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Bulls*#*^ hypothetical Question


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I feel awful even asking this, but if the JETS were somehow able to manipulate reality/fate and find themselves in the Super Bowl, are you more likely to—

1) try to find a way to get tickets and witness the potential glory

2) stage a big party at home/local with friends /family/fans

Quite possibly the one and only time you’ll be alive to see it happen, so WWYD

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None of the above.
I’d be such a nervous wreck during that game, I know the best thing would be to watch it at home by myself.
The ***official*** Super Bowl IGT here would be pretty great in real time  also.

You said it! I remember back in ‘09 and ‘10 my wife told me she would throw a huge SB party of the Jets made it. I told her if that happened she and the kids should leave me home alone. I’d be too nervous, and God forbid the Jets lost, you would not want to be around me!
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1 hour ago, Lith said:

Tickets.  I already have the money saved up and sitting in an envelope in a safe deposit box.  Wife came across it a year ago about $15K cash in the envelope.  She knew I had been putting money aside, a few bucks here and there for the last 15 or so years, but never imagined I had that much.  When I told her it was my Super Bowl fund, she burst out laughing.  At me.  Not with me.  She called me a delusional a-hole.  I can't really argue. 


There's layers in this post. 


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Up until about 2010, I always said I would go to the SB if the Jets made it. Plus, I had season tickets and had a chance to win the lottery (each playing team gets about 17,000 tickets) to get tix at face value.  Then three things happened. The first was MetLife Stadium.  Because I was not paying the equivalent of buying a new car every year to watch the Jets in person, I opted for the Upper Deck.  That killed any chance of winning the lottery because the high roller PSL owners were getting the SB tickets at face.  Second was the cost of SB tickets, which has gone through the roof. It will cost $10,000-$20,000 all in to attend the game with 2 tickets. No game is worth that, especially when I don't know the outcome. The demand for tickets if the Jets get there will be insane.  I could not stomach paying that money for one game with the possibility that it was a loss.  The third thing is the SB itself.  I could not handle sitting in a stadium filled with rich people who don't give a crap about the game or the outcome.  The common knowledgeable fan has been priced  out of the market for this game.  I don't want to sit and watch half the stuff that goes on at the game.  47 songs and parades before the game.  A one hour halftime concert by an artist I don't like (why and how did THIS become part of the game? - When are they going to play football games at concert intermissions?).  Interminable commercial breaks.  This is no longer a football game. It's just not for me any longer. I'm watching from home.


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2 hours ago, Lith said:

Tickets.  I already have the money saved up and sitting in an envelope in a safe deposit box.  Wife came across it a year ago about $15K cash in the envelope.  She knew I had been putting money aside, a few bucks here and there for the last 15 or so years, but never imagined I had that much.  When I told her it was my Super Bowl fund, she burst out laughing.  At me.  Not with me.  She called me a delusional a-hole.  I can't really argue. 


Get it out of the safety deposit box and into a money market account and your great-great-great grandkids can go to the next Jets Super Bowl and have enough left over to buy a house.

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4 minutes ago, Joe Willie White Shoes said:

As for watching at home, I'm going to tell a story.  In 2005, I was invited to a friends house to watch the Jets-Chargers playoff game. The friend was a fellow fan who had attended some games with me, but he was not as passionate as I am. Plus, he had guests, some of whom lived in our town, but were not really football fans.  

That game had tremendous ups and downs.  The Jets appearing to win only to have Barton commit that penalty leading to a SD tie.  Overtime with an apparent loss averted by a short missed FG by Nate Kaeding.  And finally a Jets win. I was a wreck.  I went from joy to despair to despondent to joy.  The people who were not fans thought I was insane.  They were hiding the children.  

I always found it was less stressful to watch the games live in the Jets home stadium with fellow Jets fans.  I was always less nervous.  I think you feel part of the game in person.  In any event, after that playoff game, I realized I can't watch a Jets playoff game with people I don't know.  I also want to concentrate on the game and don't want any side talk about other things.  So, if the Jets play a SB, I will watch with my family - all of whom are die hard Jets fans and will act and react like I will.  That's. it. My sons, my brother, my nephew.  

I envy you. I cannot get that emotionally invested in this team any longer. 

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7 minutes ago, jgb said:

Get it out of the safety deposit box and into a money market account and your great-great-great grandkids can go to the next Jets Super Bowl and have enough left over to buy a house.

I was about to smash the lol icon... then was like; actually not even funny. Just sage advice. 

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In 1999, a travel agency in NJ had my credit card # all ready to charge for an all-inclusive Super Bowl package if the Jets beat the Broncos in the AFC Championship Game.  After the blocked punt and TD to go up 10-0 at the beginning of the 2nd half, I thought it was happening.  We all know what happened after that.  I was crushed.

I really think that was my one shot at going to a Jets Super Bowl.  It wasn’t cheap 25 years ago, but it’s way off-the-charts expensive now, and I’m leading a simpler life with less money.

I’ll go with the crew saying that they’ll watch it at home.  I’m not interested in the distractions of a big party, but there will probably be people, including my wife, who will want to watch it with me, knowing that I’ve been waiting my whole life for it to happen.

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3 hours ago, MykePM said:

In 1999, a travel agency in NJ had my credit card # all ready to charge for an all-inclusive Super Bowl package if the Jets beat the Broncos in the AFC Championship Game.  After the blocked punt and TD to go up 10-0 at the beginning of the 2nd half, I thought it was happening.  We all know what happened after that.  I was crushed.

I really think that was my one shot at going to a Jets Super Bowl.  It wasn’t cheap 25 years ago, but it’s way off-the-charts expensive now, and I’m leading a simpler life with less money.

I’ll go with the crew saying that they’ll watch it at home.  I’m not interested in the distractions of a big party, but there will probably be people, including my wife, who will want to watch it with me, knowing that I’ve been waiting my whole life for it to happen.

I’d just want to watch with @SouthernJet. Wouldn’t care where or with who else.

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8 hours ago, Paradis said:

I feel awful even asking this, but if the JETS were somehow able to manipulate reality/fate and find themselves in the Super Bowl, are you more likely to—

1) try to find a way to get tickets and witness the potential glory

2) stage a big party at home/local with friends /family/fans

Quite possibly the one and only time you’ll be alive to see it happen, so WWYD

I would probably die before the game from a massive hematoma from pinching myself over and over again, because no way this is true.  “Avenge me Zach Wilson!” 

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8 hours ago, Lith said:

Tickets.  I already have the money saved up and sitting in an envelope in a safe deposit box.  Wife came across it a year ago about $15K cash in the envelope.  She knew I had been putting money aside, a few bucks here and there for the last 15 or so years, but never imagined I had that much.  When I told her it was my Super Bowl fund, she burst out laughing.  At me.  Not with me.  She called me a delusional a-hole.  I can't really argue. 


So where are you getting the other 5k from? 

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