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OT: Sounds a lot like Francesa is coming back


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Which is good for New York Radio, which has been an absolute desert since he’s been gone. Jesus, Kay is awful and he just beat the even worse Bart Scott/Chris Carlin chirp-fest on the FAN. Truly brutal sh*t. Anyway, Francesa at 50% of his powers is better than all else combined.


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1 minute ago, T0mShane said:

That dude went to my high school. Truly batsh*t. Used to carry around a clown horn.

GTFO!  That guy is hilarious.  There must've been something in the water at your school.


This is the one I meant to post btw.  Great stuff:


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1 minute ago, T0mShane said:

That dude went to my high school. Truly batsh*t. Used to carry around a clown horn.

Sour went to your high school??  That guy is a genius!  Is the story about the baseball to the head true?

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1 minute ago, Obrien2Toon said:

I miss him.

listen to Kay now, he’s ok.

way better than what the fan has on now 

CMB are bad but Kay is a non-starter for me.  I can't listen to that guy for even 1 second.  He is the bottom of the barrel for me.

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I haven't listened to him in many years 

I always had the feeling he was just playing the fanbases for ratings, smug Yankee fans want to be stroked, neurotic Jets fans crave respect 

Yes that's his job, but a little integrity wouldn't hurt 

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1 hour ago, NoBowles said:

Carlin, Maggy and Bart are God awful. Everyone once in a while I forget that they are on and I put the snow on, and then fumble as I change the station as fast as humanly possible. Francesca is so much better.

Im not sure that its all that awful.  Its just not Francesa.  I for one like hearing Bart's take on NFL news because he gives good insight to locker room behavior and things that go on behind the scenes.  I guess that can't be discussed year around but it is what it is.  Just people yapping about sports.

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Disagree. Much rather listen to The Afternoon Drive than Francesca -sorry. I prefer the several different point of views to complete arrogance. Bart offers really good input about the NFL as a former player that Francesca never could Maggie has also been in the business a long time. I never agree with Carlin, but whatever.

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2 hours ago, NoBowles said:

Carlin, Maggy and Bart are God awful. Everyone once in a while I forget that they are on and I put the snow on, and then fumble as I change the station as fast as humanly possible. Francesca is so much better.

Those 3 are painful. I don't know what they were thinking trying to force feed those 3 on the NY market. That type of forced diversity is what is killing ESPN. Just find the best 2/3 and put them together. 

I actually really like Kay now that Rosenberg is on the show. But he is definitely an acquired taste.

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I'd rather stick needles in my ears than listen to that Jet-hating windbag. I gave up on NY Sports radio and the Fat Man in 2009 when he went on his rant about the Jets not belonging in the playoffs and never regretted it for a moment  It got so boring listening to hours and hours of nothing but meaningless incredibly boring baseball drivel talk with a little basketball thrown in.  Football was an afterthought, and only to knock the Jets and talk about how classy the Giants are. Hockey talk was non-existent.  I bought a subscription to Sirius XM and never looked back.  It is amazing what a difference it is to listen to knowledgeable sports talk and be able to jump to different stations when the sports are in season - from the NFL Channel, to the NHL, to Fantasy Sports, to any live game, to intelligent talk on all sports.  

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I grew up listening to Mike and the Mad Dog, so I am very partial to the both of them. I can understand why someone wouldn't like Francesca, regardless of if they grew up listening to him, but I don't understand why anyone wouldn't like Mad Dog. You have to walk on eggshells when you call Francesca, but Mad Dog is genuinely interested in your opinion. I'll take a crotchety Francesca over the current afternoon drive line-up. I try to like them, but I just can't. They are the skeleton crew that covers holidays and vacations, but are not in any way suited for the most coveted radio slot in sports radio. 

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24 minutes ago, JoJoTownsell1 said:

Those 3 are painful. I don't know what they were thinking trying to force feed those 3 on the NY market. That type of forced diversity is what is killing ESPN. Just find the best 2/3 and put them together. 

I actually really like Kay now that Rosenberg is on the show. But he is definitely an acquired taste.

That is EXACTLY what that show is. You have the black guy, the fat guy, and the hole. Many boxes can be checked off. If they had to go that route, they could have gone with talent. Diversity is great when it happens organically. Diversity for diversity sake is like arranged marriages. Both are stupid ideas.

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