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Adam Schefter: I expect Sam Darnold to start for the Jets next season


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We have all given JD props for being diligent and doing his homework. Assuming thats true, alot more to play out with whether Sam stays, and much of it is about Value. For example, what if a team towards bottom of 1st(steelers, colts) offers you a 1 for Sam?. What if the offers for the number 2 pick, are alot lower than Joe expects? What if the interviews with Wilson blow them away OR the opposite, he bombs... These are just examples of the type of questions that need answers in the coming months, before any decisions are made. Until then, expect Jd and Saleh to say nothing but great things about Sam. 

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20 minutes ago, Scott Dierking said:

There will be absolutely ZERO inference made in  regard to Sam Darnold's future with the Jets in the introductory press conference.

lol what? The first question will be about Darnold. His answer (or non answer) will say a lot. 

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1 minute ago, Dcat said:

There is no way a decision has been made on Darnold and no way Saleh or JD have informed Schefter.  Schefter is speculating.  And that is not an insult to him. It's really all these can do at this point   He is surmising based on his own reasoning and knowledge, but I'm confident the Jets have told him nothing other than stuff to raise Sam's potential trade value.

Thank you! Saying "I expect" is light yeasr from" sources tell me" or something akin to that.

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14 minutes ago, y2k8 said:

You're just wrong. The consequences for taking a flyer at #2 for a raw QB prospect and it not working out are infinitely higher than passing on a QB that goes on to be good. Macagnan was fired because he had terrible draft after terrible draft, not because he picked Sam or passed on Mahomes. Lots of teams pass on a player. Only one picks him. 

If you think drafting the #2 QB on the board at the top of a draft is "taking a flier" on a "raw QB prospect" then we are just going to have to agree to disagree.

And McCagnan's worst draft was the one where he passed on TWO legit 1st round talents (Mahomes and Watson) and THAT was the draft that has literally set this team back 5+ years.  So there's that.

One more thing - when a team NEEDS a QB and passes on one with the #2 pick, they will be forever scrutinized for doing so.  This just never happens.  Never.


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1 minute ago, bitonti said:

Jets Fans are leaping to conclusions saying that they have to go qb at 2. 

They don't have to, actually 

JD is in year 2 of a 6 year deal, Saleh is in year 1 of a 5 year deal, these guys both have time to build the team and find a qb 

I agree I'm one of the few fine with giving Darnold another year under a new coach....My point is none of these opinions are facts or inside info it's speculation both by fans and media members.

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24 minutes ago, TeddEY said:

Sam still on the roster.  There's a 100% chance Saleh says nice things about him and how excited he is to have him.

Saying nice things and committing to him are different. If you doesn't straight up commit its because they haven't made a decision yet. 

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2 minutes ago, section314 said:

It could really be franchise altering if they can get him back on track, and get a haul for the pick. Unfortunately, there is the other side of the coin, also franchise altering.?

Well the other side of the coin means that JD didn't draft/FA well in which case we are screwed irregardless.  :)   

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58 minutes ago, munchmemory said:

Yeah, I saw quote, too.  CJ's words put me way past "wonder" into the realm of psychotic terror.

Yeah, and he thought Gase was the future of football half way through last season when the Jets were 0-8.

hopefully he's not calling the shots

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1 minute ago, section314 said:

Thank you! Saying "I expect" is light years from" sources tell me" or something akin to that.

Yes.  People here either can't or don't read. Schefter himself admits it's speculative with the "I expect".  Nothing wrong with that.  It's what NFL reporters do at this time of the year when front offices go underground and quiet. 

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Just now, HawkeyeJet said:

The Bengals are the team I think is a realistic trade down.  Priority 1 for them is protect Burrow.  I'm sure Miami will also be heavily interested in Sewell.

You could trade down to 5 and probably still have a realistic shot at one of the QBs or another trade down.

On the other hand, the Bengals are a rebuilding team with plenty of holes.  Might they be ok with a guy like Darrisaw at 5, keep their 2 and next year's 1 to continue to build around Burrow.  When is the last time a team traded up to top 5 for a non-QB.  Only guys I can think of were the BIlls and Sammy Watkins and the Phins getting Dion Jordan.  7 - 8 years ago.  


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10 minutes ago, Dcat said:

Yet such trades seem to happen nearly every year without exception.  Maybe we can get lucky  her.  Or just take a QB or Sewell and go from there.  Trade back a few and maybe get Devonta Smith too?  

These types of trades happen about once every 5 years 

The bears gave multiple 3rd rds to move from 3 to 2 to get trubisky. The wft traded a haul to get rg3

These trades at 2 overall are not easy deals to close 

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1 hour ago, BornJetsFan1983 said:

Because it was obvious to anyone with eyes that game plan and coaching was the issue while Darnold and some players performance is not an easy to rule out. We have no idea if darnold can actually play at a high level consistently. The tape tells a complex story. Joe D understands this is need to get verification from some who knows how to coach. Gase and his crew right now think they did an great job, can't really take thier word as gospel.

The good news is Sam can prove it next season while we build the team, and if he doesn't show promise we draft a kid. It's pretty much the only reasonable plan going forward.

And what happens if Sam doesn't improve to the point of wanting to keep him, but we end up 6-10? This year 6-10 is drafting 10 and up.  To get a qb in the draft you'd likely have to move up, which means trading away draft capital that you need to fill in this team.  Why do this when you are sitting at 2 and can pick from two of the 3 top qbs?

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4 minutes ago, QB1 said:

Saying nice things and committing to him are different. If you doesn't straight up commit its because they haven't made a decision yet. 

There is a 0% chance they say, "We're not taking a QB at 2," which would be the correlate of a "commitment" to Darnold.

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8 minutes ago, ChuckkieB said:

If you think drafting the #2 QB on the board at the top of a draft is "taking a flier" on a "raw QB prospect" then we are just going to have to agree to disagree.

And McCagnan's worst draft was the one where he passed on TWO legit 1st round talents (Mahomes and Watson) and THAT was the draft that has literally set this team back 5+ years.  So there's that.

And why did he pass on a QB that year?

Because he picked Hackenberg the year before. Again. it's the people you pick that get a GM fired - not the ones they don't.

MacGagnan's worst draft was every draft. The only picks that had any success were first rounders. 

He never had a plan to build the team. He never ever made a real investment in building an O-line.

Douglas is doing this the right way. Trust the process. We have grown ups in charge now.

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14 minutes ago, bitonti said:

Just because a person doesn't expose their sources doesn't mean they are guessing 

The man is a respected journalist. To say he guesses in his tweets attacks his very core 

All Schefter has is his reputation. Saying he speculates or guesses or uses goat entrails to predict the future makes this dude seem like Manish 

When Schefter says something like 99 times out of 100 it's based on fact 

And what happens when he's wrong - Nothing . Its like being a friggen weatherman. They can speculate all they want , just like any of us do. But none of our jobs are tied to be being right or wrong on Jets matters . And the key point is , neither is Schefter's . If media types and journalists were held to their words like their jobs depended on it , there'd be a lot less speculation and rumors flying around. 

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13 minutes ago, bitonti said:

Just because a person doesn't expose their sources doesn't mean they are guessing 

The man is a respected journalist. To say he guesses in his tweets attacks his very core 

All Schefter has is his reputation. Saying he speculates or guesses or uses goat entrails to predict the future makes this dude seem like Manish 

When Schefter says something like 99 times out of 100 it's based on fact 

When a journalist says, "the Jets organization will have deliberations about this, but ... I would think ... " that is indeed a guess. Yes, journalists are allowed to make educated guesses if they make it clear that's what they are doing, as he did. 

You certainly do enjoy twisting things to create the illusion that your argument is solid as a rock. But, unfortunately, you're full of mush.

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6 minutes ago, RedBeardedSavage said:

Say no to those that embrace the “great man theory of quarterback-ing”. Nearly every good quarterback in recent memory has been developed on a roster that already had a healthy amount of offensive talent. 

This isn’t about Sam Darnold anymore.

Build the roster... the quarterback will come. 

Vikings, Washington, Chicago entered their chat.

Can be also said; build the roster and then, reach, overpay, trade up and lose major resources for a QB for the next decade.  

And a QB won’t “just come” ask the teams above, he’ll we tried this same exact experiment with Sanchez! ??


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21 minutes ago, Lith said:

I  agree.  If you pass on a franchise QB, and your team sucks, you are going to be in trouble, but its gonna be because your team sucks.  If we pass on a franchise QB, but build a winner with a different guy, so be it.  

My perspective, I would prefer the we move on from Darnold, but wtf do I know.  I doubt that any decision is made yet. Saleh, Douglas and Lafleur (if he is hired) will be making the decision over the next several months.  Cannot imagine anything is set in stone right now.

For the first time since Parcells I trust the GM & coach.

If they pick Fields at #2 and put their asses on the line for the pick, I support it.

If they draft Sewell or trade out and table QB1 for another year (with or without Sam), I support it.

Time to get on board with Douglas and Saleh. Trust them.

Or go root for the Chiefs.

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I totally expect expect that there is a plan in place to roll with Sam for now,but, have a competent backup this year behind him, should he fail. They say that until you find your quarterback you keep drafting one until you hit, and JD has done that in his first draft, and I'm pretty sure he'll do this again somewhere in the 2021 draft,unless he feel that James Morgan is the guy ( don't slam me for this because nobody on this board know what this guy is). Not saying that Morgan is the guy, but JD has the option of two more picks (later round 2021or early 2022),to find a guy in case the Darnold or the backup plan doesn't work out. I'm not worried about passing on Fields or Wilson this year. I would ,however take Wilson if he slides to the bottom of the first round and then you can't pass on him.

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13 minutes ago, RedBeardedSavage said:

Say no to those that embrace the “great man theory of quarterback-ing”. Nearly every good quarterback in recent memory has been developed on a roster that already had a healthy amount of offensive talent. 

This isn’t about Sam Darnold anymore.

Build the roster... the quarterback will come. 


The team right now is a 4 win team tops next year.  If Sam isn't the man, there's always other QBs in the draft.

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14 minutes ago, BroadwayRay said:

When a journalist says, "the Jets organization will have deliberations about this, but ... I would think ... " that is indeed a guess. Yes, journalists are allowed to make educated guesses if they make it clear that's what they are doing, as he did. 

You certainly do enjoy twisting things to create the illusion that your argument is solid as a rock. But, unfortunately, you're full of mush.

OK smart guy ;)

Show me a source that reports the Jets love qb at 2

Anyone said that? 

Everything we've heard from Kiper mcshay and Schefter says otherwise 

Shoot even Mogglez says ol or trade down at 2 and he called Saleh hire 

If there's so much fields at 2 buzz or Wilson at 2 buzz, how come no one in the world is reporting it? 

This is 2 pick. Every draft reporter is trying to figure it out because 1 is obvious

The Jets are not flying under the radar so to speak 

Semantics aside the fields/Wilson group has less evidence than anyone 

So without evidence, they attack the sources. 

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10 minutes ago, oatmeal said:

Vikings, Washington, Chicago entered their chat.

Can be also said; build the roster and then, reach, overpay, trade up and lose major resources for a QB for the next decade.  

And a QB won’t “just come” ask the teams above, he’ll we tried this same exact experiment with Sanchez! ??


The Sanchez point is well taken...  but nobody said this is an exact science. That was just a poor selection by us. 

But if you look at the situation Sanchez was given, at least his first two years, he had every chance to succeed. He just wasn’t the guy.

Safe to say I prefer to give the next guy a similar chance, instead of “cooking up a story and throwing us into a meat grinder”. 

always quote Predator if you can 

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Probably been mentioned already, but Schefter got out-scooped by Josina. I think he’s just trying to make a speculative splash here. I’d doubt these decision are made less than 24-hours into him accepting the offer.

Plus, JD is deferring to the coach on the QB situation. 

Several others in the media have much better insight that he does right now, for the Jets.

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11 minutes ago, y2k8 said:

For the first time since Parcells I trust the GM & coach.

If they pick Fields at #2 and put their asses on the line for the pick, I support it.

If they draft Sewell or trade out and table QB1 for another year (with or without Sam), I support it.

Time to get on board with Douglas and Saleh. Trust them.

Or go root for the Chiefs.

Taking Sewell at two would be sorta redundant BUT it sure would be one hell of a thing to have a monster OL for the next ten years! 

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27 minutes ago, HawkeyeJet said:

The Bengals are the team I think is a realistic trade down.  Priority 1 for them is protect Burrow.  I'm sure Miami will also be heavily interested in Sewell.

You could trade down to 5 and probably still have a realistic shot at one of the QBs or another trade down.

Heard on the Fan this morning that a few people in Miami don't think Tua is the guy.

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21 minutes ago, usanyj said:

And what happens if Sam doesn't improve to the point of wanting to keep him, but we end up 6-10? This year 6-10 is drafting 10 and up.  To get a qb in the draft you'd likely have to move up, which means trading away draft capital that you need to fill in this team.  Why do this when you are sitting at 2 and can pick from two of the 3 top qbs?

This is the point people are missing.  Don't forget it costed us our 1st and 3 2nd's just to move up 3 spots to get Darnold.

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Here’s my point. JD grades either Fields or Wilson as a top-tier QB prospect.

But he passes on him with the number 2 pick and selects someone else. Keeps Sam and he has a average year and the Jets go 6-10

now you are back in purgatory. You HAVE to go QB at 2 if you believe in one of these guys 





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11 minutes ago, y2k8 said:

And why did he pass on a QB that year?

Because he picked Hackenberg the year before. Again. it's the people you pick that get a GM fired - not the ones they don't.


EXACTLY.  He passed on a QB based on terrible scouting, poor judgement, and incompetence, and instead remained beholden to the stiff he had drafted the year before, relying on only scouting and his "expertise, " which, of course, lead to a catastrophically bad decision. 

Fast forwarding to the present, the Jets have THREE years of NFL game film to tell them that Darnold is not a franchise QB.  If they ignore it, they will prove once again that they are a mickey mouse organization, forever doomed to failure under the Johnson's.

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