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Jason Peters???


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Don't the Jets still have ~35 mil in cap space? 

I would definitely be down to sign Peters to a 1 year deal. He is most likely a HoF Tackle, and still played like at worst a Top 15 Tackle last year. Doesn't stop us from going OT in the 1st round either IMO. The only wildcard is Edoga, has the coaching staff seen enough from him to be comfortable with him at RT?

1stRdPick-Lewis-McGovern-Winters(?)-Peters....Fant can start the season if the 1st rounder isn't ready or Fant looks good. You can still draft another G or C in the 3rd or 4th, if fans are serious about wanting to build the OLine long-term, this is the way to do it.

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For the right price, why not.  His age doesn’t bother me too much.  I grew up down south, and we have the expression “Country Strong”.  Someone who is just naturally a beast, long into their late middle age.  George Forman came out of retirement to win a belt, and whoop up on some much younger dudes.  If he can still punish dudes then sign him up.

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1 hour ago, HawkeyeJet said:

My red flag is that JD is extremely familiar with him, sees his market is slow/weak, is at a position of need and still hasn't pounced (presumably).

That tells me a lot, I think.

It probably has more to do with Peters contract requests being more than teams want to pay.  Just like Clowney. There is plenty of interest. They're just asking too much. 

Plus he's a grey beard. :P 

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Last year, Peters took a pay-cut and agreed to a 1-year, $6M deal with the Eagles.

Now that they have agreed to part ways, I would love to get him here for a year on a similar deal.  He could play at RT, and provide a valuable veteran option as the backup LT into the bargain.  The Jets should absolutely look at this.

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I think JD is behind the scenes cued into all these scenarios & has been methodical with everyone regarding price, value ect.

I think he's well respected by the players that know him, they understand he'd be interested at a certain price & their agents, rightfully so are testing the waters, getting feedback & if we're right in the neighborhood of other interested teams we could have a shot at the end. 

Its all you can ask for really. With Macc, everyone knew he was a tool & agents put a suck tax on picking the Jets. That's the difference between respect & no respect. Maccs resume sucked & insiders knew he was getting canned at Houston if the Jets didn't save him. Fant, Van Roten, Lewis, McGovern, Andrews, Poole, Maulet, Hewitt, Desir, Christian. I'd love to get the breakdown of these guys COMBINED 2020 cap hit relative to Jack Conklins cap hit of 20 million in 2020. 

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57 minutes ago, Jetster said:

Didn't Andrew Whitworth just resign with the Rams? How old is he? 

Peters is a BAD AZZ BEAST. Short term keep Sam healthy option to show our draft picks how its done!

He did, and on a 3 year deal to boot. And he’s 38, same age as Peters.

I’d absolutely take Peters on a 1-2 year deal. He’s still by and large considered a Top 15 OT, despite his age. Put him over on the right side for a season or two, take Ruggs/Lamb/Jeudy at #11, and draft best available OT in the 2nd round to ride the bench for a year or maybe even provide immediate competition for Fant. There’s a solid chance at least one of Jackson, Cleveland, Wanogho, Peart, etc. is still on the board at #48. And if Douglas isn’t comfortable waiting, then package one of those 3rd rounders to move up and get your guy.

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6 minutes ago, ChuckkieB said:

No.  We need long term solutions.  A 38 year old player at any position can fall off a cliff at any time.  The risk isn't worth a one year reward, especially for a team that isn't a player away from being a legit contender.

The Jets need players who can come in immediately and keep Darnold upright, period.

No one is talking about committing to Peters longterm or even allowing his signing to prevent us from drafting an OT in the 1st round.

But if you can get a guy who is still well above average at protecting the QB and can open up rushing lanes for Bell all on a 1-2 year deal that doesn’t even remotely cripple you...then why not?

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3 minutes ago, Untouchable said:

The Jets need players who can come in immediately and keep Darnold upright, period.

No one is talking about committing to Peters longterm or even allowing his signing to prevent us from drafting an OT in the 1st round.

But if you can get a guy who is still well above average at protecting the QB and can open up rushing lanes for Bell all on a 1-2 year deal that doesn’t even remotely cripple you...then why not?

I'm very wary of these types of old players who as I said can fall off a cliff at any time and just can't be trusted to be productive for an entire season.   In my mind this is the exact type of player the Jets should be staying away from, regardless of the cost.  Young and athletic players is what this team needs to be filling the roster with, and that's what JD has been doing for the most part so far.  Peters would be a departure for his strategy.  

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1 hour ago, peekskill68 said:

I'm sensing JD and Gase are looking for OL with a particular skill set which is why they targeted Fant and McGovern.  I have no idea if Peters fits the mold but using stats and PFF rankings based on the system they ran in Philadelphia may not be applicable here...

This is what I thought, but it turns out the Eagles run a very athletic zone scheme similar to what we are adopting. 


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3 hours ago, KRL said:

What do people think, yes or no?  He's 38 years old, has a history with Douglas,
is willing to play RT and has been durable over the past two years:


Should we give him a one year deal?

Absolutely.  To me, when you hire a new GM, I think they should take stock in what they have, and then find a couple of people in Free Agency who can fill a need, and then a bunch of "hold the fort" type people in free agency to fill in any weaknesses.  Then, when you go to the draft, you look at what your weaknesses are, and pick the best player available at your sources of weakness.  That way, every year you are always trying to add talent at your weakest spots. 

So far, Joe Douglas hasn't done anything spectacular....which feels different then before.  Maybe that's a good thing.  We will learn alot about Joe Douglas in the coming months after his first draft.

People calling for his head, or believing he is not doing a good job are trying to get ahead of the narrative so they can say "I told you so."  The problem is, it will take three years before there is any evidence either way. 


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3 hours ago, KRL said:

What do people think, yes or no?  He's 38 years old, has a history with Douglas,
is willing to play RT and has been durable over the past two years:


Should we give him a one year deal?

I guess the question is we seem solid enough on the inside at C and G to not worry too much there, but our only true tackles are Fant, Chuma and McDermott (who we git from the Bills that has like 4 years of some type of exp. there at T). We know we are drafting some at that position, but we are talking about rookies there. With 2 of our guys including Chuma with very little exp and Fant without that much either, as you said we really could use a vet for both playing and guiding the tackles through this next year or so. Everyone knows the tackles are the the areas where blond side or not you get free rushers coming to your QB and bad things happen then including injuries.

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If the Jets have any intention of drafting an LT at 11 there is no way they’re signing Peters.

They paid $10mm a years to back up T - that they absolutely planning to start.

They draft a guy at 11 - they expect him to start

And you’re not giving Peters $6mm to sit on the bench.

JD is not looking at him - forget about this one guys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey folks, let's revisit this.  Why not think about signing Peters who has said he'd play either LT or RT?

Not sure on the $$$...but if we can get him for something like $8M for one year and not have to use a Draft pick in a trade like we'd have to do for Trent Williams, then why not?  A pure one-year rental that (on paper) let's us decide where to put him and Fant and still draft an OT at #11 or #48.


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On 3/23/2020 at 10:28 AM, MindOverMatter said:

Don't the Jets still have ~35 mil in cap space? 

I would definitely be down to sign Peters to a 1 year deal. He is most likely a HoF Tackle, and still played like at worst a Top 15 Tackle last year. Doesn't stop us from going OT in the 1st round either IMO. The only wildcard is Edoga, has the coaching staff seen enough from him to be comfortable with him at RT?

1stRdPick-Lewis-McGovern-Winters(?)-Peters....Fant can start the season if the 1st rounder isn't ready or Fant looks good. You can still draft another G or C in the 3rd or 4th, if fans are serious about wanting to build the OLine long-term, this is the way to do it.


The Jets have $9-10M left with another $11M freeing up after June first.


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On 3/23/2020 at 11:32 AM, Jetster said:

I think JD is behind the scenes cued into all these scenarios & has been methodical with everyone regarding price, value ect.

I think he's well respected by the players that know him, they understand he'd be interested at a certain price & their agents, rightfully so are testing the waters, getting feedback & if we're right in the neighborhood of other interested teams we could have a shot at the end. 

Its all you can ask for really. With Macc, everyone knew he was a tool & agents put a suck tax on picking the Jets. That's the difference between respect & no respect. Maccs resume sucked & insiders knew he was getting canned at Houston if the Jets didn't save him. Fant, Van Roten, Lewis, McGovern, Andrews, Poole, Maulet, Hewitt, Desir, Christian. I'd love to get the breakdown of these guys COMBINED 2020 cap hit relative to Jack Conklins cap hit of 20 million in 2020. 

Sorry for interrupting but Conklins cap hit is $8 mil. But I get your point Joe did a good job of not overpaying for fridge or reliable role players.

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1 hour ago, jetstream23 said:

Hey folks, let's revisit this.  Why not think about signing Peters who has said he'd play either LT or RT?

Not sure on the $$$...but if we can get him for something like $8M for one year and not have to use a Draft pick in a trade like we'd have to do for Trent Williams, then why not?  A pure one-year rental that (on paper) let's us decide where to put him and Fant and still draft an OT at #11 or #48.


I’m sure he’s looking for more than 1 yr. with some guaranteed coin. 

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Jason Peters, (6’4, 328) entered the league as an UDFA, after playing TE in Div.1 FBS (Arkansas).

George Fant, (6’5, 325) entered the league as an UDFA, after playing TE in Div.I FBS (Western Kentucky).

They both have experience playing LT, RT, and powerTE, in a zone-blocking offense. 

WHAT if ANYTHING could Fant possibly learn from a 9-time pro bowler with a super bowl ring?!



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On 3/23/2020 at 11:18 AM, FidelioJet said:

If the Jets have any intention of drafting an LT at 11 there is no way they’re signing Peters.

They paid $10mm a years to back up T - that they absolutely planning to start.

They draft a guy at 11 - they expect him to start

And you’re not giving Peters $6mm to sit on the bench.

JD is not looking at him - forget about this one guys.

You know guys rotate? I be good with signing him for a couple years and drafting replacement. He is a caliber player hard to come bye

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On 3/23/2020 at 9:19 AM, KRL said:

What do people think, yes or no?  He's 38 years old, has a history with Douglas,
is willing to play RT and has been durable over the past two years:


Should we give him a one year deal?

yes.  No rookie can be trusted to start for year 1.  1 year is perfect. Emphatic YES

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