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Banned user wastes his night, mods delete it all with one click

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11 minutes ago, JiF said:


Imagine being his lawyer and getting that call?  Some irate client yelling at the top his lungs at 1am about how he wants to sue a Jets message board.   

Can we get a camera in the courtroom? I love a good courtroom drama.  This has Heard vs. Depp potential. 

I volunteer @The Crusher to be the one to poop in Max’s bed.  

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1 hour ago, Jetsfan80 said:

The guy that went "takesies backsies" on money he donated for Max's wife's cancer fund, followed by accusing Max of making up the diagnosis?

No.  Never.  F**k that guy.

I totally agree. I just liked picking on him. Lol

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3 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

The guy that went "takesies backsies" on money he donated for Max's wife's cancer fund, followed by accusing Max of making up the diagnosis?

No.  Never.  F**k that guy.

That was bad, but he should have been banned for posting the pic of the pork chop and Mac and cheese dinner he made for his daughter, or the one with him and his “rap” partner posing in outfits made from their living room curtains.

I still can’t get those out of my head.

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57 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

If you didn’t get at least 10 DM’s from an irate DWC, you weren’t doing it right, my fellow ghost.

Bro, he threatened me at least every other day because I kept making fun of his awful rapping skills. I wish I can find that video. 

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13 hours ago, Maxman said:

So this guy created his 200th account here and spent hours making political posts, blasting the site and made references to people's sexual preferences.

I saw it and clicked flag poster as spammer and it deleted everything and banned him automatically.


This offends me as a vegan transgender atheist German engineer who vapes organic decaffeinated compressed soy breast milk on the regular and a person who does Indian naked crossfit yoga 5 times per week. I'm also a male feminist and identify myself as a pastafarian Apache helicopter dog who serves only to one master: my chihuahua which I helped cross the border of Mexico because I hate Donald Biden. My dog also walks me.  If you find that weird you're an arrogant ignorant homophobic globaphobic sexist.

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14 hours ago, Kenny Oh Brien said:

You got my ip you mother f I will sue you and I got a good attorney already on retainer 


im Quitting and walking away f you eat a dick.  Actually, eat Zach’s dick

lol who's your attorney? Put a name to it. More lawyers on here than in your imaginary world.

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3 hours ago, #27TheDominator said:

I agree, but I said that five of the times he burned all his bridges before that and they still took him back.  

You don't get attention on a lot of things, I agree. @Maxman didn't like how many times he was called out over a fridge magnet. The man knows how to hold a grudge. It is what it is. 

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2 minutes ago, #27TheDominator said:

I still have it!.  The crazy thing is that I received it in 2017, but it has the 2006 schedule.  It was very timely.

Yeah well 11 years of complaining about it was no way to ingratiate oneself with authority figures. I did enjoy it myself, though.

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10 hours ago, CSNY said:

People who threaten to sue a freaking a Jets Football discussion board take things waaaaay to seriously. 
It’s a football discussion board for Christ sake!!! It’s not the Council of Foreign Relations

I will represent him pro bono. 

Granted, I’m not a lawyer but sometimes you get what you pay for. 

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