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10 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

Saleh doing the whole “couple plays here and there” thing that we all know and love 

Well, what is he going to say - the team sucks wait until next year; or the team is a mess fire me?

In fairness, it is true - the D was hot in the first half if we don't have interceptions, drops, fumbles, missed field goals who knows how the game turns out.

However, how do you go into a game with a non-mobile QB under pressure and rely on the short passing game and running? What not use draws and screens? While I am at it, how do you mess up a WR screen?

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3 minutes ago, Jets723 said:

Congrats on the attempt at sarcasm.  I didn’t think being a positive fan was a bad thing…thanks for clarifying ? 

No you just keep going for no reason so if you want to be childish I can be childish too. 

I made a post about the game. If you want to talk about it then go ahead. If you don't, then move onto something else. Simple

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6 minutes ago, jj71787 said:

No you just keep going for no reason so if you want to be childish I can be childish too. 

I made a post about the game. If you want to talk about it then go ahead. If you don't, then move onto something else. Simple

It was just a friendly joke relax.  We’re in the same side both Jet fans.  Just calm down.  By the way I’ll post what I want to post but thanks for the “advice”

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3 minutes ago, Zachtomims47 said:

Does anyone have a fair, non omg jets suck again, soj take?

I didn’t watch but it sounded like the defense was legit until they got worn down. And Flacco just stank it up. With Lefluer acting like a rookie again. 

Both teams looked rusty and bad offensively in the first half. In the second half the Ravens adjusted and the Jets played  the same way.

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8 minutes ago, Zachtomims47 said:

Does anyone have a fair, non omg jets suck again, soj take?

I didn’t watch but it sounded like the defense was legit until they got worn down. And Flacco just stank it up. With Lefluer acting like a rookie again. 

I honestly thought they played well until it became obvious that the defense couldn’t stay on the field for 95% of the time and play like they were for the whole game.  I don’t even think LaFleur dialed up bad plays.  There were a number of crossers open from the slot ran by Moore and Wilson that Flacco, straight-up, never saw.  Zuerlein and Mann were not good either, but I think that any other QB, has this game very close.

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15 minutes ago, Zachtomims47 said:

Does anyone have a fair, non omg jets suck again, soj take?

I didn’t watch but it sounded like the defense was legit until they got worn down. And Flacco just stank it up. With Lefluer acting like a rookie again. 

The defense played very well. The secondary seems much improved. They were hesitant to even look at Gardner. 

There is a caveat that Ravens seemed to have a gameplan. They ran into stacked boxes a lot early. I think they knew the Jets wouldn't do anything on offense and were patient. 

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1 hour ago, SickJetFan said:

OC needs to gameplan to the players he has not the ones he wished he had

Don Coryell couldn’t “game plan” this offense effectively with Flacco starting.  I just learned he had the same surgery Peyton Manning had on his neck, coupled with the total lack of mobility, the guy shouldn’t even be out there, much less Starting.

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18 minutes ago, Mogglez said:

....I think that any other QB, has this game very close.


Flacco should not be allowed to play for the Jets again.  He is that bad at this point in has career.

Slow at everything.  Slow moving.  Slow thinking.  Slow deciding.  Slow.

Combined with JD's as-yet-unimproved O-line, and it's a recipe for disaster.  

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25 minutes ago, Zachtomims47 said:

Does anyone have a fair, non omg jets suck again, soj take?

I didn’t watch but it sounded like the defense was legit until they got worn down. And Flacco just stank it up. With Lefluer acting like a rookie again. 

Mostly accurate, except the playcalling was dainty as well... tough to know for sure when that fcking statue was back shtting bricks the whole time.

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24 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

“We got our asses kicked today and that’s on me. If we want to get to a place where we want to be, we have to be a lot better than we are today.” 

They should hire you to run their PR.


I still don't know how good Saleh will be, but he has a lot to learn. You can get away with that BB bs when you have won 6 super bowels, but now...

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Just now, Warfish said:


Flacco should not be allowed to play for the Jets again.  He is that bad at this point in has career.

Slow at everything.  Slow moving.  Slow thinking.  Slow deciding.  Slow.

Combined with JD's as-yet-unimproved O-line, and it's a recipe for disaster.  

When he threw the pick 6 vs the giants in preseason that was not an aberration.  That was telling us all the answer but many here didn’t want to see it.  Besides some encouraging performances by the younguns today, it’s that the offense could look considerably better with wilson.  Flacco brings nothing at this point, no accuracy, ability to read the defenses, quick trigger or escapability.  If the OL gets a bit better by the time wilson returns this offense could be watchable.

it’s also clear that lefleur is handcuffed by what he can do with Flacco.  The offense is designed for wilson and Flacco does not have any of the required skill sets.

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