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****The Official Day 3 of the 2024 NFL Draft****

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8 minutes ago, Tony The Wiz said:

I Just don't get it. You don't have too many roster spots left over. I get the 3rd for next year but why two fifth round choices. 

Competition for one.  Doesn't hurt to have more bodies fighting for a roster spot.  If a young guy comes in and takes a position from someone, you can either have depth or potentially trade a player for a future pick.  That can save you some money as well.

The first trade seemed a little strange, but he might have had a deal with Detroit for a 3rd IF the Jets were picking a little lower.  JD just took whatever to get down to where Detroit would have been willing to trade for the third.  Who knows?  Without actually being in the draft room, you can't know. 

Jets have to start considering paying some guys soon as well.  Sauce, Garrett, Breece.....some of these guys are going to make some bank. 


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