couldn't suck any more than he already has shown us, but I was wrong.  

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I want McCarthy, but I would be OK with Rhule. If you read up on his history, the guy's top quality is leadership and motivational skills. And it's unfair to say he's not an offensive coach -- he's coached practically every position and did a good job when he was Giants offensive line coach. If he teams up with a skilled OC who can take charge of developing Darnold, then this would not be a bad hire.

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the hire out of the guys mentioned has to be McCarthy

some of the scrubs being mentioned are beyond pathetic-it is like the jets dont even research folks they want to bring-it reminds me of mac drafting hackenberg  in the second round-did he not ever watch game film of the last year hackenberg played? Now we are considering bringing in garbage college coaches from garbage colleges that did not impress at all-

picking a scrub over McCarthy is like going back in time and drafting Ken Obrien over Marino after seeing how their careers ended up-sign the guy that won a ring as it provides stability and credability

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37 minutes ago, SMC said:

It would be comical that the Jets hire a failed college HC to run their team.

back to back 10 wins at Temple / took over Baylor after losing tons of recruits due to the rape scandal and put them over .500 after 1 down season isn't a failed college HC. Rhule may not be your top choice but its also important to use facts

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1 minute ago, BroadwayRay said:

I want McCarthy, but I would be OK with Rhule. If you read up on his history, the guy's top quality is leadership and motivational skills. And it's unfair to say he's not an offensive coach -- he's coached practically every position and did a good job when he was Jets offensive line coach. If he teams up with a skilled OC who can take charge of developing Darnold, then this would not be a bad hire.

When was he the Jets OL coach? You mean Giants?

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2 hours ago, Jets Voice of Reason said:

Curious, who do you want for the job? 

McCarthy first and foremost.

With a boob GM and dysfunctional org we need someone with credibility in here lest we win 5 games next year and HC and GM are pitching CJ behind the scenes on whose really to blame.

Had we had a strong GM and competent ownership I'd be more open to (even in support of) a higher ceiling/lower floor type of guy.

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1 minute ago, Adoni Beast said:

He needs to nail the OC and QB Coach hires. If he does that, this guy can be a really good coach.

yeah because skilled OC/DC will love reporting to a HC with zero experience and a shtty college record.

If this comes to fruition, the Jets have been set back 10 years.

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13 minutes ago, JoJoTownsell1 said:

Yeah, when the Rams brought in Jeff Fisher and his numerous playoff appearances and SB appearance to that Locker room things worked out great because that is all that matters. Right?

This is a silly take.

Fisher had identifiable NFL coaching skills and track record.  He failed with the Rams.  Rhule literally does not have any NFL coaching skills or track record. He's not even an innovative coach.  There is literally nothing you can say that he has done that would translate successfully to the NFL.

Rhule should be lobbying for a better college job based on what he's done at Temple/Baylor, not making the quantum leap to the NFL HC ranks.

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9 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

I am not against a Rhule hiring.  Not at all.  But the context by which this is going down is disgusting.

Maccagnan gets to be part of HC hiring process.  Balks at guy who is biggest threat at his job security.  Ownership actually listens to Maccagnan and goes with the option that will fall in line and let Maccagnan make all the picks and signings. 

Rhule will have his work cut out for him, that's for sure. 

Spot on. If Rhule is hired, I'll back him and the team as a fan. I'll back whoever is the coach and hope for success.

However, this process showed what is really going on behind the scenes. Mac and Brian were a part of this process and both were retained while Bowles was flushed. When you have a proven HC as well as other NFL coaches and coordinators come in and you balk at all of them - especially one of the most qualified and most successful of the NFL crop that flat out states they want the job - then you are dealing with people who want to keep their power and hire an underling NFL rookie coach to line up with their bidding.

I hope he can deal with their decisions if hired.

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Just now, SMC said:

This is a silly take.

Fisher had identifiable NFL coaching skills and track record.  He failed with the Rams.  Rhule literally does not have any NFL coaching skills or track record. He's not even an innovative coach.  There is literally nothing you can say that he has done that would translate successfully to the NFL.

Rhule should be lobbying for a better college job based on what he's done at Temple/Baylor, not making the quantum leap to the NFL HC ranks.

Plus Rhule looks like the midget from Game of Thrones

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4 minutes ago, UntouchableCrew said:

The coordinators are important with Rhule. I'd feel a lot better about him if we got Monken... Gase I dunno...

I agree with this. A Rhule/Monken pairing would be ideal. I agree, to an extent, that bringing in a college guy comes with some drawbacks and have an established OC like Monken would help ease some rational Jets fan fears. 

Personally, I think the delay in picking our HC is mostly about putting a staff together. I don't think they want to just hire Rhule or Gase or Monken without a greater plan in place. 

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13 minutes ago, Jets Voice of Reason said:

I think 2, 3, and 5 are valid question marks, but everyone was going to lose at Baylor regardless of who coached there given the circumstances. It’s technically true but pretty inconclusive as to saying how good of a coach he is on the field. 

He also has some coaching experience on both offense and defense, so that’s pretty rare for a resume. 

It’s a risk for sure. I’m not going to slam it because i don’t know enough about him to say whether he could handle the job. Just have to hope he’s the guy. 

My friend Joe O'Shea Coaches his sons American Youth Football league. He coaches Offense, Defense, AND Special Teams. Granted, its a lower level of football, but he turned around the Jupiter Farms Mustangs from a 1-7 failure to an Inter-County north regional district champion. He played DB at Cardinal Newman High and comes from the Sam Budnyk (FHSAA HOF) Coaching tree. 


He's a leader of men. Sign that beast!!

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7 minutes ago, Vader said:

seriously. can’t wait for the press conference when they have to justify Rhule over McCarthy. Seriously wish Jim Acosta covered NY sports beat. Dude is annoyingly relentless.

"Mike McCarthy is a well-respected and successful head coach, and there are a lot of things to like about what he would bring to the job, but after much consideration, we decided to go in a different consideration and had to rhule Mike out."

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4 minutes ago, Bleedin Green said:

No that I doubt the reality of this, but I'm curious where this is coming from?  I haven't exactly been keeping up today, but it only sounds curious given that McCarthy had made a point of coming out at the beginning of the head coach hiring process to specifically go on the record saying he wasn't looking for control.  I remember this because I was specifically on board with offering him exactly that, but he seemed he didn't want it.  If things have changed, then I totally agree with you, screw Macc and give McCarthy whatever he wants, but it just seems to go against prior things he said himself.

Not sure what thread the tweet was in, there's been so many different threads.  But the tweet stated that McCarthy only wants the Jets job if he's given assurance he has some "control", presumably over personnel decisions.

Meanwhile, Johnson said this recently:



Johnson told reporters during a press conference that the power structure of the franchise will not change. The new head coach will be on the same level playing field as General Manager Mike Maccagnan, and that both will report to him. Johnson also hinted that any coach that wants full control of personal need not apply. He also acknowledged that the club would be interested in an offensive minded coach, but it was not a requirement. Prior head coaching experience? Not an requirement, but it would be nice according to Johnson. The other whopper he threw out there was that Maccagnan is a "great evaluator of talent." 

These comments that were the equivelant of having to listen to nails on a chalkboard.



Connecting the dots, the fact that McCarthy has not yet been signed on as the HC, and now the news about Rhule being the likelier choice, suggest the Jets balked based on the Maccagnan factor.

Which is an utter travesty and disaster.

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how is this the guy

On December 6, 2016, Rhule was named the head football coach at Baylor University, replacing interim head coach Jim Grobe.[6] The Bears finished the 2017 season with a disappointing 1–11 record, which meant Baylor would not qualify for a bowl for the first time since 2009. Baylor finished the 2018 regular season 6-6

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Just now, CTM said:

McCarthy first and foremost.

With a boob GM and dysfunctional org we need someone with credibility in here lest we win 5 games next year and HC and GM are pitching CJ behind the scenes on whose really to blame.

Had we had a strong GM and competent ownership I'd be more open to a higher ceiling/lower floor type of guy.

yes. agree.. 

We probably have a franchise QB, so lets hire a first time HC that has no NFL HC experience, or any significant NFL coaching experience. For F*cks sake. This team.

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1 minute ago, SMC said:

This is a silly take.

Fisher had identifiable NFL coaching skills and track record.  He failed with the Rams.  Rhule literally does not have any NFL coaching skills or track record. He's not even an innovative coach.  There is literally nothing you can say that he has done that would translate successfully to the NFL.

 Rhule should be lobbying for a better college job based on what he's done at Temple/Baylor, not making the quantum leap to the NFL HC ranks.

You are completely missing the point.  

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6 minutes ago, SMC said:

The bolded makes my point.  What is Rhule going to tell the players to convince them that he knows how to "win" and that he will "help them get better"?

Nothing in Rhule's resume gives proof to either of that.

He doesn’t have to tell them. He has to show them. Just like any coach. Talk only goes so far. 

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4 minutes ago, BroadwayRay said:

I want McCarthy, but I would be OK with Rhule. If you read up on his history, the guy's top quality is leadership and motivational skills. And it's unfair to say he's not an offensive coach -- he's coached practically every position and did a good job when he was Jets offensive line coach. If he teams up with a skilled OC who can take charge of developing Darnold, then this would not be a bad hire.

motivational skills that worked with 17-21 year olds.  

Lets see how that works with highly paid, adult narcissistic divas.

If this is the end result, it is nauseating.

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29 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

I'm not even against hiring Rhule really.  Its just laughable to think that McCarthy wanted personnel control, and Johnson balked because Macc is "his guy". 

F*** that.

Is this true? Every report out there since his firing is that McCarthy never wanted personnel control at all in his tenure at Green Bay or going forward and just wanted to coach, so seems like a conflicting report 

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7 minutes ago, CTM said:

I am.

Pairing that boob Mac with a newbie coach w/no network is a recipe for disaster. It's like giving a toddler a fork and letting him run around a room with multiple exposed outlets.

I also 100 % agree this is Mac steering CJ away from the SB pedigree to protect his own ass, which is additionally infuriating.

hate this team. 

It's like the Jets are doing everything in their power to gimp Darnold and the new HC.

Seriously, what is our owner's obsession with Mike f***ing Maccagnan?  Every decision since Week 17 ended has been directed towards making Maccagnan the centerpiece of this organization, above even Sam Darnold. 

If Rhule gets the job, he and Darnold are going to have to do everything in their power to rise above their circumstances in order to make things work.

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10 minutes ago, Philc1 said:

But Manish Mehta likes him!


No, he wrote a whole huge article about how ADAM GASE would be the guy to lead the Jets into the future....3 days after writing "KISS SEXBURY is the guy to lead the Jets into the future....


FML. Matt Rhule? LOL. 

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