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5 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

Not only was it as bad as you said, there is nothing to get excited about next season either. 
Running back the same GM, HC and OC and trying to sell the bottle of snake oil that a 41yo QB will overcome every problem this team has? Yeah, okay.

I can’t wait until Vegas releases the O/U’s for the ‘24 season. I’m going to pound the Under even quicker and heavier than I did this year.

i got to go to sleep so i will read this tomorrow but if we got rid of all those guys wouldnt that mean we just might force Rodgers to retire and draft another QB for the 10,000th time. new regime might not be in a rush to make the playoffs and change things, for better or for worst? 

i think replacing those guys is an indication there are going to be alot of roster changes and no playoffs for next year. and that would make me not get excited for next year


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5 minutes ago, jetstream23 said:








I got neg repped to oblivion for posting this verbatim a couple years ago. But yeah Go Pats, no brainer. Luckily I think Bill gives way more of a sh*t than Saleh and his third consecutive quitting team of losers. Hopefully we wind up with pick 6-7. 

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3 hours ago, doitny said:

i got to go to sleep so i will read this tomorrow but if we got rid of all those guys wouldnt that mean we just might force Rodgers to retire and draft another QB for the 10,000th time. new regime might not be in a rush to make the playoffs and change things, for better or for worst? 

i think replacing those guys is an indication there are going to be alot of roster changes and no playoffs for next year. and that would make me not get excited for next year


Who is excited for next year?

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4 hours ago, Green Ghost said:

Not only was it as bad as you said, there is nothing to get excited about next season either. 
Running back the same GM, HC and OC and trying to sell the bottle of snake oil that a 41yo QB will overcome every problem this team has? Yeah, okay.

I can’t wait until Vegas releases the O/U’s for the ‘24 season. I’m going to pound the Under even quicker and heavier than I did this year.

I feel like we’re in that old fable where the family sees a mouse in heir home so they get a cat, and the cat gets the mouse out of the house but then they can’t get the cat to leave, so they get a big, nasty dog. But then they can’t get the dog to leave, so they bring in a lion and the lion ends up eating them all

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This season’s been brutal.  I mean it was obvious we had no chance to be competitive when they chose to keep ZW as a qb. But still, the finality of being hopeless so early in a season, when it was clear just how good our D was, has to go up to the top of my all time sports deceptions.

This is really the ultimate what could have been season.  And for what its worth, I 100% believe Rogers takes this team to the playoffs.

Next year is going to be a make or break year, and I gotta be real, there is a lot of doubt.  If Rogers shows major slippage, its going to basically set us up for a 2016 season and a subsequently miserable 3 year tear down process.  

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32 minutes ago, Hael said:

This season’s been brutal.  I mean it was obvious we had no chance to be competitive when they chose to keep ZW as a qb. But still, the finality of being hopeless so early in a season, when it was clear just how good our D was, has to go up to the top of my all time sports deceptions.

This is really the ultimate what could have been season.  And for what its worth, I 100% believe Rogers takes this team to the playoffs.

Next year is going to be a make or break year, and I gotta be real, there is a lot of doubt.  If Rogers shows major slippage, its going to basically set us up for a 2016 season and a subsequently miserable 3 year tear down process.  

honestly the defense is decent. but they are just that. 22 pts/game isn't some amazing performance. it's the scheme though, the players are good enough but ulbrich isn't great. 

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This has been the worse Jets season I have been though since 96. 

All the hype, the PR bullsh*t for 6 wins and not relevant in November again. I will root for a win of course but if I knew a loss help Saleh and JD get fired I might feel different. 

Running it back is insane…but we are the Jets.

Thank god the end has come….

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Bar none the worst season I’ve ever been through. Glad it’s almost over. Go Jets. Lose the ******* game.
Thanks for this ... I unfortunately concur. Without a second round pick ... Having a higher per round slotting simply has enormous trading implications. Please tank appropriately. And give BB the middle finger doing it.

Oh and worst season I can remember ... Going back to 78.

I don't see it getting better btw... Aaron will be fine for 6 or so games if he survives that long behind this lace curtain line.

Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk

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15 minutes ago, kevinc855 said:

This has been the worse Jets season I have been though since 96. 

All the hype, the PR bullsh*t for 6 wins and not relevant in November again. I will root for a win of course but if I knew a loss help Saleh and JD get fired I might feel different. 

Running it back is insane…but we are the Jets.

Thank god the end has come….

2020 was worse for me personally - being the laughingstock of the league all year long only to win 2 of our last 3 games and miss out on the top pick was particularly painful. 

but this is close. Just awful. And no coaching change this time to give you false hope. 

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1 hour ago, T0mShane said:

I feel like we’re in that old fable where the family sees a mouse in heir home so they get a cat, and the cat gets the mouse out of the house but then they can’t get the cat to leave, so they get a big, nasty dog. But then they can’t get the dog to leave, so they bring in a lion and the lion ends up eating them all

That’s it! Finally, now I know where I remember you from. You’re one of the Brothers Grimm.😁

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3 hours ago, Fantasy Island said:

Who is excited for next year?

well not now but after the draft as long as Rodgers is still here i will be somewhat excited.

but its the Jets so i take everything with a grain of salt.


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15 hours ago, T0mShane said:

Bar none the worst season I’ve ever been through. Glad it’s almost over. Go Jets. Lose the ******* game.

Agreed with all except losing.  Once we got to 6 wins my mind became  so numb that I stopped giving a flying f'k about our draft position.  Let's beat the cheat!   

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What’s really important today is that the #EnemiesList gets its blood. We really, really need the Bears to win today because the Packers cannot be allowed to get into the playoffs. We also need a Falcons win over the Saints because it helps our SOS situation and also knocks that loser Derek Carr out of the playoffs. I don’t see how the Giants can beat the Eagles, but that’d be hysterical and, of course, the Cowboys losing to the Commanders might result in us getting a qualified OC here. 


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I’m good with whatever outcome we get today. It would be nice to send Belichick out of New England with a loss to his hated Jets and the all time loss record. On the flip side, the draft stuff is real.

Looking forward to turning the page to the off-season and how the Jets get better

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To those rooting for a Jets win today, I bet you Patriots' fans would love that.  They'd be guaranteed one of the top QBs (or MHJ if they want him).  And the idea that this would give the Jets any sort of "bragging rights" is utterly laughable.  Beating them in a season when they're awful means nothing.  "Wow, you beat us and split the season series.  Congratulations losers!"

Of course, getting swept by the Pats would be a huge embarrassment but, at this point, who cares?!  Just throw it on the pile.

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