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Anyone else more disconnected from this team more than usual this summer?

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For whatever reason, my interest in the Jets in the slow summer months is at an all time low this year.  I figured it would be the exact opposite.

I’m checking this board less frequently, checking Jets Twitter less frequently, any sort of way to take in Jets news and discussion I am way below my usual levels for this time of year.

My 2 best guesses are subconsciously I don’t want my “buzz” ruined from the spring where my enthusiasm was at a near all time high.  My other best guess is it a defense mechanism of sorts in protecting expectations.

 Anyone else experiencing this?

Lets get to TC

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After the Rodgers signing everyone was so fired up. But, in what seems to be true JN fashion, the downer-types descended and began to pick apart that optimism and replace it with worry, negativism, and gloom. Once bitten, twice shy, I guess. I am hoping for the best and am still excited! 

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I think we are all tired of the "all talk and no results" theme of this organ-EYE-zation over the past 10-15 years excluding 2009-2010. I fully expect things pick up in the talk department over the next few weeks as TC gets going, and especially if they do well in the upcoming grapefruit league games, but we all know how valuable their telling us how good they are is once the real games start. 

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I have not been all-in on the Jets since Rex Ryan left.  He wasn't a perfect coach, but the entertainment value of the Rex Jets was a high point for me.  I wasn't so into the Jets since I was a kid when the Walt Michaels team was one game short of the Super Bowl.  I was also put off when they signed Vick.  Since then, I've been interested, but distant.  I am also not sold on Saleh right now.  

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I feel the same way about the Yankees and Knicks. Maybe is a combination of the NFL being a supreme sport and basketball and baseball monotonous. 

The Jets are the only team I truly follow year long (when they truly don't deserve) with hardly any interest for other sports 

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59 minutes ago, HawkeyeJet said:

For whatever reason, my interest in the Jets in the slow summer months is at an all time low this year.  I figured it would be the exact opposite.

I’m checking this board less frequently, checking Jets Twitter less frequently, any sort of way to take in Jets news and discussion I am way below my usual levels for this time of year.

My 2 best guesses are subconsciously I don’t want my “buzz” ruined from the spring where my enthusiasm was at a near all time high.  My other best guess is it a defense mechanism of sorts in protecting expectations.

 Anyone else experiencing this?

Lets get to TC

Try this!

viagra treatment for opioid induced erectile dysfunction GIF by ePainAssist

erection GIF

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1 hour ago, HawkeyeJet said:

For whatever reason, my interest in the Jets in the slow summer months is at an all time low this year.  I figured it would be the exact opposite.

I’m checking this board less frequently, checking Jets Twitter less frequently, any sort of way to take in Jets news and discussion I am way below my usual levels for this time of year.

My 2 best guesses are subconsciously I don’t want my “buzz” ruined from the spring where my enthusiasm was at a near all time high.  My other best guess is it a defense mechanism of sorts in protecting expectations.

 Anyone else experiencing this?

Lets get to TC


1 hour ago, jgb said:

1. Keep expectations low and never be disappointed.

2. Learn to laugh at the comical ways in which the Jets shoot themselves in the foot.

”A Jets Fan’s Survival Guide” is a really short book.

having an actual NFL QB has seem to have done the same to me. I don’t feel like I have to comb the board knowing we have a capable play caller, Breece, G Wilson, Sauce, Reed and guys. 

that being said jgb points are real I just was talking with my father in law about how I am prepared for something to happen as normally to JETS. 

im just gonna try to enjoy the ride until the actual games start then I’m sure I’ll be locked back into the board

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For whatever reason, my interest in the Jets in the slow summer months is at an all time low this year.  I figured it would be the exact opposite.
I’m checking this board less frequently, checking Jets Twitter less frequently, any sort of way to take in Jets news and discussion I am way below my usual levels for this time of year.
My 2 best guesses are subconsciously I don’t want my “buzz” ruined from the spring where my enthusiasm was at a near all time high.  My other best guess is it a defense mechanism of sorts in protecting expectations.
 Anyone else experiencing this?
Lets get to TC
I feel the same but I've been attributing it to the Jets usually have soooo many needs to fix and holes to fill so I spend a lot of this time in seek of information on how they are going to improve. This off season I just don't feel they need as much or are in a better place to compete. I'm not as worried as usual and can relax and enjoy the summer for a change.

Sent from the NY Jets /Zack Wilson Suicide Watch desk.

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There is hope as a motivated Rodgers begins the “Revenge Tour” against the GB front office! Gutenkunst & Murphy will be having to provide answers as to why now 5X MVP Rodgers was traded away for so little while Love leads the team to a 6-11 season.

Playoffs at a minimum!

Royal Family Love GIF by South Park
Rodgers & his heiress gf

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I was very passionate about which QB we ought to sign and the resulting cap hit involved.  I was the same about which positions we should address in the draft.  I never get too excited about other FAs, and especially this year since I very much liked our roster.  

So going from very passionate to this exact opposite hurry up and wait part of the season, it makes perfect sense that feel spent/down/etc.    

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2 hours ago, HawkeyeJet said:

For whatever reason, my interest in the Jets in the slow summer months is at an all time low this year.  I figured it would be the exact opposite.

I’m checking this board less frequently, checking Jets Twitter less frequently, any sort of way to take in Jets news and discussion I am way below my usual levels for this time of year.

My 2 best guesses are subconsciously I don’t want my “buzz” ruined from the spring where my enthusiasm was at a near all time high.  My other best guess is it a defense mechanism of sorts in protecting expectations.

 Anyone else experiencing this?

Lets get to TC

From a fan's perspective, it has been an exhausting off season, with all the Rodgers and draft drama.  This will perk everyone up....  You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead - your next stops: NY Jets Training Camp and Hard Knocks!

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@HawkeyeJetI’m just the opposite this year. Normally I really don’t get to worked up during the offseason but this year is different. The talent JD has assembled and finally, finally having a QB has my enthusiasm for the upcoming season the highest it’s been in quite some time Truly believe this year is going to be special. 🙏There might not be as much chatter but the optimism is high 

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2 hours ago, HawkeyeJet said:

For whatever reason, my interest in the Jets in the slow summer months is at an all time low this year.  I figured it would be the exact opposite.

I’m checking this board less frequently, checking Jets Twitter less frequently, any sort of way to take in Jets news and discussion I am way below my usual levels for this time of year.

My 2 best guesses are subconsciously I don’t want my “buzz” ruined from the spring where my enthusiasm was at a near all time high.  My other best guess is it a defense mechanism of sorts in protecting expectations.

 Anyone else experiencing this?

Lets get to TC

Wow yeah I haven't posted but maybe 3 or 4 times in the last couple months. I was just wondering the other day why that was and couldnt really figure it out.

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2 hours ago, JiF said:

Brah, just wait till Threads is getting lit w/ Rodgers comp% and TD/INT ratio w/ vids of him connecting w/ G. Wilson and tik tok videos of him running in slow motion in a Jets jersey smiling as he runs his fingers through his hair.  You will need the most loose pair of boner pants you own! 

Zuckerberg is coming for Elon’s crown July 6th.  Just wait.

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3 hours ago, HawkeyeJet said:

For whatever reason, my interest in the Jets in the slow summer months is at an all time low this year.  I figured it would be the exact opposite.

I’m checking this board less frequently, checking Jets Twitter less frequently, any sort of way to take in Jets news and discussion I am way below my usual levels for this time of year.

My 2 best guesses are subconsciously I don’t want my “buzz” ruined from the spring where my enthusiasm was at a near all time high.  My other best guess is it a defense mechanism of sorts in protecting expectations.

 Anyone else experiencing this?

Lets get to TC


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I’ll believe it when I see it at this point. How can you be optimistic with this franchise, when at every turn and almost every time they shoot themselves in the foot or balls or ass. And let me be clear it’s not THAT they lose, but the WAY that they lose that pisses me off. (Aka kicking field goals at the end of games when down by more that 7 points, or punting at the end of the game behind which is basically quitting) my local HS team is better coached.


Add on top of that…with all the opposing fans at home games in recent years the Jets brilliant answer is to raise prices for a garbage product based on their own very high expectations, not reality. Which in turn will make more visiting fans gobble up their precious high priced tickets.


In short, no I’m not interested in Jets news at the moment unless it’s a serious injury or a key FA signing. I’m looking forward to opening day and hopefully I can enjoy football on Sunday without being miserable and pissed off.

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We’re all less invested in the off-season now that the expectation is to have a strong team come September. I think we’re all just ready for the games - no more nonsense. Time to put the pads on and go. It’s usually the opposite when you’re ‘rebuilding’ 

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3 hours ago, HawkeyeJet said:

For whatever reason, my interest in the Jets in the slow summer months is at an all time low this year.  I figured it would be the exact opposite.

I’m checking this board less frequently, checking Jets Twitter less frequently, any sort of way to take in Jets news and discussion I am way below my usual levels for this time of year.

My 2 best guesses are subconsciously I don’t want my “buzz” ruined from the spring where my enthusiasm was at a near all time high.  My other best guess is it a defense mechanism of sorts in protecting expectations.

 Anyone else experiencing this?

Lets get to TC

Well it is good you are spending less time on Twitter because they have everyone locked out lol.

I don't think you are alone though. Traffic seems light here which is surprising to me. But we all know once they report to camp in a few weeks it will be game on!

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4 hours ago, jgb said:

1. Keep expectations low and never be disappointed.

2. Learn to laugh at the comical ways in which the Jets shoot themselves in the foot.

”A Jets Fan’s Survival Guide” is a really short book.


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