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Eric Decker offensive PI


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Sorry that this may not deserve its own thread, but it's driving me crazy.  The OPI call on Decker when Geno hit him in stride for what looked to be  a  20+ yd gain, I did'nt see anyting close to Decker coming in contact with at DB unless it happened at the very beginning of the route, in which case it seemed like the flag came out preey late.  Throw that in to what Geno did on the day plus the Salas dropped TD pass and Geno was much better than his numbers show.

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Sorry that this may not deserve its own thread, but it's driving me crazy. The OPI call on Decker when Geno hit him in stride for what looked to be a 20+ yd gain, I did'nt see anyting close to Decker coming in contact with at DB unless it happened at the very beginning of the route, in which case it seemed like the flag came out preey late. Throw that in to what Geno did on the day plus the Salas dropped TD pass and Geno was much better than his numbers show.

I was totally lost on that one. Didn't see it anywhere on the replay. Also did the ref actually call it on the defender's number? I think he did.
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As usual, the Jets have to play against the opposing team and the refs.  Ridiculous calls yesterday.  Oh, and btw, the Raiders don;t score except for a non-call on a really apparent hold on their TD run.  And how about the Geno fumble in the red zone.  They bring in the former ref on CBS and he explains why it is not a fumble, then the replay is ruled a fumble... WHAT?

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What made things worse was Simms supporting the call while at the same time the replays were showing it to be complete bullsh*t.

Phil "'good call Jim " Simms drives me insane with that stuff ...I've believed for years now he's under direct orders from Goodell to not criticize refs , as is aikman etc...no way the NFL wants it's #1 broadcast teams killing the refs and starting controversy ....think about it you never hear Simms say the ref made a bad call, never ever...it's so insulting to real fans it's enough to drive you crazy
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I agree -- I have no idea what they were looking at on the OPI call.  Decker did not extend his arm to gain separation, there was absolutely nothing there to be flagged.  I thought at the time that maybe the call was away fromt eh ball ad the ref got the number wrong.  


At least we won. despite the calls and there were some brutal ones.  If the refs are going to make some ticky tack calls, it should be on both sides.  In spite of teh calls, we still made way too many mistakes to beat good teams.  I loved the domination on the line of scrimmage, but they have some work to do to get ready for the Pack.

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What made things worse was Simms supporting the call while at the same time the replays were showing it to be complete bullsh*t.

How about the roughing the passer call too? Talk about another Total BS call and there were a lot of them -all called AGAINST the Jets...Rex even said so a couple of times when asked in yesterday's post game PC...he TRIED being diplomatic but it was hard to pretend---yea on edit I didn't see Thor's post right above mine before I started posting this

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I was watching from the stands, so didn't get the best view, but the call on the field confused me... isn't OPI only when the offensive player interferes with a potential catch by the defender? Otherwise wouldn't it be holding or illegal contact, etc.? I don't think Decker touched him at any point while the ball was in the air, that's why I didn't get the call.

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Between the two penalties i could probably see why the Pace penalty was called. Atleast there was contact even if it did not appear deliberate. But i cannot understand why the Decker penalty was called. Was Decker breathing close to the defender ?


Agreed.  While I did think it was a little bit of an overly sensitive call given Carr didn't even get knocked down, I could at least see what the basis for the call was.  The OPI was complete BS and the other worst one was the supposed fumble at the 2.  Granted, Geno should have slid and then it wouldn't have been an issue, but considering Geno was already on the ground before he was hit, it is literally impossible for a fumble to have been forced, as the play is instantly over the second he's touched.

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Between the Decker PI and his exaggerated criticism of Ivory's slip up on the early celebration, Simms does nothing but reinforce his hate for the Jets.  Now that Dierdork has been put out to pasture, Simms is the king of non objective NFL announcers.  I begging you -- someone please put two behind his ear.  I'll dig the hole. He is another guy who just makes games unlistenable.

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As usual, the Jets have to play against the opposing team and the refs.  Ridiculous calls yesterday.  Oh, and btw, the Raiders don;t score except for a non-call on a really apparent hold on their TD run.  And how about the Geno fumble in the red zone.  They bring in the former ref on CBS and he explains why it is not a fumble, then the replay is ruled a fumble... WHAT?

RIGHT AFTER Decker got called for less of a hold

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The Geno "Fumble that shouldn't have been a Fumble" debacle is what annoys me alot.


Especially the Refs "Explanation" as to why the fumble stood instead of Geno being down by contact.


Uhh....the replays showed that there was plenty of CONTACT after his knee was down. 


It's like the equivalent of someone falling with the ball on his own and the opposing player just touching him just after that.


It should've been over then but instead we get some convoluted garbage explanation that makes no sense.    They should've said "sorry but we were paid to help the Jets lose today" and that would've been truthful and make sense.

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Sorry that this may not deserve its own thread, but it's driving me crazy.  The OPI call on Decker when Geno hit him in stride for what looked to be  a  20+ yd gain, I did'nt see anyting close to Decker coming in contact with at DB unless it happened at the very beginning of the route, in which case it seemed like the flag came out preey late.  Throw that in to what Geno did on the day plus the Salas dropped TD pass and Geno was much better than his numbers show.

Most of the calls that game on the Jets were total bullsh*t. On some of the offsides the play clock was at zero and the correct call should have been delay of game and on the holding calls I only saw 2 worthy of a flag the one on Brick during the fieldgoal attempt and the one on Decker . That officiating crew stunk

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Sorry that this may not deserve its own thread, but it's driving me crazy. The OPI call on Decker when Geno hit him in stride for what looked to be a 20+ yd gain, I did'nt see anyting close to Decker coming in contact with at DB unless it happened at the very beginning of the route, in which case it seemed like the flag came out preey late. Throw that in to what Geno did on the day plus the Salas dropped TD pass and Geno was much better than his numbers show.

Geno's numbers were still not bad. But yeah, there was no OPI. If that was OPI, then I don't know how the Raiders first TD wasn't called back when their slot WR shoved Darin walls while the ball was in the air. Two plays that went against us. I also think the Geno file was downed, as the ball did not come lose immediately n Geno's knee was downed before it did. Not the best called game by refs. I understand they make mistakes. I'd rather take those calls to go against us while we win. Cuz if we had lost, this board would've exploded, n rightfully so.

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Eh.  I am willing to bet that Decker was pushing off all day and getting away with it and it was a make up call.  He is good at it.  I didn't really agree with that call or the Pace call, but there was at least one where Carr got the ball off and Richardson drove him hard into the turf with his shoulder.  Completely finished him off.  I was surprised they didn't call it.  I think Geno would start getting those calls if he tended to slide. 

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As usual, the Jets have to play against the opposing team and the refs.  Ridiculous calls yesterday.  Oh, and btw, the Raiders don;t score except for a non-call on a really apparent hold on their TD run.  And how about the Geno fumble in the red zone.  They bring in the former ref on CBS and he explains why it is not a fumble, then the replay is ruled a fumble... WHAT?



I was actually yelling holding during that ******* play, and yet no call. but we were flagged for holding right before that on a play that was far less obvious imo

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It was another horrible call, and we're like the only team that seems to get called for these penalties out of nowhere.  Any other game that I'm watching, I see a flag near a catch, and I know they might as well just move the ball up for pass interference.  All the other teams, refs looking at the sidelines to see if the coach wants to decline.  For the Jets, refs staring into the TV producers booth for a bat signal "What's that? You want the game to be close? Done!  Pass Interference, Def....err Offense".    Although I know every fan base probably complains about the refs, I wish there was a website that actually produced .gifs that showed how many bad calls there are in the game.  Sort of like a fire joe morgan type, but on ref performance.  

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A handful of the calls were pretty ticky-tack, which I can live with so long as they call it both ways, which didn't seem to be the case early on.  The call that bothered me the most with the offensive holding call on Decker and literally minutes later the no-call on the same exact play on the Raiders touchdown.  I don't like the call, but I would have been able to live with it on Decker if they called it on the Raiders' ensuing drive.  Just like baseball, I can live with calling a tight strike-zone, just do it both ways.

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