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Gase Press Conference Tweets

Patriot Killa

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1 hour ago, section314 said:

This is sounding like when Frankie Pantangele testified before Congress....." Godfather, I don't know no Godfather."?

Gases brother is standing in the back of the room.  They flew him over from Sicily.

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1 minute ago, Villain The Foe said:

This entire presser had NOTHING to do with OTA's and the future development of this team. 

95% was gossip and old crap. And was that Manish acting like an ass when asking questions? 

That’s true. But it’s too early to make anything of this team. Questions around the team’s development will become more relevant in July and August. 

But, to your point, a question about how Darnold is coming along would have been much appreciated. 

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3 minutes ago, Villain The Foe said:

This entire presser had NOTHING to do with OTA's and the future development of this team. 

95% was gossip and old crap. And was that Manish acting like an ass when asking questions? 

Had to wrap the subject no?   That was to be expected I'd say. 

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1 hour ago, PepPep said:

Well, first of all, welcome to NY. LOL. 

But also, I tend to believe when there's smoke there's fire. I would not be at all surprised if GAse is standing up there straight up lying through his teeth about the draft (how he didn't feel alienated), Bell's contract (how he doesn't think Bell is overpaid), the new GM (how he doesn't have to have a previous relationship with the new GM- that may be true, but I'm sure he's pushing for one who he knows personally), the Macc firing (how he didn't have an issue with communicating with Macc)...etc.

He is clearly stonewalling the media. And look, that's fine. It's probably for the best. He just wants to move on without more stories coming out about him. However, this notion that he is being honest and 'setting things straight' and everything that was reported is untrue is very much far fetched to me. 

He's pretty much up there saying 'everything is fine, nothing to see here' and when asked about this report and that report- 'nope that's all fake news'. 

Why don't you tell us the real truth, you seem to know all the answers.


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Gase said they're working on putting the job description together, and that it will be a bit outside the norm of a normal GM job description.

So basically CJ fired our GM without a clear idea of the job description.  And it appears as if it will be a non standard type of role.

WTF are these guys doing?  This is not that freakin hard.

This is another big red flag.  

Fire the guy, comply with Rooney Rule, hire your guy (that you already had teed up).

Not fire the guy...then start to figure it out.

As for Gase - seems like a prick.  Hope it works.


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1 hour ago, The Crusher said:

Agreed. Man-ish is the devil!

No Jets fan can defend that snake. He’s crossed the line in a big way and is now causing more disruption with his unprofessional articles than any so-called ‘dysfunction’ within the building ever would. 

It’s disgusting. I feel like writing Coach Gase on behalf of all Jets fans and apologizing for the way he is being assassinated by the Daily News.

Where are those billboard and airplane banner guys?  I want to put one up by Manish’s home and circle a plane around the Daily News office.


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Just now, WowOhWow said:

Gase said they're working on putting the job description together, and that it will be a bit outside the norm of a normal GM job description.

So basically CJ fired our GM without a clear idea of the job description.  And it appears as if it will be a non standard type of role.

WTF are these guys doing?  This is not that freakin hard.

This is another big red flag.  

Fire the guy, comply with Rooney Rule, hire your guy (that you already had teed up).

Not fire the guy...then start to figure it out.

As for Gase - seems like a prick.  Hope it works.


Buttfumble farming, eh?

As to the "non standard type role" I expect what that will really mean is "the Coach makes the calls, the GM de facto works for the Coach" at the end of the day.  Sadly, us fans on the outside will never really know.

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18 minutes ago, Warfish said:

I was about to agree.....but I realized, it's not true.

Because Jets Fans care far too much about two things:   The NY Sports Media and the Giants.

So even if we win, I can see this place just being full of drama about what Francessa said, or what Mehta said, or the rest.

Frankly, the pom pom waving for Gase in this thread is utterly hilarious to me, you'd think reading some folks posts that we just won a playoff game or something, lol. 

But such is life round here.

Love it - you just summed it up for me.  This whole GM thing did not bother me at the least.  but having the Francessa's, the papers, the rest of the media, etc switching gears from trashing giants taking a third round pick at #6 to all this Jets bashing pi$$ed me off big time!  I know we didn't "win a playoff game" but this presser should hopefully shut up a lot of these morons....

my whole family/friends are all giants fans.  haven't heard a word from them in what seems like months!  then this happens, and in come the texts, the calls, etc.  I really cannot believe it!  it's like you guys passed on Darnold, passed on Haskins (even Locke if you wish) and take this clown from Duke...AT #6!!!  and you're laughing at the Jets for (finally) firing a bad GM.  and THAT is why I hate the giants, and especially their fans.

but I feel much better after this press conference today.  again, I was not worried, but sick of hearing all this "dysfunctional Jets" crap for the last few weeks.  wondering how they will spin it now?  maybe they will just focus on his exit from the presser.....the Jets can't sneeze without the media killing them for what brand of tissue they use.  ridiculous.

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1 minute ago, Legend Killa7 said:

 I know we didn't "win a playoff game" but this presser should hopefully shut up a lot of these morons....

Tell me something, and be serious:  Do you REALLY think anything Gase said or did today will "shut up those morons"? 


Things that really, truly don't matter in any way whatsoever:

1. What the Giants do, did, will do, ever, apart from when we play them.

2. What the New York Sports Media says or thinks.

3. What other fans think or say on this or any forum.

If at any point one find themselves getting angry or worked up over any of these three things.....well, it's all downhill from there.



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12 minutes ago, Warfish said:

Tell me something, and be serious:  Do you REALLY think anything Gase said or did today will "shut up those morons"? 


Things that really, truly don't matter in any way whatsoever:

1. What the Giants do, did, will do, ever, apart from when we play them.

2. What the New York Sports Media says or thinks.

3. What other fans think or say on this or any forum.

If at any point one find themselves getting angry or worked up over any of these three things.....well, it's all downhill from there.



I really do.  now, I am not saying they will not talk about this, but the theories about how Gase was outside Macc's house attempting to kill his first born should stop now.  I mean Macc gets fired, and immediately, the conspiracy theories are presented as fact!  now he answered all of the questions; move on.

as for your things that should not matter:  as I stated in my previous post, #1 will ALWAYS matter to me, because I cannot kill my family and friends.  Unless they put a flat screen in my jail cell so I can watch the Jets....

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9 minutes ago, Legend Killa7 said:

I really do.  now, I am not saying they will not talk about this, but the theories about how Gase was outside Macc's house attempting to kill his first born should stop now.  I mean Macc gets fired, and immediately, the conspiracy theories are presented as fact!  now he answered all of the questions; move on.

Sadly, I think you're going to be disappointed.

9 minutes ago, Legend Killa7 said:

as for your things that should not matter:  as I stated in my previous post, #1 will ALWAYS matter to me, because I cannot kill my family and friends.  Unless they put a flat screen in my jail cell so I can watch the Jets....

My brother is a die hard Dolphins Fan.  While I enjoy the rivalry, I could care less about things he might mock the Jets for.....unles sthey are things I should care about independently.

I care if the thing is worth caring about.  If it's fluff, who cares if a family member talks trash about it, thats just silly. 

i.e. if you think there is no there with Gase and Macc, then why would a family member mentioning it make it into a thing for you?  Laugh at them, don;t let it get under your skin.

It shouldn't make a thing that isn't a thing into a thing.

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Just now, Warfish said:

Sadly, I think you're going to be disappointed.

My brother is a die hard Dolphins Fan.  While I enjoy the rivalry, I could care less about things he might mock the Jets for.....unles sthey are things I should care about independently.

I care if the thing is worth caring about.  If it's fluff, who cares if a family member talks trash about it, thats just silly. 

i.e. if you think there is no there with Gase and Macc, then why would a family member mentioning it make it into a thing for you?  Laugh at them, don;t let it get under your skin.

It shouldn't make a thing that isn't a thing into a thing.

why?  three words:  same ol' Jets.  that's all they have to say.  it's just been nice having Odell physically assault a player on the field, take a pi$$ in the end zone, giants picking Jones at #6, etc.  does it have ANY effect on our Jets?  no.  does it keep their moronic mouths shut?  yes.

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32 minutes ago, Lith said:


That's how you know Gase did a great job at his press conference. Maybe he lied but he definitely killed the narratives and got the support of his star player - can't ask for much more. 

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Just now, BROOKLYN JET said:

How could you not love Adam Gase?

How could you not love Parcells, he tells the media nothing?

How could you not love Edwards, his BBQ is the best and the media love him!?

How could you not love Mangini, he's just like Bellichek and pisses off the media!?

How could you not love Rex Ryan, get us a snack and entertains the media!?

How could you not love Bowles, he's silent like Bellichek....!?

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40 minutes ago, Warfish said:

Tell me something, and be serious:  Do you REALLY think anything Gase said or did today will "shut up those morons"? 


Things that really, truly don't matter in any way whatsoever:

1. What the Giants do, did, will do, ever, apart from when we play them.

2. What the New York Sports Media says or thinks.

3. What other fans think or say on this or any forum.

If at any point one find themselves getting angry or worked up over any of these three things.....well, it's all downhill from there.

Agree completely on the demeanor of Jets fans facing this Gase assassination, but I'm actually worried about Coach Gase's psyche.

If he's harassed by the media like this it can ultimately get to his wife and their neighbors, his kids being harassed at school, his friends asking ridiculous questions, it can interfere with his decision-making on the field and that's something we cannot allow to happen.

Manish The Devil can literally cost us games in his shameful quest for Twitter followers.  He'll act like he's a white knight calling out how "the Jets need to end the dysfunction!" for months and in the process cause the dysfunction.


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Adam Gase filled a leadership vacuum with the Jets. Is that really a bad thing? | Politi

Updated 1:18 PM; Today 1:01 PM

By Steve Politi | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com

The press conference called for a little taste of Col. Jessup, but for whatever reason, Adam Gase decided to go with Sergeant Shultzinstead.

I know nothing, the Jets head coach insisted again and again, about the decision to fire general manager Mike Maccagnan in the weirdly timed and much-criticized franchise shake-up earlier this month. This is his story and he is sticking with it, even if few in the media, the fanbase or the NFL as a whole believes any of it.

“That would be false,” Gase said of the idea that he stabbed his GM in the back, and maybe he didn’t do so directly. But let’s be real here. The idea that Christopher Johnson fired Maccagnan without some kind of input from his new head coach strains all credulity.

Johnson is not exactly Al Davis. He is a temporary owner who reportedly dialed up NFL Network talking heads for advice on his GM search, which is as crazy as the president asking a Fox News host to help make cabinet picks.

(Okay. Bad example.)

Gase can insist all he wants that he and the GM were just hunky dory, but if the new guy in the building had made it clear that he supported the man who helped hire him, Maccagnan would still be here. To believe otherwise is silly.

But I don’t buy the narrative that Gase won a power struggle, either. I think it’s far more likely that he stepped into a leadership vacuum. He saw a disengaged owner, an indecisive GM and the memory of a weak head coach running a franchise that has not reached the playoffs in eight seasons, so he took control.

Can you blame him?

So I would have loved to have seen Gase own this not-so-hostile takeover on Thursday, his first press conference since Maccagnan was sent packing and he was named acting GM. He saw a mess and he grabbed a mop.


It was a Belichickian move by a man with a Handleyesque record, but he is right about one thing: “I think fans care if we win or lose,” Gase said. “If win games, nobody’s going to care about this, I’ll tell you that. Our job is to win. That’s it.”

That nugget came at the end of a press conference that, for mid May before an OTA, was about as contentious as possible. This is the same room where Rex Ryan once had to answer questions about his foot fetish, so the bar is pretty high for wild press conferences in Florham Park. Still, it was pretty good theater.

Gase denied reports that he believes two of the biggest offseason acquisitions -- running back Le’Veon Bell and linebacker C.J. Mosley -- were overpaid. He insisted that trading linebacker Darron Lee, a move that happened hours after he assumed the throne, had been in the works for a while. And the rumors that Gase and Maccagnan didn’t work well together?

“The majority of the time Mike and I were on the same page,” Gase said. “You have disagreements. There’s always going to be disagreements in this business as far as philosophy, what you want to do player-personnel wise. At the end of the day, he had the final decision. That was his right.”

It was, of course, until it wasn’t. Gase insisted that Johnson will hire the new GM, but given the owner’s desire for synergy, it’ll be Gase who has the final call here. The fact that the search is moving so slowly -- the team has yet to conduct any interviews -- makes you wonder if good candidates don’t want to step into this mess.

Gase said the Jets weren’t going to hire a “yes man” because, he said, “I don’t really hang out with yes men.” His inference was that whoever steps into Maccagnan’s role will have the autonomy that all GMs want, and that he’ll focus on coaching the team.

Everything about his few months in New Jersey points to something else entirely. That could lead to more contentious moments down the road. For now, though, the Jets were a franchise screaming out for strong personality to take charge.

They certainly got that from Gase. The only power struggle that the Jets fans will care about, however, is in the AFC East.

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2 hours ago, JoJoTownsell1 said:

Great. So what did we learn from all these great questions? What do we know now about Darnold's development? Herndon's development? The type of offense the Jets will run? The type of defense Williams will use now that they Quinnen and Leonard? 

Does it really matter if Gase LOVES Bell or just really likes Bell? How about ask if Gase plans on using Bell as the every down back to get a real gauge on his feelings on Bell?

The media didn't do their job today unless their job was to appeal to the soap opera loving fringe Jets fans. 

This.  They asked the same question, 20 different ways and got the obvious predictable answer and we know nothing more about the situation or the team than we did before the presser. 


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One of the reporters asked about him during a that scout and why he didn't wait for the new GM to get here to let him decide. If we can find out who that reporter is I bet that was his source. Otherwise, who cares that they let some no name scout go?

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Gase is a confident mofo I'll tell you that! 

While everyone in the media is spewing BS, he's like damn, I went from Ryan Tannyhill to Sam Darnold, 36 year old Frank Gore to 27 year old Le'veon Bell, I have Enunwa, Anderson, Crowder, Burnett, Herndon, Sterling, Wesco, and TY Montgomery to spell Bell. 

The guy died & went to heaven. He's got 40 million, all his draft picks in 2020, Brady will be 42 in August, Gronk hung them up, Edelman turned 33 yesterday. He's sitting there like the Cheshire f*cking cat & Manish is asking him if he pushed out Macc? Lmao, your damn right he did! CJ said, Adam, what's your thoughts on Mike? Macc ain't here so we know the answer. 

Gase is chomping at the bit to to get his revenge in the AFC East, against the Pats, and especially Miami. This is gonna be like when Mike Shanahan tore the Raiders an new azz hole every time they met after being dissed by Al Davis. Gase has a dart board with Stephen Ross face in the middle. 

The New York Jets are coming baby, and they'll look sharp as hell winning in those fantastic uniforms. J-E-T-S.....JETS..JETS..JETS!

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Herm to Mangini - we got the clown out and an adult in the room!

Mangini to Rex - we got the stiff out and the swag back! 

Tanny to Idzick - we got the worst GM ever out and the smart guy in the room! 

Rex to Todd - we got the clown out and and adult in the room!

Idzick to Mac - we got the worst GM ever out and the smart guy in the room!

Todd to Gase - we got the stiff out and the swag back!

Mac to ? - we got the worst GM ever out and _________? 

I guess the good thing about this round is the swag's have been more successful. 



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1 hour ago, 14 in Green said:

I thought Gase did a very good job today answering questions that had to be asked and answered. 

The only thing that bothered me was the "walkoff" at the end. I realize he probably doesn't give a damn, but after manning up and taking the best shots the media could fire at him, I think his best move would've been to end it with something like "Thanks guys, I gotta go run a practice now. I'll have the players available immediately afterward." Its a little thing, but it would've been a classy way to end it, instead of the way he did it.

I know it would've been trite, and sounded like BS, but I think it would be better to at least sound like he's trying to work with them a bit, rather then coming off adversarial. New coaches in this town have a small window to form a working relationship with the local media after their hire. The smart ones make sure to get them on their side, even when they could care less about them.

Are THEY working with him?? No. Not at all. So F them. If they wanna keep pushing then don't get offended if you get pushed back. This doesn't sound like they are...

"Did you fight for Mike?

I wasn't asked.

You were not asked for your input on how you felt?

He called me and told me what we were doing.

(Talking over another reporter trying to start a diff question) Just to be clear, he did not ask you about your opinion on the GM being fired?

He called me and told me what were doing.

So that's a no. 

I just answered the question. 

You did not answer the question."


I love how he ended it. It's about winning. End of story. I don't give a crap if he fought for Mac or not. But he wanted to keep pushing to get a "No" so he can send out a tweet asap saying Gase did not fight for Mac, showing he wants to take over the world and it's all about him. blablabla. F that. 

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2 hours ago, jetstream23 said:

If Bell thought the Steelers were going to run him into the ground in the final year before he walked I think the Jets may do something similar.  It's obvious that while Gase is happy to have Bell's talent on his offense, he's going to look to move on from this guy as soon as he can.  My guess is that Bell is here for 2 seasons and, if Gase is already thinking the same then he's going to pound this guy

I don't get this or why you would do this.  You think a player is great.  He's one of your best players, if not your best player and you burn him out because you want to get rid of him? Not maximize his years and talents?

Pretty much makes absolutely zero sense.  And nothing Gase has said should make anyone believe this will be the case

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8 minutes ago, MDL_JET said:

Are THEY working with him?? No. Not at all. So F them. If they wanna keep pushing then don't get offended if you get pushed back. This doesn't sound like they are...

"Did you fight for Mike?

I wasn't asked.

You were not asked for your input on how you felt?

He called me and told me what we were doing.

(Talking over another reporter trying to start a diff question) Just to be clear, he did not ask you about your opinion on the GM being fired?

He called me and told me what were doing.

So that's a no. 

I just answered the question. 

You did not answer the question."


I love how he ended it. It's about winning. End of story. I don't give a crap if he fought for Mac or not. But he wanted to keep pushing to get a "No" so he can send out a tweet asap saying Gase did not fight for Mac, showing he wants to take over the world and it's all about him. blablabla. F that. 

Look, I get it. Maneesh is a worm. We all know that. I have to be honest, when I listened to the PC, I had a hard time hearing the questions that were asked. Heard some, and all Gase's answers.

When a reporter takes the tact you quoted above, the smart thing to do is to not take the bait. Stay calm, and let him be the one who comes off as the jerk. It's like real life. The guy who loses his cool always looks like the child in any argument, even when he's on the right side.

Like I said earlier, I thought Gase did a very good job (and I'm not a fan of his yet) in what everyone knew was going to be a testy PC. I just wish he would've "stuck his landing" and ended it not walking out the way he did. But you know what? I'm no smarter then you, and if you thought it was no big deal, your take is as good as mine, my friend.

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46 minutes ago, nico002 said:

God I love Gase, what a breath of fresh air. 

Right? No matter how you feel about Gase he handled this well. Imagine Bowles up there squirming in his seat trying to come up with the words to not sound like a push-over.

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10 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

I don't get this or why you would do this.  You think a player is great.  He's one of your best players, if not your best player and you burn him out because you want to get rid of him? Not maximize his years and talents?

Pretty much makes absolutely zero sense.  And nothing Gase has said should make anyone believe this will be the case

I don't know that it will happen or not.  I also believe Gase when he says he wants Bell here and he's happy to have a great player on his offense.  I think when Gase doesn't address the price tag of Bell or says things like, "The contract is different than the player," he's indicating that there was likely a disagreement about how much Bell should be offered but that now that Bell is here it's a moot point.

I agree that it shouldn't be the strategy to ride a great player into the ground but that's exactly what Pittsburgh was doing so it's not uncommon.  IF we believe as I suggest, that Gase likes Bell but maybe isn't thrilled about paying the RB position that much, then it's a reasonable possibility that Gase will get all he can out of Bell and then look for his successor in about 2 years when releasing Le'Veon becomes amenable financially.  Personally, I'd be shocked if Bell plays out all 4 years here with the Jets.

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4 hours ago, Ken Shroy said:

He sounds fine to me. He shouldn't take any cray from the media bitches.

I know, It sounds like every answer he has given is spot on and addresses the question.  From the git-go.  the media has just decided not to believe him.  And, to his credit, he does not give a hoot

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